Releases: lishid/OpenInv
Releases · lishid/OpenInv
OpenInv 3.0.5 for 1.4.5 through 1.11.2
- Fixed statistics for opening containers causing issues in 1.11.2
OpenInv 3.0.4 for 1.4.5 through 1.11
- Fixed core plugin using old getOnlinePlayers method causing issues on modern servers
OpenInv 3.0.3 for 1.4.5 through 1.11
- Fixed issue preventing SilentChest working on 1.8 through 1.10
This is also the first release of OpenInv's API for developers. In the coming days I'll add a wiki page detailing usage, but it's pretty self-explanatory. Use the plugin manager to obtain the OpenInv instance, cast to IOpenInv, and call methods to your heart's content. If any changes should need to be made, any outdated methods will remain, deprecated, until the next minor version.
OpenInv 3.0.2 for 1.4.5 through 1.11
- Added /searchenchant
- 1 argument required, can be either enchantment name, minimum level, or both
- Searches inventory and ender chest. Results are displayed
PlayerName (inv,ender), SecondPlayer (inv), ThirdPlayer (ender)
etc. From there, open the relevant inventory and have a look.
- Potentially fixed /silentchest crash on Cauldron servers (testing produced inconsistent results prior to the fix, not sure)
- Fixed UUID-based lookup being ignored due to a missing if statement
- Fixed /anychest not toggling properly
OpenInv 3.0.1 for 1.4.5 through 1.11
Added support for UUID-based lookups toDue to extreme cleverness, forgot an if statement. Next release, Soon(TM)/openinv
for versions 1.7.5+- Fixed configuration changes made in the 1.10 release not being present
OpenInv 3.0.0 for 1.4.5 through 1.11
- Restored backwards compatibility
- Added support for shulker boxes to SilentChest
- Added permissions to commands in plugin.yml
- Removed item wand functionality - see 3549431 for reasoning
- Changed a lot of player loading logic
- Added config option DisableSaving - see Jikoo#6
- Fixed closing SilentChest not dropping item on cursor
- Implemented a time-based cache to prevent players being stored indefinitely
- Fixed /openender not respecting exempt and crossworld permissions
- Fixed /openinv not allowing opening of own inventory if exempt without override
- Re-added interfaces for versioned modules
- Documented public API, will eventually release some form of wiki page or tutorial on usage