Modify config Args setting to support kafka params.
private String kafkaEndpoint;
INSTANCE.kafkaEndpoint =
config.hasPath("kafka.endpoint.url") ? config.getString("kafka.endpoint.url") : "";
Add sendblock and sendbatchblock methods
//send block by num
private SendBlockByNumServlet sendBlockByNumServlet;
//send batchblock by num
private SendBatchBlockByNumServlet sendBatchBlockByNumServlet;
//send batchblock by id
private SendBlockByIdServlet sendBlockByIdServlet;
the new file to implement sending data to kafka through http.
the new file to implement sending batch block.
the new file to implement sending block by id.
the new file to implement sending block by num.
Add new methods:
public static String printBlockKafka(Block block)
public static JSONArray printTransactionListToKafkaJSON(List<TransactionCapsule> list)
public static JSONObject printTransactionToKafkaJSON(Transaction transaction)
the main call to send data to kafka:
if (!Args.getInstance().getKafkaEndpoint().equals("")) {
try {"send switch fork block {} to kafka.", newBlock.getNum());
HttpUtil.postJsonContent(Args.getInstance().getKafkaEndpoint(), Util.printBlockKafka(newBlock.getInstance()));
} catch (Exception e) {
if (!Args.getInstance().getKafkaEndpoint().equals("")) {
try {"send block {} to kafka.", newBlock.getNum());
HttpUtil.postJsonContent(Args.getInstance().getKafkaEndpoint(), Util.printBlockKafka(newBlock.getInstance()));
} catch (Exception e) {