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43 lines (31 loc) · 1.79 KB

File metadata and controls

43 lines (31 loc) · 1.79 KB


  • iconv help

      iconv --help
      Usage: iconv [OPTION...] [-f ENCODING] [-t ENCODING] [INPUTFILE...]
      or:    iconv -l
      Converts text from one encoding to another encoding.
      Options controlling the input and output format:
        -f ENCODING, --from-code=ENCODING
                                    the encoding of the input
        -t ENCODING, --to-code=ENCODING
                                    the encoding of the output
      Options controlling conversion problems:
        -c                          discard unconvertible characters
                                    substitution for unconvertible Unicode characters
        --byte-subst=FORMATSTRING   substitution for unconvertible bytes
                                    substitution for unconvertible wide characters
      Options controlling error output:
        -s, --silent                suppress error messages about conversion problems
      Informative output:
        -l, --list                  list the supported encodings
        --help                      display this help and exit
        --version                   output version information and exit
      Report bugs to <[email protected]>.
  • iconv用法

      iconv --list # 显示可识别的编码名称iconv --list >./infomation.log # 显示可识别的编码名称,将信息存入infomation.log文件中
      iconv -f GB2312 -t UTF-8 a.html > b.html # 转换GB2312编码的文件a.html为UTF-8编码,存入b.html
      iconv -f GB2312 -t BIG5 a.html > b.html # 转换GB2312编码的文件a.html为BIG5编码,存入b.html
  • mac下gbk文件转utf-8

      find *.php -exec sh -c "iconv -f GB2312 -t UTF8 {} > {}.utf8.php" \;