This module used device streams to pull diagnostics data from an Azure IoT Edge device. It currently supports copying dump files to a developers machine using a command line interface. It will take dump files from a shared volume and move them to a managed directory. It will keep the used space below a given limit by deleting the oldest files.
Deploy the diagnostics module to the device. The module has 2 required and 2 optional environment variables.
(r): Location other modules will leave their dumps. This should be a shared volume.STORAGE_DIRECTORY
(r): The location dumps will be stored. The CLI will copy files from here.MAX_DISK_BYTES
: Maximum total file size that will be stored inSTORAGE_DIRECTORY
. Default infinity.MAX_DISK_PERCENT
: Maximum percentage of disk used by stored files. Default50
Once the module is deployed, the command line can be used with the following commands.
: list files avaliable to copycopyfile -s <targetFileName> -d <destinationFileName>
: copys <targetFileName> from module to developer's computer at <destinationFileName>.