diff --git a/ddl/Generate.hs b/ddl/Generate.hs
index a2e2191..3bdad9d 100644
--- a/ddl/Generate.hs
+++ b/ddl/Generate.hs
@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ import Definitions
import Language
instance Unquote [Field]
+instance Unquote [ConstructorDef]
instance Unquote [Char]
instance Quote [Char]
instance Quote [Instance]
@@ -31,6 +32,8 @@ main = do
dataSwift <- eitherParseFile "templates/data.swift.ede"
dataJava <- eitherParseFile "templates/data.java.ede"
jsonJava <- eitherParseFile "templates/json.java.ede"
+ dataKt <- eitherParseFile "templates/data.kt.ede"
+ jsonKt <- eitherParseFile "templates/json.kt.ede"
dataHpp <- eitherParseFile "templates/data.hpp.ede"
dataHpp2 <- eitherParseFile "templates/data.hpp2.ede"
dataCpp <- eitherParseFile "templates/data.cpp.ede"
@@ -52,6 +55,7 @@ main = do
mylib :: HashMap Text Term
mylib = HashMap.fromList
[ "hasFieldNames" @: hasFieldNames
+ , "nonSingular" @: nonSingular
, "parens" @: parens
, "constType" @: constType
, "hsType" @: hsType aliasMap
@@ -60,6 +64,7 @@ main = do
, "csType" @: csType name aliasMap
, "typeEnum" @: typeEnum aliasMap
, "javaType" @: javaType aliasMap
+ , "ktType" @: ktType aliasMap
, "swiftType" @: swiftType aliasMap
, "hasEnumConstructor" @: hasEnumConstructor
, "psInstances" @: filterInstances PureScript
@@ -99,6 +104,9 @@ main = do
fname = "out/java/" ++ toPath name ++ "/" ++ dataName d ++ ".java"
either error (\x -> writeFileIfDiffer fname $ LText.unpack x) $ dataJava >>= (\t -> eitherRenderWith mylib t env)
either error (\x -> writeFileIfDiffer ("out/java/" ++ toPath name ++ "/JSON.java") $ LText.unpack x) $ jsonJava >>= (\t -> eitherRenderWith mylib t env)
+ -- Kotlin
+ either error (\x -> writeFileIfDiffer ("out/kotlin/" ++ name ++ ".kt") $ LText.unpack x) $ dataKt >>= (\t -> eitherRenderWith mylib t env)
+ either error (\x -> writeFileIfDiffer "out/kotlin/JSON.kt" $ LText.unpack x) $ jsonKt >>= (\t -> eitherRenderWith mylib t env)
-- C#
either error (\x -> writeFileIfDiffer ("out/csharp/" ++ name ++ ".cs") $ LText.unpack x) $ dataCs >>= (\t -> eitherRenderWith mylib t env)
-- Swift
diff --git a/ddl/Language.hs b/ddl/Language.hs
index 9701023..6f0c34d 100644
--- a/ddl/Language.hs
+++ b/ddl/Language.hs
@@ -268,6 +268,48 @@ javaType aliasMap a = case normalize aliasMap a of
Maybe t -> "Maybe<" ++ parens (javaType aliasMap t) ++ ">"
x -> error $ "javaType: " ++ show x
+ktType :: AliasMap -> Type -> String
+ktType aliasMap = \case
+ Int -> "Int"
+ Int32 -> "Int"
+ Word -> "Int"
+ Word32 -> "Int"
+ Float -> "Float"
+ Bool -> "Bool"
+ String -> "String"
+ V2 Int -> "V2I"
+ V2 Word -> "V2U"
+ V2 Float -> "V2F"
+ V2 Bool -> "V2B"
+ V2 (V2 Float) -> "M22F"
+ V2 (V3 Float) -> "M32F"
+ V2 (V4 Float) -> "M42F"
+ V3 Int -> "V3I"
+ V3 Word -> "V3U"
+ V3 Float -> "V3F"
+ V3 Bool -> "V3B"
+ V3 (V2 Float) -> "M23F"
+ V3 (V3 Float) -> "M33F"
+ V3 (V4 Float) -> "M43F"
+ V4 Int -> "V4I"
+ V4 Word -> "V4U"
+ V4 Float -> "V4F"
+ V4 Bool -> "V4B"
+ V4 (V2 Float) -> "M24F"
+ V4 (V3 Float) -> "M34F"
+ V4 (V4 Float) -> "M44F"
+ Array t -> "Array<" ++ parens (ktType aliasMap t) ++ ">"
+ List t -> "List<" ++ ktType aliasMap t ++ ">"
+ Maybe t -> parens (ktType aliasMap t) ++ "?"
+ Map k v -> "Map<" ++ parens (ktType aliasMap k) ++ ", " ++ parens (hsType aliasMap v) ++ ">"
+ -- user defined
+ Data t -> t
+ x -> error $ "unknown type: " ++ show x
typeEnum :: AliasMap -> Type -> String
typeEnum aliasMap a = case normalize aliasMap a of
Data t -> t
@@ -354,6 +396,11 @@ hasFieldNames :: [Field] -> Bool
hasFieldNames [] = False
hasFieldNames l = all (not . null . fieldName) l
+nonSingular :: [ConstructorDef] -> Bool
+nonSingular [] = False
+nonSingular (_:[]) = False
+nonSingular (_:_:_) = True
constType :: DataDef -> String
constType = head . words . show
@@ -449,4 +496,4 @@ a #:: b = Field a b
json: encode/decode
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ddl/lib/RT.kt b/ddl/lib/RT.kt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f7edc2b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ddl/lib/RT.kt
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+package RT;
+data class V2(val x: A, val y: A)
+data class V3(val x: A, val y: A, val z: A)
+data class V4(val x: A, val y: A, val z: A, val w: A)
+typealias M22F = V2
+typealias M23F = V3
+typealias M24F = V4
+typealias M32F = V2
+typealias M33F = V3
+typealias M34F = V4
+typealias M42F = V2
+typealias M43F = V3
+typealias M44F = V4
+typealias V2F = V2
+typealias V3F = V3
+typealias V4F = V4
+typealias V2I = V2
+typealias V3I = V3
+typealias V4I = V4
+typealias V2U = V2
+typealias V3U = V3
+typealias V4U = V4
+typealias V2B = V2
+typealias V3B = V3
+typealias V4B = V4
diff --git a/ddl/out/kotlin/JSON.kt b/ddl/out/kotlin/JSON.kt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8440a8b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ddl/out/kotlin/JSON.kt
@@ -0,0 +1,292 @@
+// generated file, do not modify!
