JUnit Tutorial init $ bash junit_init.sh create executable file $ cd [onlyTest|testCode|beforeAfte|stack|testException1] $ make run testcase $ make test syllabus week3 OnlyTest: Only JUint test TestCode: Simple assert week4 BeforeAfter: Show execution path of before and after annotation Stack: Use stack example show why use before and after annotation week5 Parameterized: Use JUnit @parameterized annotation to generate multiple tese case week6 Parameterized2.0: Use JUnit @parameterized annotation to generate multiple tese case(homework version) TestException1: Use stack example show how to check exception with test TestException2: Use stack example show how to check exception with test rule week7 Jacoco: Use jacoco to run & cal & show coverage information week8 Jacoco Labwork: Labwork for jacoco, need add testcase and achieve 100% coverage week9 Stub: Stub example, and use Mockito to stub week10 Mock: Mock example, and use Mockito to mock Mock2: Mock Mazu example, and use Mockito to mock week11 StubLW: Labwork for Stub, complete testcase & achieve 100% coverage in multiplicationWithArray method