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ApngDrawable follows Kotlin coding conventions. Class members are declared in the following order.
- Properties (var, val)
- Initialization block (init)
- Secondary constructors (constructor)
- Functions (fun)
- Extensions of properties (val T.x or var T.x)
- Extensions of functions (fun
- Nested or inner classes, enums, interfaces, and objects
- Companion objects (companion object)
Here is an example.
class Klass(val parameter: Value) {
// Read-only properties
val publicValue: Value = Value()
private val value: Value = Value()
// Read-write properties
var publicVariable: Value = Value()
private var variable: Value = Value()
// Initialization block
init {
// ...
// Other constructors
constructor(firstValue: Int, secondValue: Int) : this(Value())
// Functions
fun publicFunction() = {}
private fun privateFunction() = {}
// Extensions of read-only properties
val <T> T.publicReadonly: Value get() = Value()
private val <T> T.readonly: Value get() = Value()
// Extensions of read-write properties
var <T> T.publicReadWrite: Value
private var <T> T.readWrite: Value
// Extensions of functions
fun <T> T.publicFunction() {}
private fun <T>.privateFunction() {}
// Nested or inner classes, enums, interfaces, and objects
enum class EnumType private constructor(val enumField: Int) {
private data class NestedDataClass(val int: Int)
// Constants
companion object {
val NON_PRIMITIVE_CONSTANT: OtherClass = OtherClass()
When you add comments to public properties and methods, make sure to follow the Javadoc standard format.