title | created | description | tags | cover_image | series | dev_to_link |
Episode 92: myNewsWrap – SAP and Microsoft |
2022-07-09 |
Weekly news update from the SAP and Microsoft universe. |
sap, azure, serverless, kubernetes |
myNewsWrap - SAP and Microsoft |
Welcome to this week's edition of myNewsWrap, news from the world of SAP, Microsoft and the world in between.
Let's us start with the SAP side of the house i. e. news around the Business Technology Platform.
Let's see what happened around Kyma:
- Kyma 2.4 (OS)
- Kyma and CAP
And here some links from the broader SAP ecosystem:
- The road to a clean(er) core – powered by SAP-centric low-code
- To RISE or not to RISE: Ten Questions you should ask SAP about RISE
- Innovationsstau bei SAP
Now let's look at the Microsoft universe.
Here is what happened this week in the serverless space like Azure Functions and Static Web Apps:
- Read it carefully: Azure Functions Node.js Roadmap 2022
- Generally available: Azure Functions retry policy for Event Hubs and timer triggers
- Quest for serverless WebSockets, an adventure with Azure Functions & Durable Entities
- Serverless WebSockets with Azure Functions - the video
- Azure Tips and Tricks - How to perform Serverless operations with Azure DevOps
- Building a Frontend for Azure Webapp with Anthony Chu and Nuzhat Minhaz
From Serverless to Containers, Azure Container Apps and Kubernetes - what did this week provide us with?
- Do I Need Kubernetes?
- Kubernetes: ImagePullBackOff!
- Optimizing Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) with the Well-Architected Framework
- Dapr 1.8 is out:
What happened in the area of DevOps and esp. GitHub - let's see:
- GitHub Availability Report: June 2022
- Awesome Actions - A curated list of awesome things related to GitHub Actions.
- Supercharging GitHub Actions with Job Summaries
- Managing a game dev community with GitHub Actions
- GitHub Actions Status Tower Light
Interested in some news from the broader Microsoft ecosystem? Then here are some links for you:
- Azure läuft wohl teils mit deutlich limitierter Kapazität
- Using Azure Service Bus in the wild
- Public preview: Azure Cosmos DB SQL API Go SDK improvements
- Microsoft datacenter batteries to support growth of renewables on the power grid
Now let's enter the twilight zone (no worries the ninja cat is with us) between SAP and Microsoft and see the magic happening when we combine both worlds:
- BTP private linky swear with Azure – running Cloud Connector and SAP Private Link side-by-side
- All Things SAP on Azure - How to migrate SAP to Azure
- Congrats to 100 episodes 🎉: SAP on Azure Podcast #100 - The one with SAP as a customer (Peter Fischer, Benjamin Herrmann)
We always want to learn, so here are some links to some interesting learning resources and upcoming events:
As a regular guest and due to the high-quality content here an overview what Golo Roden provided us this week:
- Long awaited, finally here: Go (Golang): Eine Einführung in 130 Minuten // deutsch
- Coden? Aber bitte mit Style(guide)! // deutsch
Last but not least, some links that might make our developer live easier and reflect on our profession:
And with this enjoy your weekend and have a successful next week!