+// 2020-05-21T23:35:27.114328Z
+package TestData
+import org.json.*
+import RT.*
+import LambdaCube.IR.*
+import LambdaCube.Mesh.*
+import LambdaCube.PipelineSchema.*
+object JSON {
+ enum class Type {
+ Int,
+ Float,
+ String,
+ Array_Int,
+ Array_Float,
+ Array_String,
+ Array_Frame,
+ Array_Mesh,
+ Array_PipelineInfo,
+ Array_Scene,
+ Map_String_Int,
+ Map_String_Array_Int,
+ Map_String_Value,
+ Backend,
+ ClientInfo,
+ Frame,
+ FrameResult,
+ Mesh,
+ Pipeline,
+ PipelineInfo,
+ PipelineSchema,
+ RenderJob,
+ RenderJobResult,
+ Scene,
+ Value,
+ }
+ @Throws(JSONException::class, Exception::class)
+ fun fromJSON(Type type, Object rawObj): Object {
+ when (type) {
+ Type.Int -> return (rawObj as Number).intValue()
+ Type.Float -> return (rawObj as Number).floatValue()
+ Type.String -> return rawObj as String
+ Type.Array_Int -> {
+ val obj = rawObj as JSONArray
+ return Array(obj.length()) { ind: Int ->
+ fromJSON(Type.Int, obj.get(ind)) as Int
+ }
+ }
+ Type.Array_Float -> {
+ val obj = rawObj as JSONArray
+ return Array(obj.length()) { ind: Int ->
+ fromJSON(Type.Float, obj.get(ind)) as Float
+ }
+ }
+ Type.Array_String -> {
+ val obj = rawObj as JSONArray
+ return Array(obj.length()) { ind: Int ->
+ fromJSON(Type.String, obj.get(ind)) as String
+ }
+ }
+ Type.Array_Frame -> {
+ val obj = rawObj as JSONArray
+ return Array(obj.length()) { ind: Int ->
+ fromJSON(Type.Frame, obj.get(ind)) as Frame
+ }
+ }
+ Type.Array_Mesh -> {
+ val obj = rawObj as JSONArray
+ return Array(obj.length()) { ind: Int ->
+ fromJSON(Type.Mesh, obj.get(ind)) as Mesh
+ }
+ }
+ Type.Array_PipelineInfo -> {
+ val obj = rawObj as JSONArray
+ return Array(obj.length()) { ind: Int ->
+ fromJSON(Type.PipelineInfo, obj.get(ind)) as PipelineInfo
+ }
+ }
+ Type.Array_Scene -> {
+ val obj = rawObj as JSONArray
+ return Array(obj.length()) { ind: Int ->
+ fromJSON(Type.Scene, obj.get(ind)) as Scene
+ }
+ }
+ Type.Map_String_Int -> {
+ val obj = rawObj as JSONObject
+ Map map = Map()
+ val keyIt = obj.keys()
+ while(keyIt.hasNext()) {
+ String key = keyIt.next()
+ map.put(key, fromJSON(Type.Int, obj.get(key)) as Int)
+ }
+ return map
+ }
+ Type.Map_String_Array_Int -> {
+ val obj = rawObj as JSONObject
+ Map map = Map()
+ val keyIt = obj.keys()
+ while(keyIt.hasNext()) {
+ String key = keyIt.next()
+ map.put(key, fromJSON(Type.Array_Int, obj.get(key)) as Array)
+ }
+ return map
+ }
+ Type.Map_String_Value -> {
+ val obj = rawObj as JSONObject
+ Map map = Map()
+ val keyIt = obj.keys()
+ while(keyIt.hasNext()) {
+ String key = keyIt.next()
+ map.put(key, fromJSON(Type.Value, obj.get(key)) as Value)
+ }
+ return map
+ }
+ Type.ClientInfo -> {
+ val obj = rawObj as JSONObject
+ val tag = obj.getString("tag")
+ when (tag) {
+ "ClientInfo" -> {
+ return ClientInfo(
+ clientName = fromJSON(Type.String, obj.get("clientName")) as String,
+ clientBackend = fromJSON(Type.Backend, obj.get("clientBackend")) as Backend,
+ )
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Type.Frame -> {
+ val obj = rawObj as JSONObject
+ val tag = obj.getString("tag")
+ when (tag) {
+ "Frame" -> {
+ return Frame(
+ renderCount = fromJSON(Type.Int, obj.get("renderCount")) as Int,
+ frameUniforms = fromJSON(Type.Map_String_Value, obj.get("frameUniforms")) as Map,
+ frameTextures = fromJSON(Type.Map_String_Int, obj.get("frameTextures")) as Map,
+ )
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Type.Scene -> {
+ val obj = rawObj as JSONObject
+ val tag = obj.getString("tag")
+ when (tag) {
+ "Scene" -> {
+ return Scene(
+ objectArrays = fromJSON(Type.Map_String_Array_Int, obj.get("objectArrays")) as Map,
+ renderTargetWidth = fromJSON(Type.Int, obj.get("renderTargetWidth")) as Int,
