This document is a list of tables with a description and link to documentation for each check. Each table is organized by check type.
Check Name | Check Description |
ConcerningAngleBuildingCheck | This check attempts to flag building that have angles between 80 and 89.9 degrees or between 90.1 and 100 degrees and need to be squared. |
AreasWithHighwayTagCheck | The purpose of this check is to identify Areas attributed with highway tags. |
OceanBleedingCheck | The purpose of this check is to identify streets, buildings, and railways that bleed into (intersect) an ocean feature. |
OverlappingAOIPolygonCheck | The purpose of this check is to identify areas of interest (AOIs) that are overlapping one another. |
PedestrianAreaOverlappingEdgeCheck | The purpose of this check is to identify pedestrian areas overlapping with roads that are not snapped to car navigable edges. |
PoolSizeCheck | The purpose of this check is to identify pools that are larger than 5,000,000 square meters or smaller than 5 square meters. This check was created to be used as a tutorial for developing new checks. |
ShadowDetectionCheck | The purpose of this check is to identify floating buildings. |
SpikyBuildingCheck | The purpose of this check is to identify buildings with extremely sharp angles in their geometry. |
WaterAreaCheck | Find overlapping water areas and water areas that should have a waterway. |
WaterbodyAndIslandSizeCheck | The purpose of this check is to identify waterbodies and islands which are either too small or too large in size. |
Check Name | Check Description |
AtGradeSignPostCheck | The purpose of this check is to identify at-grade intersections that are not part of destination sign relations. |
EdgeCrossingEdgeCheck | The purpose of this check is to identify Edges intersecting another Edge(s) that do not share the same Node (meaning they are not well-connected) nor have proper layer tagging on one of these Edge(s) (meaning there should be a layer tag for one of the Edges). |
FloatingEdgeCheck | The purpose of this check is to identify Edges that are not accessible or navigable from the rest of the Edge network due to lack of connectivity or access restrictions. |
InconsistentRoadClassificationCheck | The purpose of this check is to identify roads, that transition from one classification to another and then back to the original classification. |
InvalidPiersCheck | The purpose of this check is to identify piers(OSM Ways with man_made=pier tag) that are ingested in Atlas as edges with linear or polygonal geometry without an area=yes tag |
LongSegmentCheck | This check identifies long segments/edges (length is more than minimumLength). |
MalformedRoundaboutCheck | The purpose of this check is to identify roundabouts mapped in the opposite direction of traffic. The check takes into consideration countries with both left-side and right-side traffic. There are five types of map errors that will be flagged by this check: 1. Wrong-way-roundabouts, 2. Multi-directional roundabouts, 3. Roundabouts with poor geometry, 4. Roundabouts with too few OSM Nodes, and 5. Roundabouts with sharp interior angles. |
OverlappingEdgeCheck | The purpose of this check is to identify edges that share the same two consecutive geometry points. |
RoadLinkCheck | Verifies that one end or the other of an edge is a fork to/from a road of the same class, that is not a link. |
The purpose of this check is to identify Roundabout Edges that are bi-directional or have an end Node with less than 2 connections. This check has been deprecated and is no longer active. | |
RoundaboutConnectorCheck | The purpose of this check is to identify roads that connect to a roundabout at too sharp an angle |
RoundaboutValenceCheck | The purpose of this check is to identify OpenStreetMap (OSM) tagged roundabouts that have an unusual number of edges connected to them. |
RoundaboutMissingTag | The purpose of this check is to identify Roundabouts with missing junction=roundabout tag. Candidate must be navigable, closed and round shape OSM Way that intersects with at least two navigable roads. |
SharpAngleCheck | The purpose of this check is to identify roads with angles that are too sharp. Sharp angles may indicate inaccurate digitization once a certain threshold is exceeded. |
ShortSegmentCheck | The purpose of this check is to identify short segments/edges (length is less than a configured minimum length) that have a node with less than or equal to a configured node valence connections. |
SignPostCheck | The purpose of this check is to identify On-/Off-Ramps in motorways and trunk highways that are not relaying information from their respective sign posts. |
SingleSegmentMotorwayCheck | The purpose of this check is to identify ways tagged with highway=motorway that are not connected to any ways tagged the same. |
SinkIslandCheck | The purpose of this check is to identify whether a network of car-navigable Edges can be exited. |
SnakeRoadCheck | The purpose of the SnakeRoad check is to identify roads that should be split into two or more roads. |
SuddenHighwayTypeChangeCheck | The purpose of this check is to identify roads that jump to much different highway classifications. |
UnwalkableWaysCheck | The purpose of this check is to identify any non-motorway single carriageway edges with no foot tags that cross any high-priority roads that are dual carriageways. |
ValenceOneImportantRoadCheck | This check identifies important roads that either start or end with valance-1 nodes. |
Check Name | Check Description |
BigNodeBadDataCheck | The purpose of this check is to flag any BigNodes that have may have some bad data. |
ConnectivityCheck | This check identifies nodes that should be connected to nearby nodes or edges. |
DuplicateNodeCheck | The purpose of this check is to identify Nodes that are in the exact same location. |
InvalidMiniRoundaboutCheck | The purpose of this check is to identify invalid mini-roundabouts (i.e. roundabouts that share the same rules as other roundabouts, but present as painted circles rather than physical circles). |
LevelCrossingOnRailwayCheck | This check identifies incorrectly tagged or missing nodes at railway/highway intersections. |
NodeValenceCheck | This check identifies nodes with too many connections. |
OrphanNodeCheck | The purpose of this check is to identify untagged and unconnected Nodes in OSM. |
Check Name | Check Description |
