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Evaluating the Stability of Embedding-based Word

File metadata and controls

87 lines (54 loc) · 2.16 KB

Antoniak et Mimno, 2018

  • Remove words appearing less than 20 times


  • Number of documents
  • Unique Words
  • Vocabulary Density (Unique Word / Number of words ?)
  • Words per document (Average)

Corpus Parameters

Set-up three reader for three different process

  • One which reads document in the same order every time
    • Evaluates randomness of algorithm (Random initialization, etc.)
  • One which shuffle documents
    • Evaluates impact of document order in the learning
  • One which removes documents from the set and replace them to keep the same size of of corpus
    • Evaluates variability due to the presence of specific sequences

Size of corpus

  • Keep 20% of the corpus, preferably the beginning

Documents length

2 Settings :

  • 1 document = 1 sentence
  • 1 document = multiple sentences



  • Term-Document matrix with TF-IDF
  • L2 Normalization
  • Sublinear TF Scaling
  • Dimensionality reduction via randomized solver


  • Skip-gram with negative sampling (Mikolov 2013 : Word2Vec ?)
  • Gensim


Nothing specific


  • library hyperwords
  • cds=0.75
  • eig=0.5
  • sub=10^-5
  • win=5


  1. Train 50 of each
  2. Generate topic models to get 20 relevant words using 200 topics from an LDA topic model
  3. Compute cosine similarity of each word to other words, calculate mean and standard deviation across each set of 50 models


word 1 word 2 LSA1 LSA2 LSA 3 .... LSA 50
lascivus bonus 0.1 0.1 0.1 ... 0.1

LSA Average Lascivus-Bonus = 0.1, std deviation = 0

  1. Select 20 closest words to the test words. Jacard similarity between these lists.


  • Embeddings are not an objective view of a corpus nor of a language
  • "The use of embeddings as sources of evidence needs to be tempered with the understanding that fine-grained distinctions between cosine similarities are not reliable and that smaller corpora and longer docu-ments are more susceptible to variation in the cosine similarities between embeddings."

Dans ma thèse

  • Trouver les paramètres où la deviation standard est la plus faible. Hyperparameters en somme