+ renderTargetHeight = fromJSON(Type.Int, obj.get("renderTargetHeight")) as Int,
+ frames = fromJSON(Type.Array_Frame, obj.get("frames")) as Array,
+ )
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Type.PipelineInfo -> {
+ val obj = rawObj as JSONObject
+ val tag = obj.getString("tag")
+ when (tag) {
+ "PipelineInfo" -> {
+ return PipelineInfo(
+ pipelineName = fromJSON(Type.String, obj.get("pipelineName")) as String,
+ pipeline = fromJSON(Type.Pipeline, obj.get("pipeline")) as Pipeline,
+ )
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Type.RenderJob -> {
+ val obj = rawObj as JSONObject
+ val tag = obj.getString("tag")
+ when (tag) {
+ "RenderJob" -> {
+ return RenderJob(
+ meshes = fromJSON(Type.Array_Mesh, obj.get("meshes")) as Array,
+ textures = fromJSON(Type.Array_String, obj.get("textures")) as Array,
+ schema = fromJSON(Type.PipelineSchema, obj.get("schema")) as PipelineSchema,
+ scenes = fromJSON(Type.Array_Scene, obj.get("scenes")) as Array,
+ pipelines = fromJSON(Type.Array_PipelineInfo, obj.get("pipelines")) as Array,
+ )
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Type.FrameResult -> {
+ val obj = rawObj as JSONObject
+ val tag = obj.getString("tag")
+ when (tag) {
+ "FrameResult" -> {
+ return FrameResult(
+ frRenderTimes = fromJSON(Type.Array_Float, obj.get("frRenderTimes")) as Array,
+ frImageWidth = fromJSON(Type.Int, obj.get("frImageWidth")) as Int,
+ frImageHeight = fromJSON(Type.Int, obj.get("frImageHeight")) as Int,
+ )
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Type.RenderJobResult -> {
+ val obj = rawObj as JSONObject
+ val tag = obj.getString("tag")
+ when (tag) {
+ "RenderJobResult" -> {
+ return _RenderJobResult(
+ _0 = fromJSON(Type.FrameResult, obj.get("arg0")) as FrameResult,
+ )
+ }
+ "RenderJobError" -> {
+ return _RenderJobError(
+ _0 = fromJSON(Type.String, obj.get("arg0")) as String,
+ )
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ @Throws(JSONException::class, Exception::class)
+ fn toJSON(Type type, Object rawObj): Object {
+ when (type) {
+ Type.ClientInfo -> {
+ val v = rawObj as ClientInfo
+ val obj = JSONObject()
+ when (v) {
+ is ClientInfo -> {
+ obj.put("tag", "ClientInfo")
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Type.Frame -> {
+ val v = rawObj as Frame
+ val obj = JSONObject()
+ when (v) {
+ is Frame -> {
+ obj.put("tag", "Frame")
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Type.Scene -> {
+ val v = rawObj as Scene
+ val obj = JSONObject()
+ when (v) {
+ is Scene -> {
+ obj.put("tag", "Scene")
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Type.PipelineInfo -> {
+ val v = rawObj as PipelineInfo
+ val obj = JSONObject()
+ when (v) {
+ is PipelineInfo -> {
+ obj.put("tag", "PipelineInfo")
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Type.RenderJob -> {
+ val v = rawObj as RenderJob
+ val obj = JSONObject()
+ when (v) {
+ is RenderJob -> {
+ obj.put("tag", "RenderJob")
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Type.FrameResult -> {
+ val v = rawObj as FrameResult
+ val obj = JSONObject()
+ when (v) {
+ is FrameResult -> {
+ obj.put("tag", "FrameResult")
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Type.RenderJobResult -> {
+ val v = rawObj as RenderJobResult
+ val obj = JSONObject()
+ when (v) {
+ is RenderJobResult -> {
+ obj.put("tag", "RenderJobResult")
+ }
+ is RenderJobError -> {
+ obj.put("tag", "RenderJobError")
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/ddl/out/kotlin/LambdaCube.IR.kt b/ddl/out/kotlin/LambdaCube.IR.kt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6fcba73
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ddl/out/kotlin/LambdaCube.IR.kt
@@ -0,0 +1,583 @@
+// generated file, do not modify!
