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Episode 147: myNewsWrap – SAP and Microsoft |
2023-08-26 |
Weekly news update from the SAP and Microsoft universe. |
azure, github ,sap ,serverless |
myNewsWrap - SAP and Microsoft |
Welcome to this week's edition of myNewsWrap, news from the world of Microsoft, GitHub, SAP ... and the world in between. The focus of my newsletter is the application development and all things around that can improve our lives as developers.
Let's dive into the news and explore what came up this week that can help us to build better solutions for our customers.
First we take a look at the Microsoft universe and what crossed my path there.
Apps need to run somewhere and a very convenient way to run them is serverless. What came up this week in this space?
- Golem Unveils a Resilient Computing Platform for Serverless Workers with WebAssembly Component Model by Steef-Jan Wiggers
- Deploying an Event-Driven-Job with Azure Container App Job and Azure Service Bus by Karthi Teja Malyala
- KEDA is graduating to CNCF Graduated project - this is great news, especially as part of the ACA "stack"
- Scaling workloads on Microsoft Azure with Kubernetes Event-Driven Autoscaling by Tom Kerkhove
Having containers is nice but everything (well ... nearly everything 😉) gets better with Dapr as an outstanding tool for app development in the container-based area. Here we go what might be worth a look:
Dapr Community Call - August 23rd with:
- Component dynamic reloading
- CLI developer experience improvement for K8s
- Local debugging Dapr apps with Docker Compose
- Community show & tell
The Role of Digital Twins in Unlocking the Cloud's Potential by Bilgin Ibryam
Orchestrating Stateful Workflows with Dapr | ABP .NET Conference 2023
This section collects all news touching the topic of a developer platform. Fuzzy term but here you find news on topics that make the life of developers easier beyond pure development be it Infrastructure as Code, GitHub and more like the Azure Developer CLI.
Of course also this week a topic - license change at Hashicorp:
- HashiStack Live Stream - August 2023 featuring Armon Dadgar - CTO of HashiCorp
- and it is happening: OpenTF Announces Fork of Terraform
But also something interesting from the infrastrcuture from code area:
- Infrastructure From Code: Serverless as it was meant to be by Emrah Samdan
GitHub comes with a blast of new features and enhancements every week. Here are my top 5 news from GitHub that you should check out:
- Highlights from Git 2.42 by Taylor Blau
- A faster way to manage version updates with Dependabot by Eric Tooley
- mTLS: When certificate authentication is done wrong by Michael Stepankin
- Unleashing GitHub Codespaces templates to ignite your development by Sneha Natekar
- GH Actions - Support for JavaScript 20 - it is here
Want to see all news around GitHub? I recommend to have a look at GitHub's blog site as well as at its change log to get the complete overview.
No matter how the structure of this newsletter is crafted, there is always something that does not perfectly fit. This section is dedicated to topics that I think are worth reading but did not fit into the structure from above - this week with some AI
- Build an enterprise-ready Azure OpenAI solution with Azure API Management by Julia Kasper
- From Prompts to Embeddings and Vector Stores - How to use OpenAI in real-life scenarios by Denise Schlesinger
- A Brief Overview of Responsible AI by David Giard
Dope news around Excel:
Combining Microsoft with SAP can lead to incredible new applications. Let's enter the twilight zone (no worries the ninja cat is with us) between SAP and Microsoft and see what's up here:
- SAP on Azure Video Podcast #157 - The one with SAP, Teams, Power and AI - Internship @ Microsoft (Noopur Vaishnav)
- Import OData API into Azure API Management | OData API Type in Azure API Management by Sri Gunnala - of course important for the SAP world
And of course a channel that you should subscribe to if you are working with SAP and Microsoft is the SAP on Azure hosted by Holger Bruchelt and friends.
Let's check out what else happened in the SAP universe that you should check out:
- Using the Terraform Provider for SAP BTP to simplify Subscriber Tenant Onboarding by Martin Frick
- Not technology related but interesting (German only): Vorstand bekommt schlechte Noten von Mitarbeitern
One important (and imho best part) of the job of a developer is the continuous learning. Here are some interesting learning resources that go beyond vendor-specific technology:
- Interesting read on how backwards compatibility is ensured with Golang: Keeping Go "Boring" in Go 1.21: How Google Grants Backward Compatibility by Sergio De Simone
- Important news around Microsoft certifications: Introducing a new resource for all role-based Microsoft Certification exams by Liberty Munson
One great resource for becoming a better developer and reflecting about our profession is the high-quality content of the native web GmbH by Golo Roden. This week the following topics were on the list:
and it was live stream time again this week:
Make sure to subscribe to Golo's YouTube channels:
and another one seems to be getting ready:
And last but not least heads up for these upcoming events:
- Hashiconf 2023 - including a virtual track
And with this enjoy your weekend and have a successful next week!