Before starting it's worth noting that currently there are two networks in Lacchain:
- Lacchain Mainnet
- Lacchain Open-protestnet
To start using this repo you will need to configure hardhat.config.ts file, here is a detailed example of how that file would look like for the lacchain network your are willing to connect to:
import { HardhatUserConfig, extendEnvironment } from "hardhat/config";
import "@openzeppelin/hardhat-upgrades";
import "@nomicfoundation/hardhat-toolbox";
import "./extender";
import "hardhat-contract-sizer";
const config: HardhatUserConfig = {
solidity: "0.8.18",
networks: {
lacchain: {
url: "", // rpc connection
gas: 0x989680,
gasPrice: 0,
nodeAddress: "0xad730de8c4bfc3d845f7ce851bcf2ea17c049585", // address the node you are connecting with.
expiration: 1736394529, // expiration time which is at least greater than current 10 digits unix timestamp
privateKeys: [
// use the signers you are going to use for your project
chainId: 648540,
gasReporter: {
enabled: true,
currency: "USD",
contractSizer: {
alphaSort: true,
disambiguatePaths: false,
runOnCompile: true,
strict: true,
mocha: {
timeout: 500000,
// Adding Base Relay Address to HardhatRuntimeEnvironment
// lacchain Mainnet: 0xEAA5420AF59305c5ecacCB38fcDe70198001d147
// lacchain Open-protesnet: 0xa4B5eE2906090ce2cDbf5dfff944db26f397037D
extendEnvironment((hre) => {
console.log("calling from hardhat config");
hre.lacchain.baseRelayAddress = "0xa4B5eE2906090ce2cDbf5dfff944db26f397037D";
export default config;