+// 2020-05-21T20:25:27.552277Z
+package LambdaCube.IR
+import RT.*
+typealias StreamName = Int
+typealias ProgramName = Int
+typealias TextureName = Int
+typealias SamplerName = Int
+typealias UniformName = String
+typealias SlotName = Int
+typealias FrameBufferComponent = Int
+typealias TextureUnit = Int
+typealias RenderTargetName = Int
+typealias TextureUnitMapping = Map
+sealed class ArrayValue()
+data class _VBoolArray(
+ val _0 : Array,
+) : ArrayValue()
+data class _VIntArray(
+ val _0 : Array,
+) : ArrayValue()
+data class _VWordArray(
+ val _0 : Array,
+) : ArrayValue()
+data class _VFloatArray(
+ val _0 : Array,
+) : ArrayValue()
+sealed class Value()
+data class _VBool(
+ val _0 : Bool,
+) : Value()
+data class _VV2B(
+ val _0 : V2B,
+) : Value()
+data class _VV3B(
+ val _0 : V3B,
+) : Value()
+data class _VV4B(
+ val _0 : V4B,
+) : Value()
+data class _VWord(
+ val _0 : Int,
+) : Value()
+data class _VV2U(
+ val _0 : V2U,
+) : Value()
+data class _VV3U(
+ val _0 : V3U,
+) : Value()
+data class _VV4U(
+ val _0 : V4U,
+) : Value()
+data class _VInt(
+ val _0 : Int,
+) : Value()
+data class _VV2I(
+ val _0 : V2I,
+) : Value()
+data class _VV3I(
+ val _0 : V3I,
+) : Value()
+data class _VV4I(
+ val _0 : V4I,
+) : Value()
+data class _VFloat(
+ val _0 : Float,
+) : Value()
+data class _VV2F(
+ val _0 : V2F,
+) : Value()
+data class _VV3F(
+ val _0 : V3F,
+) : Value()
+data class _VV4F(
+ val _0 : V4F,
+) : Value()
+data class _VM22F(
+ val _0 : M22F,
+) : Value()
+data class _VM23F(
+ val _0 : M23F,
+) : Value()
+data class _VM24F(
+ val _0 : M24F,
+) : Value()
+data class _VM32F(
+ val _0 : M32F,
+) : Value()
+data class _VM33F(
+ val _0 : M33F,
+) : Value()
+data class _VM34F(
+ val _0 : M34F,
+) : Value()
+data class _VM42F(
+ val _0 : M42F,
+) : Value()
+data class _VM43F(
+ val _0 : M43F,
+) : Value()
+data class _VM44F(
+ val _0 : M44F,
+) : Value()
+sealed class InputType()
+object _Bool : InputType()
+object _V2B : InputType()
+object _V3B : InputType()
+object _V4B : InputType()
+object _Word : InputType()
+object _V2U : InputType()
+object _V3U : InputType()
+object _V4U : InputType()
+object _Int : InputType()
+object _V2I : InputType()
+object _V3I : InputType()
+object _V4I : InputType()
+object _Float : InputType()
+object _V2F : InputType()
+object _V3F : InputType()
+object _V4F : InputType()
+object _M22F : InputType()
+object _M23F : InputType()
+object _M24F : InputType()
+object _M32F : InputType()
+object _M33F : InputType()
+object _M34F : InputType()
+object _M42F : InputType()
+object _M43F : InputType()
+object _M44F : InputType()
+object _STexture1D : InputType()
+object _STexture2D : InputType()
+object _STextureCube : InputType()
+object _STexture1DArray : InputType()
+object _STexture2DArray : InputType()
+object _STexture2DRect : InputType()
+object _FTexture1D : InputType()
+object _FTexture2D : InputType()
+object _FTexture3D : InputType()
+object _FTextureCube : InputType()
+object _FTexture1DArray : InputType()
+object _FTexture2DArray : InputType()
+object _FTexture2DMS : InputType()
+object _FTexture2DMSArray : InputType()
+object _FTextureBuffer : InputType()
+object _FTexture2DRect : InputType()
+object _ITexture1D : InputType()
+object _ITexture2D : InputType()
+object _ITexture3D : InputType()
+object _ITextureCube : InputType()
+object _ITexture1DArray : InputType()
+object _ITexture2DArray : InputType()
+object _ITexture2DMS : InputType()
+object _ITexture2DMSArray : InputType()
+object _ITextureBuffer : InputType()
+object _ITexture2DRect : InputType()
+object _UTexture1D : InputType()
+object _UTexture2D : InputType()
+object _UTexture3D : InputType()
+object _UTextureCube : InputType()
+object _UTexture1DArray : InputType()
+object _UTexture2DArray : InputType()
+object _UTexture2DMS : InputType()
+object _UTexture2DMSArray : InputType()
+object _UTextureBuffer : InputType()
+object _UTexture2DRect : InputType()
+sealed class PointSpriteCoordOrigin()
+object _LowerLeft : PointSpriteCoordOrigin()
+object _UpperLeft : PointSpriteCoordOrigin()
+sealed class PointSize()
+data class _PointSize(
+ val _0 : Float,
+) : PointSize()
+object _ProgramPointSize : PointSize()
+sealed class PolygonOffset()
+object _NoOffset : PolygonOffset()
+data class _Offset(
+ val _0 : Float,
+ val _1 : Float,
+) : PolygonOffset()
+sealed class FrontFace()
+object _CCW : FrontFace()
+object _CW : FrontFace()
+sealed class PolygonMode()
+data class _PolygonPoint(
+ val _0 : PointSize,
+) : PolygonMode()
+data class _PolygonLine(
+ val _0 : Float,
+) : PolygonMode()
+object _PolygonFill : PolygonMode()
+sealed class ProvokingVertex()
+object _FirstVertex : ProvokingVertex()
+object _LastVertex : ProvokingVertex()
+sealed class CullMode()
+object _CullNone : CullMode()
+data class _CullFront(
+ val _0 : FrontFace,
+) : CullMode()
+data class _CullBack(
+ val _0 : FrontFace,
+) : CullMode()
+sealed class ComparisonFunction()
+object _Never : ComparisonFunction()
+object _Less : ComparisonFunction()
+object _Equal : ComparisonFunction()
+object _Lequal : ComparisonFunction()
+object _Greater : ComparisonFunction()
