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235 lines (191 loc) · 4.67 KB

File metadata and controls

235 lines (191 loc) · 4.67 KB


We implement a queue using RDMA compare-and-swap and fetch-and-add operations. It borrows ideas from the CRQ algorithm. Because it uses a single fixed size circular array, it is non-blocking only for buffered enqs, in contrast to LCRQ which is non-blocking for an arbitrary number of enqs [1].


It satisfies the following properties:

  • Distributed
  • Buffered (enqs are non-blocking if there are fewer than BUFFER_LEN outstanding writes)
  • Multi-producer
  • Single-consumer
  • Linearizable
    • A weaker, serializable, but more performant queue can be implemented with a small adjustment to the enq operation

C implementation

// compile with cc -std=c11 -Wall queue.c
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

int faa(int *addr) {
  // wraps fetch-and-add instruction/call
  return 0;

bool cas(int *addr, int old, int new) {
  // wraps compare-and-swap instruction/calls
  return false;

void yield() {
  // yields processor

// block states
const int Free = 0;    // block ready to be written to
const int Writing = 1; // producer is writing to this block
const int Used = 2;    // block ready to be read from
const int Reading = 3; // consumer is reading from this block

// queue is composed of a circular array of blocks
struct block_t {
	int state;  // see block states above
	int ticket; // the ticket that the next enqueuer will take
	int turn;   // the enqueuer with ticket == turn can proceed
	int data;   // actual data being enqueued/dequeued

// queue_t tracks producer and consumer offsets
struct queue_t {
	int buffer_size;
	int producer_offset;    // next block to write to
	int consumer_offset;    // next block to read from
	struct block_t *buffer; // array of blocks

// creates a new queue with the specified buffer size
struct queue_t *NewQueue(int buffer_size) {
	// init queue
	struct queue_t *queue = malloc(sizeof(struct queue_t));
	queue->buffer_size = buffer_size;
	queue->producer_offset = 0;
	queue->consumer_offset = 0;
	queue->buffer = malloc(buffer_size * sizeof(struct block_t));

	// init buffer blocks
	for (int i = 0; i < buffer_size; ++i) {
		struct block_t *block = &queue->buffer[i];
		block->state = Free;
		block->ticket = 0;
		block->turn = 0;
		block->data = 0;

  return queue;

void Enq(struct queue_t *q, int data) {
	// get next block to write
	int offset = faa(&q->producer_offset) % q->buffer_size;
	struct block_t *block = &q->buffer[offset];
	// take the next ticket
	int myTurn = faa(&block->turn);
	// wait for turn
	while (myTurn != block->ticket) {
	// Free -> Writing, to prevent reads
	cas(&block->state, Free, Writing);
	// write data
	block->data = data;
	// Writing -> Used, to allow reads
	cas(&block->state, Writing, Used);

int Deq(struct queue_t *q) {
	// get next block to read
	int offset = faa(&q->consumer_offset) % q->buffer_size;
	struct block_t *block = &q->buffer[offset];
	// wait for state == Used before reading
	while (!cas(&block->state, Used, Reading)) {
	// read data
	int retval = block->data;
	// Reading -> Free, to allow writes
	cas(&block->state, Reading, Free);
	// let the next producer continue
	return retval;


If there are items to deq:

  • Deqs perform O(1) reads, writes, and uncontended atomic operations
    • This means O(1) round trips for RDMA

If the buffer is not full:

  • Enqs are non-blocking
  • Enqs perform O(1) reads, writes, and uncontended atomic operations
    • This means O(1) round trips for RDMA

If the buffer is full

  • Enqs block
  • Enqs are still fair (due to turn taking mechanism)


The following example shows the changes to buffer state from a series of enqs and deqs on a buffer of length 4. We abbreviate the state names as

F = free
W = writing
U = used
R = reading

Buffer starts as empty.
All blocks start in free state.
Consumer (*) and producer (^) offsets point to block 0.

F  F  F  F

a, b, and c start enq concurrently.

Wa Wb Wc F

a and c finish enq.

Ua Wb Uc F

d starts and finishes enq. Buffer is now full.

Ua Wb Uc Ud

b finishes enq.
Consumer starts deq.

R  Ub Uc Ud

6 more machines enq.
Buffer is still full, so machines take tickets and wait for their respective turns.

i  j
e  f  g  h
R  Ub Uc Ud

Consumer finishes 3 deqs.
Enqs proceed in order of arrival.

i   j     h
Ue Uf Ug Ud

Consumer finishes 3 deqs.

Ui Uj Ug Uh

Consumer finishes 2 deqs.

Ui Uj F  F

Consumer finishes 2 deqs.
Buffer is now empty.

F  F  F  F