Rule no-color-literals
will disallow the use of color literals and basic color functions in any declarations other than variables or maps/lists.
The list of affected color functions are as follows:
Other color functions, such as adjust-color
and mix
, may be used, but the original color must be passed in as a variable.
(defaults tofalse
When enabled and allow-rgba
is set to false
the following are disallowed.
.literal {
color: mediumslateblue;
.linear-gradient-func {
background: linear-gradient(top, #fff, white);
.box-shadow {
box-shadow: 1px 1px black, 1px 1px black;
.background {
background: 1px solid white;
.hex {
color: #fff;
.adj {
color: adjust-color(rgb(255, 0, 0), $blue: 5);
.scale {
color: scale-color(hsl(120, 70%, 80%), $lightness: 50%);
.change {
color: change-color(hsl(25, 100%, 80%), $lightness: 40%, $alpha: .8);
.function {
color: test(#fff);
.rgb {
color: rgb(255, 255, 255);
.rgba {
color: rgba(255, 255, 255, .3);
.hsl {
color: hsl(40, 50%, 50%);
.hsla {
color: hsla(40, 50%, 50%, .3);
// using color literals as property names
$colors: (
red: #fff,
blue : (
orange: #fff
When enabled and allow-rgba
is set to false
the following are allowed.
$literal: mediumslateblue;
$hexVar: #fff;
$rgb: rgb(255, 255, 255);
$rgba: rgba(255, 255, 255, .3);
$hsl: hsl(40, 50%, 50%);
$hsla: hsla(40, 50%, 50%, .3);
.literal {
color: $literal;
.linear-gradient-func {
background: linear-gradient(top, $hexVar, $literal);
.background {
background: 1px solid $literal;
.hex {
color: $hexVar;
.adj {
color: adjust-color($off-red, $blue: 5);
.scale {
color: scale-color($off-blue, $lightness: 50%);
.change {
color: change-color($orange-extra, $lightness: 40%, $alpha: .8);
.function {
color: test($hexVar);
.rgb {
color: $rgb;
.rgba {
color: $rgba;
.hsl {
color: $hsl;
.hsla {
color: $hsla;
In addition, when enabled and allow-rgba
is set to true
, the following will be allowed:
// rgba in variables is still fine
$rgba: rgba(255, 0, 0, .5);
$red: rgb(255, 255, 255,);
// rgba can be used directly to alter a variables opacity
.color {
color: rgba($red, .3);
In addition, when enabled and allow-rgba
is set to true
, the following will be disallowed:
.color {
// you must use variables and not literals
color: rgba(0, 0, 0, .3);
color: rgba(black, .3);