+object _Notequal : ComparisonFunction()
+object _Gequal : ComparisonFunction()
+object _Always : ComparisonFunction()
+typealias DepthFunction = ComparisonFunction
+sealed class StencilOperation()
+object _OpZero : StencilOperation()
+object _OpKeep : StencilOperation()
+object _OpReplace : StencilOperation()
+object _OpIncr : StencilOperation()
+object _OpIncrWrap : StencilOperation()
+object _OpDecr : StencilOperation()
+object _OpDecrWrap : StencilOperation()
+object _OpInvert : StencilOperation()
+sealed class BlendEquation()
+object _FuncAdd : BlendEquation()
+object _FuncSubtract : BlendEquation()
+object _FuncReverseSubtract : BlendEquation()
+object _Min : BlendEquation()
+object _Max : BlendEquation()
+sealed class BlendingFactor()
+object _Zero : BlendingFactor()
+object _One : BlendingFactor()
+object _SrcColor : BlendingFactor()
+object _OneMinusSrcColor : BlendingFactor()
+object _DstColor : BlendingFactor()
+object _OneMinusDstColor : BlendingFactor()
+object _SrcAlpha : BlendingFactor()
+object _OneMinusSrcAlpha : BlendingFactor()
+object _DstAlpha : BlendingFactor()
+object _OneMinusDstAlpha : BlendingFactor()
+object _ConstantColor : BlendingFactor()
+object _OneMinusConstantColor : BlendingFactor()
+object _ConstantAlpha : BlendingFactor()
+object _OneMinusConstantAlpha : BlendingFactor()
+object _SrcAlphaSaturate : BlendingFactor()
+sealed class LogicOperation()
+object _Clear : LogicOperation()
+object _And : LogicOperation()
+object _AndReverse : LogicOperation()
+object _Copy : LogicOperation()
+object _AndInverted : LogicOperation()
+object _Noop : LogicOperation()
+object _Xor : LogicOperation()
+object _Or : LogicOperation()
+object _Nor : LogicOperation()
+object _Equiv : LogicOperation()
+object _Invert : LogicOperation()
+object _OrReverse : LogicOperation()
+object _CopyInverted : LogicOperation()
+object _OrInverted : LogicOperation()
+object _Nand : LogicOperation()
+object _Set : LogicOperation()
+data class StencilOps(
+ val frontStencilOp : StencilOperation,
+ val backStencilOp : StencilOperation,
+data class StencilTest(
+ val stencilComparision : ComparisonFunction,
+ val stencilReference : Int,
+ val stencilMask : Int,
+data class StencilTests(
+ val _0 : StencilTest,
+ val _1 : StencilTest,
+sealed class FetchPrimitive()
+object _Points : FetchPrimitive()
+object _Lines : FetchPrimitive()
+object _Triangles : FetchPrimitive()
+object _LinesAdjacency : FetchPrimitive()
+object _TrianglesAdjacency : FetchPrimitive()
+sealed class OutputPrimitive()
+object _TrianglesOutput : OutputPrimitive()
+object _LinesOutput : OutputPrimitive()
+object _PointsOutput : OutputPrimitive()
+sealed class ColorArity()
+object _Red : ColorArity()
+object _RG : ColorArity()
+object _RGB : ColorArity()
+object _RGBA : ColorArity()
+sealed class Blending()
+object _NoBlending : Blending()
+data class _BlendLogicOp(
+ val _0 : LogicOperation,
+) : Blending()
+data class _Blend(
+ val colorEqSrc : BlendEquation,
+ val alphaEqSrc : BlendEquation,
+ val colorFSrc : BlendingFactor,
+ val colorFDst : BlendingFactor,
+ val alphaFSrc : BlendingFactor,
+ val alphaFDst : BlendingFactor,
+ val color : V4F,
+) : Blending()
+sealed class RasterContext()
+data class _PointCtx(
+ val _0 : PointSize,
+ val _1 : Float,
+ val _2 : PointSpriteCoordOrigin,
+) : RasterContext()
+data class _LineCtx(
+ val _0 : Float,
+ val _1 : ProvokingVertex,
+) : RasterContext()
+data class _TriangleCtx(
+ val _0 : CullMode,
+ val _1 : PolygonMode,
+ val _2 : PolygonOffset,
+ val _3 : ProvokingVertex,
+) : RasterContext()
+sealed class FragmentOperation()
+data class _DepthOp(
+ val _0 : DepthFunction,
+ val _1 : Bool,
+) : FragmentOperation()
+data class _StencilOp(
+ val _0 : StencilTests,
+ val _1 : StencilOps,
+ val _2 : StencilOps,
+) : FragmentOperation()
+data class _ColorOp(
+ val _0 : Blending,
+ val _1 : Value,
+) : FragmentOperation()
+data class AccumulationContext(
+ val accViewportName : String?,
+ val accOperations : List,
+sealed class TextureDataType()
+data class _FloatT(
+ val _0 : ColorArity,
+) : TextureDataType()
+data class _IntT(
+ val _0 : ColorArity,
+) : TextureDataType()
+data class _WordT(
+ val _0 : ColorArity,
+) : TextureDataType()
+object _ShadowT : TextureDataType()
+sealed class TextureType()
+data class _Texture1D(
+ val _0 : TextureDataType,
+ val _1 : Int,
+) : TextureType()
+data class _Texture2D(
+ val _0 : TextureDataType,
+ val _1 : Int,
+) : TextureType()
+data class _Texture3D(
+ val _0 : TextureDataType,
+) : TextureType()
+data class _TextureCube(
+ val _0 : TextureDataType,
+) : TextureType()
+data class _TextureRect(
+ val _0 : TextureDataType,
+) : TextureType()
+data class _Texture2DMS(
+ val _0 : TextureDataType,
+ val _1 : Int,
+ val _2 : Int,
+ val _3 : Bool,
+) : TextureType()
+data class _TextureBuffer(
+ val _0 : TextureDataType,
+) : TextureType()
+sealed class MipMap()
+data class _Mip(
+ val _0 : Int,
+ val _1 : Int,
+) : MipMap()
+object _NoMip : MipMap()
+data class _AutoMip(
+ val _0 : Int,
+ val _1 : Int,
+) : MipMap()
+sealed class Filter()
+object _Nearest : Filter()
