To add a bonus to a car or locomotive, you need to add the component to the component section in the items definition
"kind": "CustomBonus",
"bonusAmount": 1.0,
"minNumOfCars": 0,
"maxNumOfCars": 0,
"startHour": 0.0,
"endHour": 24.0,
"minimumOfCartype": 0,
"maximumOfCartype": 0,
A decimal percentage for the amount to increase or decease the fares by (1.0 is 100%, or unchanged, 0.9 is 90% of the fares, 1.1 is 110%, etc.)
The number of cars that must be on the consist. Includes locomotives and tenders. A 0 in the max means no maximum amount
The hours between which the bonus will be applied. (0 - midnight)
The number of this car required on the train for the bonus to be applied. A 0 in the max means no maximum amount