This repository contains the R package phtt
for estimating panel data models that generalize the classical fixed effects models by allow to control for time varying individual fixed effects. A readable introduction to the panel data models, the estimation and the inference procedures of this package are described in
Bada, O., & Liebl, D. (2014). phtt: Panel Data Analysis with Heterogeneous Time Trends in R. Journal of Statistical Software, 59(6), 1–33.
Free Download the paper (PDF): HERE
The R package phtt
contains three main functions.
function implements the estimation and inference methods of- Bai, J. (2009). Panel data models with interactive fixed effects. Econometrica, 77(4), 1229-1279. and the refined estimation version described in
- Bada, O., & Kneip, A. (2014). Parameter cascading for panel models with unknown number of unobserved factors: An application to the credit spread puzzle. Computational Statistics & Data Analysis, 76, 95-115.
function implements the estimation and inference methods of- Kneip, A., Sickles, R. C., & Song, W. (2012). A new panel data treatment for heterogeneity in time trends. Econometric theory, 28(3), 590-628.
function contains the implementations of many different procedure for estimating the dimension of the unobserved factor structure.
devtools::install_github("lidom/R-package-phtt", force = TRUE)
The following R codes reproduce the figures of our article:
Bada, O., & Liebl, D. (2014). phtt: Panel Data Analysis with Heterogeneous Time Trends in R. Journal of Statistical Software, 59(6), 1–33.
## Load package
## Load Data
data("Cigar", package = "phtt")
n <- 46
T <- 30
## Dependent variable: Cigarette-Sales per Capita
l.Consumption <- log(matrix(Cigar$sales, T, n))
## Independent variables: Consumer Price Index
cpi <- matrix(Cigar$cpi, T, n)
## Real Price per Pack of Cigarettes
l.Price <- log(matrix(Cigar$price, T, n)/cpi)
## Real Disposable Income per Capita
l.Income <- log(matrix(Cigar$ndi, T, n)/cpi)
## ##############################################################
## Figure 1:
## ##############################################################
scl <- 1.6
par(mfrow = c(1, 3), mar = c(6, 5, 5, 2.1))
matplot(l.Consumption, type = "l", main = "Log's of\nCigar-Consumption", ylab = "",
xlab = "Time", cex.main = scl, cex.lab = scl, cex.axis = scl)
matplot(l.Price, type = "l", main = "Log's of\nreal Prices", ylab = "", xlab = "Time",
cex.main = scl, cex.lab = scl, cex.axis = scl)
matplot(l.Income, type = "l", main = "Log's of\nreal Income", ylab = "", xlab = "Time",
cex.main = scl, cex.lab = scl, cex.axis = scl)
par(mfrow = c(1, 1), mar = c(5.1, 4.1, 4.1, 2.1))
## ##############################################################
## Estimation of the KSS model
## ##############################################################
Cigar.KSS <- KSS(formula = l.Consumption ~ l.Price + l.Income)
(Cigar.KSS.summary <- summary(Cigar.KSS))
## ##############################################################
## Figure 2:
## ##############################################################
## Estimation of the number of factors
OptDim(Obj = l.Consumption, criteria = "PC1")
(OptDim.obj <- OptDim(Obj = l.Consumption, criteria = c("PC3", "ER", "GR", "IPC1",
"IPC2", "IPC3"), standardize = TRUE))
## ##############################################################
## Figure 3:
## ##############################################################
## This is for interactive use.
## KSS(formula = l.Consumption ~ -1 + l.Price + l.Income, consult.dim = TRUE)
## First differences of the data:
d.l.Consumption <- diff(l.Consumption)
d.l.Price <- diff(l.Price)
d.l.Income <- diff(l.Income)
## ##############################################################
## Estimation of the EUP model
## ##############################################################
(Cigar.Eup <- Eup(d.l.Consumption ~ -1 + d.l.Price + d.l.Income, dim.criterion = "PC3"))
## ##############################################################
## Figure 4:
## ##############################################################
## ##############################################################
## Estimation of the KSS model with additive individual effects
## ##############################################################
Cigar2.KSS <- KSS(formula = l.Consumption ~ l.Price + l.Income, additive.effects = "individual")
(Cigar2.KSS.summary <- summary(Cigar2.KSS))
## ##############################################################
## Figure 5:
## ##############################################################
scl <- 1.75
par(mar = c(6, 5, 5, 2.1))
plot(Cigar2.KSS.summary, cex.main = 1.25, cex.lab = scl, cex.axis = scl)
par(mar = c(5.1, 4.1, 4.1, 2.1))
## ##############################################################
## Testing for model specification
## ##############################################################
twoways.obj <- Eup(d.l.Consumption ~ -1 + d.l.Price + d.l.Income, factor.dim = 0,
additive.effects = "twoways")
not.twoways.obj <- Eup(d.l.Consumption ~ -1 + d.l.Price + d.l.Income, factor.dim = 2,
additive.effects = "none")
try(checkSpecif(obj1 = twoways.obj, obj2 = not.twoways.obj, level = 0.01))
Eup.obj <- Eup(d.l.Consumption ~ -1 + d.l.Price + d.l.Income, additive.effects = "twoways")
checkSpecif(Eup.obj, level = 0.01)
KSS.obj <- KSS(l.Consumption ~ -1 + l.Price + l.Income, additive.effects = "twoways")
checkSpecif(KSS.obj, level = 0.01)
## Percentages of explained variances
## ##############################################################
## Figure 6:
## ##############################################################
scl <- 1
par(mfrow = c(1, 2))
matplot(coef(Cigar2.KSS)$Common.factors[, 1] %*% t(coef(Cigar2.KSS)$Ind.loadings.param[,
1]), type = "l", main = "Variance of time-varying indiv. effects\n in direction of the 1. common factor",
xlab = "Time", ylab = "", cex.main = scl, cex.lab = scl, cex.axis = scl)
matplot(coef(Cigar2.KSS)$Common.factors[, 2] %*% t(coef(Cigar2.KSS)$Ind.loadings.param[,
2]), type = "l", main = "Variance of time-varying indiv. effects\n in direction of the 2. common factor",
xlab = "Time", ylab = "", cex.main = scl, cex.lab = scl, cex.axis = scl)
par(mfrow = c(1, 1))