+object _Linear : Filter()
+object _NearestMipmapNearest : Filter()
+object _NearestMipmapLinear : Filter()
+object _LinearMipmapNearest : Filter()
+object _LinearMipmapLinear : Filter()
+sealed class EdgeMode()
+object _Repeat : EdgeMode()
+object _MirroredRepeat : EdgeMode()
+object _ClampToEdge : EdgeMode()
+object _ClampToBorder : EdgeMode()
+sealed class ImageSemantic()
+object _Depth : ImageSemantic()
+object _Stencil : ImageSemantic()
+object _Color : ImageSemantic()
+sealed class ImageRef()
+data class _TextureImage(
+ val _0 : TextureName,
+ val _1 : Int,
+ val _2 : Int?,
+) : ImageRef()
+data class _Framebuffer(
+ val _0 : ImageSemantic,
+) : ImageRef()
+data class ClearImage(
+ val imageSemantic : ImageSemantic,
+ val clearValue : Value,
+sealed class Command()
+data class _SetRasterContext(
+ val _0 : RasterContext,
+) : Command()
+data class _SetAccumulationContext(
+ val _0 : AccumulationContext,
+) : Command()
+data class _SetRenderTarget(
+ val _0 : RenderTargetName,
+) : Command()
+data class _SetProgram(
+ val _0 : ProgramName,
+) : Command()
+data class _SetSamplerUniform(
+ val _0 : UniformName,
+ val _1 : TextureUnit,
+) : Command()
+data class _SetTexture(
+ val _0 : TextureUnit,
+ val _1 : TextureName,
+) : Command()
+data class _SetSampler(
+ val _0 : TextureUnit,
+ val _1 : SamplerName?,
+) : Command()
+data class _RenderSlot(
+ val _0 : SlotName,
+) : Command()
+data class _RenderStream(
+ val _0 : StreamName,
+) : Command()
+data class _ClearRenderTarget(
+ val _0 : Array,
+) : Command()
+data class _GenerateMipMap(
+ val _0 : TextureUnit,
+) : Command()
+data class _SaveImage(
+ val _0 : FrameBufferComponent,
+ val _1 : ImageRef,
+) : Command()
+data class _LoadImage(
+ val _0 : ImageRef,
+ val _1 : FrameBufferComponent,
+) : Command()
+data class SamplerDescriptor(
+ val samplerWrapS : EdgeMode,
+ val samplerWrapT : EdgeMode?,
+ val samplerWrapR : EdgeMode?,
+ val samplerMinFilter : Filter,
+ val samplerMagFilter : Filter,
+ val samplerBorderColor : Value,
+ val samplerMinLod : Float?,
+ val samplerMaxLod : Float?,
+ val samplerLodBias : Float,
+ val samplerCompareFunc : ComparisonFunction?,
+data class TextureDescriptor(
+ val textureType : TextureType,
+ val textureSize : Value,
+ val textureSemantic : ImageSemantic,
+ val textureSampler : SamplerDescriptor,
+ val textureBaseLevel : Int,
+ val textureMaxLevel : Int,
+data class Parameter(
+ val name : String,
+ val ty : InputType,
+data class Program(
+ val programUniforms : Map,
+ val programStreams : Map,
+ val programInTextures : Map,
+ val programOutput : Array,
+ val vertexShader : String,
+ val geometryShader : String?,
+ val fragmentShader : String,
+data class Slot(
+ val slotName : String,
+ val slotStreams : Map,
+ val slotUniforms : Map,
+ val slotPrimitive : FetchPrimitive,
+ val slotPrograms : Array,
+data class StreamData(
+ val streamData : Map,
+ val streamType : Map,
+ val streamPrimitive : FetchPrimitive,
+ val streamPrograms : Array,
+data class TargetItem(
+ val targetSemantic : ImageSemantic,
+ val targetRef : ImageRef?,
+data class RenderTarget(
+ val renderTargets : Array,
+sealed class Backend()
+object _WebGL1 : Backend()
+object _OpenGL33 : Backend()
+data class Pipeline(
+ val info : String,
+ val backend : Backend,
+ val textures : Array,
+ val samplers : Array,
+ val targets : Array,
+ val programs : Array,
+ val slots : Array,
+ val streams : Array,
+ val commands : Array,
diff --git a/ddl/out/kotlin/LambdaCube.Mesh.kt b/ddl/out/kotlin/LambdaCube.Mesh.kt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bcc676a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ddl/out/kotlin/LambdaCube.Mesh.kt
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+// generated file, do not modify!
+// 2020-05-21T20:25:27.766405Z
+package LambdaCube.Mesh
+import RT.*
+sealed class MeshAttribute()
+data class _A_Float(
+ val _0 : Array,
+) : MeshAttribute()
+data class _A_V2F(
+ val _0 : Array,
+) : MeshAttribute()
+data class _A_V3F(
+ val _0 : Array,
+) : MeshAttribute()
+data class _A_V4F(
+ val _0 : Array,
+) : MeshAttribute()
+data class _A_M22F(
+ val _0 : Array,
+) : MeshAttribute()
+data class _A_M33F(
+ val _0 : Array,
+) : MeshAttribute()
+data class _A_M44F(
+ val _0 : Array,
+) : MeshAttribute()
+data class _A_Int(
+ val _0 : Array,
+) : MeshAttribute()
+data class _A_Word(
+ val _0 : Array,
+) : MeshAttribute()
+sealed class MeshPrimitive()
+object _P_Points : MeshPrimitive()
+object _P_TriangleStrip : MeshPrimitive()
+object _P_Triangles : MeshPrimitive()
+data class _P_TriangleStripI(
+ val _0 : Array,
+) : MeshPrimitive()
+data class _P_TrianglesI(
+ val _0 : Array,
+) : MeshPrimitive()
+data class Mesh(
+ val mAttributes : Map,
+ val mPrimitive : MeshPrimitive,
diff --git a/ddl/out/kotlin/LambdaCube.PipelineSchema.kt b/ddl/out/kotlin/LambdaCube.PipelineSchema.kt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3a589ad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ddl/out/kotlin/LambdaCube.PipelineSchema.kt
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+// generated file, do not modify!
