Currently we only support changing the layout via CSS. Changes to the HTML file are currently no supported as they break during update procedures.
Create a new theme in /usr/local/hestia/web/css/theme/custom/my_theme.css
.body-login, .body-reset {
height: auto;
padding-top: 10%;
background: rgb(231, 102, 194) !important;
background: radial-gradient(circle, rgba(231, 102, 197, 1), rgba(174, 43, 177, 1)) !important;
Changes to the default supplied themes are always over written during updates. How ever via the v-add-sys-theme you can create a new theme.
When we want to change the dark theme
cp $HESTIA/install/deb/themes/dark.css /root/mycss.css
Apply your changes and follow the instructions above
Changes to any html will be reverted during upgrades this also applies for installing 3rd party software that changes the html pages.
The domain not fond page can be found in /var/www/html/index.html to edit it use:
nano /var/www/html/index.html
The default index.html when a page has been created is location in /usr/local/hestia/data/templates/web/skel/public_html
Currently after each update the templates are overwritten by the Hestia update. To prevent this issue we have introduced the information to create post/pre install hooks
With the release of Hestia 1.4.6 we have added to use pre / post install hooks. Examples for the usage are for example: - Disable and enable demo mode before and after an update. - Restore default skeleton
To enable this feature create a file in /etc/hestiacp/hooks/ and or /etc/hestiacp/hooks/
For example to disable demo mode on pre install of a update:
sed -i "s|^DEMO_MODE=.*'|DEMO_MODE='no'|g" $HESTIA/conf/hestia.conf
After that chmod +x /etc/hestiacp/hooks/
For post install actions use the same example. Except replace /etc/hestiacp/hooks/ with /etc/hestiacp/hooks/
If you use custom error documents you still have to rebuild all websites again!