title | created | description | tags | cover_image | series | dev_to_link |
Episode 99: myNewsWrap – SAP and Microsoft |
2022-08-27 |
Weekly news update from the SAP and Microsoft universe. |
sap, azure, serverless, kubernetes |
myNewsWrap - SAP and Microsoft |
Welcome to this week's edition of myNewsWrap, news from the world of SAP, Microsoft and the world in between.
Let's us start with the SAP side of the house i. e. news around the Business Technology Platform.
Let's see what happened around Kyma:
New OS Version of Kyma is out: Release Notes of 2.6
- Attention: there are breaking changes in there i. e. Istio sidecar injection and Function CRDs
Kyma 2.0 migrator tool is no longer hosted as part of Kyma runtime
And here some links from the broader SAP ecosystem:
Now let's look at the Microsoft universe.
Here is what happened this week in the serverless space like Azure Functions and Static Web Apps:
- Getting notified of service incidents in Microsoft Teams - Part 2 of the series
- Real-time air quality monitoring and alerting – Part 3 – Bringing it all together! - cool scenario (other parts of the series are linked in the blog post)
- Durable Functions v2.8.0 - with preview support for suspending and resuming orchestrators 🎉
From Serverless to Containers, Azure Container Apps and Kubernetes - what did this week provide us with?
- Comparing Container Apps with other Azure container options - useful I would say
- Kubernetes 1.25 is out
- Dapr Community Call 67 - Cool workflow stuff!
- ASP.NET Custom Metrics with OpenTelemetry Collector & Prometheus/Grafana
- Is it time to migrate from Lens to OpenLens to manage your Kubernetes clusters?
What happened in the area of DevOps and esp. GitHub - let's see:
- Generate Bicep templates from existing Azure resources with VS Code
- GitHub Desktop 3.0.6 Community Contributions
- GitHub Actions: Improvements to reusable workflows
- Dependabot alerts: optional dismissal comment
- Secret scanning: Admins can now provide a link to display when a push is blocked
- Check whether an IP is permitted within IP allow list
- help.github.com will soon take you to GitHub Support
- How to step up your GitHub game with "Saved Replies"
Interested in some news from the broader Microsoft ecosystem? Then here are some links for you:
- Azure SignalR Local Emulator - what!
- Cloud pubsub services compared: Azure Web PubSub vs Ably
- The History of Microsoft Azure - nice read
Now let's enter the twilight zone (no worries the ninja cat is with us) between SAP and Microsoft and see the magic happening when we combine both worlds:
- SAP Private Link service use cases for SAP Cloud Integration and SAP Launchpad
- SAP on Azure Video Podcast #107 - The one with SAP on Oracle in Azure (Sambit Mishra)
We always want to learn, so here are some links to some interesting learning resources and upcoming events:
- Learn to build microservices: from code to K8s deployment in 60 minutes
- Understanding Kubernetes in a visual way - beautiful
- Replay of the serverless Days: Student edition - kudos to all students who participated:
And heads up for upcoming events:
- Open now: Festive Tech Calendar - CfP
Summer Break (well deserved!) ⛱
Last but not least, some links that might make our developer live easier and reflect on our profession:
- Kubernetes CLI (kubectl) tips you didn't know about
- Platforms: Reduce complexity with standardization but make room for exceptions
- My insights about measuring DORA DevOps Metrics, and how you can learn from my mistakes
- Shi Heng Yi - Warum wir Komfortzonen verlassen müssen - NWX22
And with this enjoy your weekend and have a successful next week!