+// 2020-05-21T20:25:27.753757Z
+package LambdaCube.PipelineSchema
+import RT.*
+import LambdaCube.IR.*
+sealed class StreamType()
+object _Attribute_Word : StreamType()
+object _Attribute_V2U : StreamType()
+object _Attribute_V3U : StreamType()
+object _Attribute_V4U : StreamType()
+object _Attribute_Int : StreamType()
+object _Attribute_V2I : StreamType()
+object _Attribute_V3I : StreamType()
+object _Attribute_V4I : StreamType()
+object _Attribute_Float : StreamType()
+object _Attribute_V2F : StreamType()
+object _Attribute_V3F : StreamType()
+object _Attribute_V4F : StreamType()
+object _Attribute_M22F : StreamType()
+object _Attribute_M23F : StreamType()
+object _Attribute_M24F : StreamType()
+object _Attribute_M32F : StreamType()
+object _Attribute_M33F : StreamType()
+object _Attribute_M34F : StreamType()
+object _Attribute_M42F : StreamType()
+object _Attribute_M43F : StreamType()
+object _Attribute_M44F : StreamType()
+data class ObjectArraySchema(
+ val primitive : FetchPrimitive,
+ val attributes : Map,
+data class PipelineSchema(
+ val objectArrays : Map,
+ val uniforms : Map,
diff --git a/ddl/out/kotlin/LambdaCube.TypeInfo.kt b/ddl/out/kotlin/LambdaCube.TypeInfo.kt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4a09d36
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ddl/out/kotlin/LambdaCube.TypeInfo.kt
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+// generated file, do not modify!
+// 2020-05-21T20:25:27.786125Z
+package LambdaCube.TypeInfo
+import RT.*
+import LambdaCube.IR.*
+data class Range(
+ val startLine : Int,
+ val startColumn : Int,
+ val endLine : Int,
+ val endColumn : Int,
+data class TypeInfo(
+ val range : Range,
+ val text : String,
+data class WarningInfo(
+ val wRange : Range,
+ val wText : String,
+data class ErrorInfo(
+ val eRange : Range,
+ val eText : String,
+sealed class CompileResult()
+data class _CompileError(
+ val _0 : String,
+ val _1 : Array,
+ val _2 : Array,
+ val _3 : Array,
+) : CompileResult()
+data class _Compiled(
+ val _0 : String,
+ val _1 : String,
+ val _2 : Pipeline,
+ val _3 : Array,
+ val _4 : Array,
+) : CompileResult()
diff --git a/ddl/out/kotlin/TestData.kt b/ddl/out/kotlin/TestData.kt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5e904ee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ddl/out/kotlin/TestData.kt
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+// generated file, do not modify!
+// 2020-05-21T20:25:27.802172Z
+package TestData
+import RT.*
+import LambdaCube.IR.*
+import LambdaCube.Mesh.*
+import LambdaCube.PipelineSchema.*
+data class ClientInfo(
+ val clientName : String,
+ val clientBackend : Backend,
+data class Frame(
+ val renderCount : Int,
+ val frameUniforms : Map,
+ val frameTextures : Map,
+data class Scene(
+ val objectArrays : Map,
+ val renderTargetWidth : Int,
+ val renderTargetHeight : Int,
+ val frames : Array,
+data class PipelineInfo(
+ val pipelineName : String,
+ val pipeline : Pipeline,
+data class RenderJob(
+ val meshes : Array,
+ val textures : Array,
+ val schema : PipelineSchema,
+ val scenes : Array,
+ val pipelines : Array,
+data class FrameResult(
+ val frRenderTimes : Array,
+ val frImageWidth : Int,
+ val frImageHeight : Int,
+sealed class RenderJobResult()
+data class _RenderJobResult(
+ val _0 : FrameResult,
+) : RenderJobResult()
+data class _RenderJobError(
+ val _0 : String,
+) : RenderJobResult()
diff --git a/ddl/templates/data.kt.ede b/ddl/templates/data.kt.ede
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8ec0822
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ddl/templates/data.kt.ede
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+// generated file, do not modify!
+// {{ dateTime }}
+package {{ moduleName }}
+import RT.*
+{% for m in imports %}
+import {{ m.value }}.*
+{% endfor %}
+{% for t in dataAndType %}
+{% case t.value | constType %}
+{% when "DataDef" %}
+{% if t.value.constructors | nonSingular %}
+sealed class {{ t.value.dataName }}()
+{% endif %}
+{% for c in t.value.constructors %}
+{% if c.value.fields | empty %}
+object {% if t.value.constructors | nonSingular %}_{% endif %}{{ c.value.name }}{% if t.value.constructors | nonSingular %} : {{ t.value.dataName }}(){% endif %}
+{% else %}
+data class {% if t.value.constructors | nonSingular %}_{% endif %}{{ c.value.name }}({% for f in c.value.fields %}{% if c.value.fields | hasFieldNames %}
+ val {{ f.value.fieldName }} : {{ f.value.fieldType | ktType }},{% else %}
+ val _{{ f.index0 }} : {{ f.value.fieldType | ktType }},{% endif %}{% endfor %}
+){% if t.value.constructors | nonSingular %} : {{ t.value.dataName }}(){% endif %}
+{% endif %}
+{% endfor %}
+{% when "TypeAlias" %}
+typealias {{ t.value.aliasName }} = {{ t.value.aliasType | ktType }}
+{% endcase %}
+{% endfor %}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ddl/templates/json.kt.ede b/ddl/templates/json.kt.ede
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3e26bd2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ddl/templates/json.kt.ede
@@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
+// generated file, do not modify!