AddressPointMatch | The purpose of this check is to identify improperly tagged street names (addr:street) on features that already have an addr:housenumber tag. This includes cases where the addr:street tag doesn't exist or is null. |
AddressStreetNameCheck | The purpose of this check is to identify nodes with addr:street names that don't match the surrounding roads. |
DuplicatePointCheck | The purpose of this check is to identify Points in OSM that are in the same location. |
Check Name | Check Description |
InvalidMultiPolygonRelationCheck | This check is designed to scan through MultiPolygon relations and flag them for invalid geometry. |
InvalidTurnRestrictionCheck | The purpose of this check is to identify invalid turn restrictions in OSM. Invalid turn restrictions occur in a variety of ways from invalid members, Edge geometry issues, not being routable, or wrong topology. |
MissingRelationType | The purpose of this check is to identify Relations without relation type. |
InvalidSignBoardRelationCheck | Identifies signboard relations that do not meet all the requirements for a signboard relation. |
OneMemberRelationCheck | The purpose of this check is to identify Relations in OSM which only have one Member. |
OpenBoundaryCheck | This check attempts to check for Admin Boundary Relations that should be closed polygons but are not closed. |
Check Name | Check Description |
AbbreviatedNameCheck | The purpose of this check is to flag names that have abbreviations in them. |
BridgeDetailedInfoCheck | The purpose of this check is to identify prominent bridges with unspecified type or structure. |
ConflictingAreaTagCombination | The purpose of this check is to identify Areas with invalid tag combinations. |
ConflictingTagCombinationCheck | This check verifies whether an atlas object has a conflicting tag combination or not. |
ConstructionCheck | The purpose of this check is to identify construction tags where the construction hasn't been checked on recently, or the expected finish date has been passed. |
HighwayToFerryTagCheck | The purpose of this check is to identify all Edges with route=FERRY and highway=PATH (or higher). |
ImproperAndUnknownRoadNameCheck | This check flags improper road name values. |
InvalidAccessTagCheck | The purpose of this check is to identify invalid access tags. |
InvalidCharacterNameTagCheck | The purpose of this checks is to identify Lines, Areas and Relations with invalid characters in name and localized name tags. |
InvalidLanesTagCheck | The purpose of this check is to identify highways in OSM with an invalid lanes tag value. |
InvalidTagsCheck | This flags features based on configurable filters. Each filter passed contains the atlas entity classes to check and a taggable filter to test objects against. If a feature is of one of the given classes and passes the associated TaggableFilter, it is flagged. |
MixedCaseNameCheck | The purpose of this check is to identify names that contain invalid mixed cases so that they can be edited to be the standard format. |
RoadNameGapCheck | The purpose of this check is to identify edge connected between two edges whose name tag is same. Flag the edge if the edge has a name tag different to name tag of edges connected to it or if there is no name tag itself. |
RoadNameSpellingConsistencyCheck | The purpose of this check is to identify road segments that have a name Tag with a different spelling from that of other segments of the same road. This check is primarily meant to catch small errors in spelling, such as a missing letter, letter accent mixups, or capitalization errors. |
SimilarTagValueCheck | The purpose of this check is to identify tags whose values are either duplicates or similar enough to warrant someone to look at them. |
ShortNameCheck | The short name check will validate that any and all names contain at least 2 letters in the name. |
StreetNameIntegersOnlyCheck | The purpose of this check is to identify streets whose names contain integers only. |
TollValidationCheck | The purpose of this check is to identify ways that need to have their toll tags investigated/added/removed. |
TunnelBridgeHeightLimitCheck | The purpose of this check is to identify roads with limited vertical clearance which do not have a maxheight tag. |
UnknownHighwayTagCheck | This check attempts to flag all highway tags that are unknown to the osm wiki page. |
UnusualLayerTagsCheck | The purpose of this check is to identify layer tag values when accompanied by invalid tunnel and bridge tags. |
ConditionalRestrictionCheck | The purpose of this check is to identify elements that have a :conditional tag that does not respect the established format. |
SourceMaxspeedCheck | The purpose of this check is to identify elements that have a source:maxspeed tag that does not follow the tagging rules. |
Check Name | Check Description |
ApproximateWayCheck | The purpose of this check is to identify ways that are crudely drawn, there is a discrepancy between the drawing and the real way, especially for curves. |
BuildingRoadIntersectionCheck | The purpose of this check is to identify buildings that intersect/overlap roads. |
DuplicateLocationInPolyLineCheck | Identifies OSM ways with repeating locations. |
The purpose of this check is to identify Ways that have either had their entire length or a segment of their length duplicated or drawn multiple times. This check has been deprecated and is no longer active. | |
GeneralizedCoastlineCheck | The purpose of this check is to identify coastlines whose nodes are too far apart, have angles that are too sharp, and/or have source=PGS Tag values. |
IntersectingBuildingsCheck | The purpose of this check is to identify buildings that intersect other buildings. |
InvalidGeometryCheck | This check flags invalid polyline and polygon geometries. |
LineCrossingBuildingCheck | The purpose of this check is to identify line items (edges or lines) that are crossing buildings invalidly. |
LineCrossingWaterBodyCheck | The purpose of this check is to identify line items (edges or lines) and optionally buildings, that cross water bodies invalidly. |
MalformedPolyLineCheck | This check identifies lines that have only one point, or none, and the ones that are too long. |
SelfIntersectingPolylineCheck | The purpose of this check is to identify all edges/lines/areas in Atlas that have self-intersecting polylines, or geometries that intersects itself in some form. |
WaterWayCheck | This check finds closed waterways (circular water motion), waterways without a place for water to go (a "sink"), crossing waterways, and waterways that go uphill (requires elevation data). |