When the iterator protocol is involved in syntax constructs, the return
is called upon exiting the construct even in the case of an error. This is
important because it provides an opportunity for the iterator to perform cleanup
actions. However, after Aran instrumentation, if an error is thrown during array
destructuring, the return
method will not be called. This is currently not
addressed because of three reasons:
- It is a bit of a technical challenge to surround patterns with a
statement because they live in an expression context and not in a statement context. - Surrounding every array destructuring with a
statement might cause a hard performance hit. - I suspect iterators used in array destructuring are less in need of cleanup operations in practice.
const [
foo = (() => {
throw "boum";
] = {
[Symbol.iterator]: () => ({
next: () => ({ done: false, value: undefined }),
return: () => {
return { done: true, value: undefined };
Normal output:
Uncaught 'boum'
Aran output:
Uncaught 'boum'