+// {{ dateTime }}
+package {{ moduleName }}
+import org.json.*
+import RT.*
+{% for m in imports %}
+import {{ m.value }}.*
+{% endfor %}
+object JSON {
+ enum class Type { {% for t in usedTypes %}
+ {{ t.value | typeEnum }},{% endfor %}
+ }
+ @Throws(JSONException::class, Exception::class)
+ fun fromJSON(Type type, Object rawObj): Object {
+ when (type) {
+ {% for t in usedTypes %}
+ {% case t.value.tag %}
+ {% when "Data" %}
+ {% when "V2" %}
+ Type.{{ t.value | typeEnum }} -> {
+ val obj = rawObj as JSONObject
+ return {{ t.value | ktType }}(
+ fromJSON(Type.{{ t.value.type_ | typeEnum }}, obj.get("x")) as {{ t.value.type_ | ktType }},
+ fromJSON(Type.{{ t.value.type_ | typeEnum }}, obj.get("y")) as {{ t.value.type_ | ktType }}
+ )
+ }
+ {% when "V3" %}
+ Type.{{ t.value | typeEnum }} -> {
+ val obj = rawObj as JSONObject
+ return {{ t.value | ktType }}(
+ fromJSON(Type.{{ t.value.type_ | typeEnum }}, obj.get("x")) as {{ t.value.type_ | ktType }},
+ fromJSON(Type.{{ t.value.type_ | typeEnum }}, obj.get("y")) as {{ t.value.type_ | ktType }},
+ fromJSON(Type.{{ t.value.type_ | typeEnum }}, obj.get("z")) as {{ t.value.type_ | ktType }}
+ )
+ }
+ {% when "V4" %}
+ Type.{{ t.value | typeEnum }} -> {
+ val obj = rawObj as JSONObject
+ return {{ t.value | ktType }}(
+ fromJSON(Type.{{ t.value.type_ | typeEnum }}, obj.get("x")) as {{ t.value.type_ | ktType }},
+ fromJSON(Type.{{ t.value.type_ | typeEnum }}, obj.get("y")) as {{ t.value.type_ | ktType }},
+ fromJSON(Type.{{ t.value.type_ | typeEnum }}, obj.get("z")) as {{ t.value.type_ | ktType }},
+ fromJSON(Type.{{ t.value.type_ | typeEnum }}, obj.get("w")) as {{ t.value.type_ | ktType }}
+ )
+ }
+ {% when "Map" %}
+ Type.{{ t.value | typeEnum }} -> {
+ val obj = rawObj as JSONObject
+ {{ t.value | ktType }} map = {{ t.value | ktType }}()
+ val keyIt = obj.keys()
+ while(keyIt.hasNext()) {
+ String key = keyIt.next()
+ map.put(key, fromJSON(Type.{{ t.value.value_ | typeEnum }}, obj.get(key)) as {{ t.value.value_ | ktType }})
+ }
+ return map
+ }
+ {% when "Array" %}
+ Type.{{ t.value | typeEnum }} -> {
+ val obj = rawObj as JSONArray
+ return {{ t.value | ktType }}(obj.length()) { ind: Int ->
+ fromJSON(Type.{{ t.value.type_ | typeEnum }}, obj.get(ind)) as {{ t.value.type_ | ktType }}
+ }
+ }
+ {% when "List" %}
+ Type.{{ t.value | typeEnum }} -> {
+ val obj = rawObj as JSONArray
+ return {{ t.value | ktType }}(obj.length()) { ind: Int ->
+ fromJSON(Type.{{ t.value.type_ | typeEnum }}, obj.get(ind)) as {{ t.value.type_ | ktType }}
+ }
+ }
+ {% when "Maybe" %}
+ Type.{{ t.value | typeEnum }} -> {
+ return if(rawObj == null || rawObj = JSONObject.NULL) {
+ null
+ } else {
+ fromJSON(Type.{{ t.value.type_ | typeEnum }}, rawObj as JSONObject) as {{ t.value.type_ | ktType }}
+ }
+ }
+ {% when "Int" %}
+ Type.{{ t.value | typeEnum }} -> return (rawObj as Number).intValue()
+ {% when "Int32" %}
+ Type.{{ t.value | typeEnum }} -> return (rawObj as Number).intValue()
+ {% when "Word" %}
+ Type.{{ t.value | typeEnum }} -> return (rawObj as Number).intValue()
+ {% when "Word32" %}
+ Type.{{ t.value | typeEnum }} -> return (rawObj as Number).intValue()
+ {% when "Float" %}
+ Type.{{ t.value | typeEnum }} -> return (rawObj as Number).floatValue()
+ {% else %}
+ Type.{{ t.value | typeEnum }} -> return rawObj as {{ t.value | ktType }}
+ {% endcase %}
+ {% endfor %}
+ {% for t in definitions %}
+ Type.{{ t.value.dataName }} -> {
+ val obj = rawObj as JSONObject
+ val tag = obj.getString("tag")
+ when (tag) {
+ {% for c in t.value.constructors %}
+ "{{ c.value.name }}" -> {
+ return {% if c.value.fields | empty %}
+ {% if t.value.constructors | nonSingular %}_{% endif %}{{c.value.name}}
+ {% else %}
+ {% if t.value.constructors | nonSingular %}_{% endif %}{{c.value.name}}({% for f in c.value.fields %}{% if c.value.fields | hasFieldNames %}
+ {{ f.value.fieldName }} = fromJSON(Type.{{ f.value.fieldType | typeEnum }}, obj.get("{{ f.value.fieldName }}")) as {{ f.value.fieldType | ktType }}{% else %}
+ _{{ f.index0 }} = fromJSON(Type.{{ f.value.fieldType | typeEnum }}, obj.get("arg{{ f.index0 }}")) as {{ f.value.fieldType | ktType }}{% endif %},{% endfor %}
+ )
+ {% endif %}
+ }
+ {% endfor %}
+ }
+ }
+ {% endfor %}
+ }
+ }
+ @Throws(JSONException::class, Exception::class)
+ fn toJSON(Type type, Object rawObj): Object {
+ when (type) {
+ {% for t in definitions %}
+ Type.{{ t.value.dataName }} -> {
+ val v = rawObj as {{ t.value.dataName }}
+ val obj = JSONObject()
+ when (v) {
+ {% for c in t.value.constructors %}
+ is {{ c.value.name }} -> {
+ obj.put("tag", "{{ c.value.name }}")
+ }
+ {% endfor %}
+ }
+ }
+ {% endfor %}
+ }
+ }