A Byte of Python teaches the basic syntax and features of Python. Here is a brief tour of a few more advanced features of the language or things that aren't covered in the book.
The "truthiness" of a value or expression is its boolean value, e.g. when used in a condition. This is sometimes called the "truth value" or "truthy" / "falsey" value. For example, an empty collection evaluates to False
, and a collection which contains at least one element evaluates to True
. You can use this to quickly test if a collection like a list
is empty or not:
>>> xs = []
>>> if xs:
... print "it has some elements"
... else:
... print "it's empty"
it's empty
You can use the bool()
call to figure out the truth value of an expression:
>>> #falsey values
>>> bool([])
>>> bool({})
>>> bool("")
>>> bool(0)
>>> bool(None)
>>> #truthy values
>>> bool(1), bool(-1), bool(1.0), bool(-1.0)
(True, True, True, True)
>>> bool([1,2,3]), bool({1:2}), bool("123")
(True, True, True)
The other place where truth values are useful is in "short circuiting" logic, which allows you to use the and
and or
operators to pick between values based on how they evaluate as bool
>>> #`and` will return the first `False`-y value, or the final `True` value
>>> d0 = None
>>> d1 = {}
>>> d2 = {'shape': 'square'}
>>> d3 = {'shape': 'square', 'color': 'blue'}
>>> d0 and d0.get('color')
>>> d1 and d1.get('color')
>>> d2 and d2.get('color')
>>> d3 and d3.get('color')
>>> #`or` will return the first `True` value, or the final `False`-y value
>>> d0 or d1
>>> d1 or d0
>>> d0 or d1 or d2 or d3
{'shape': 'square'}
>>> d3 or d2
{'color': 'blue', 'shape': 'square'}
There is also a shorter way to write if
statements in Python. They can be condensed down to a single expression with the a if b else c
>>> x = 5
>>> "positive" if x >= 0 else "negative"
>>> x = -5
>>> "positive" if x >= 0 else "negative"
Here's an example showing both:
class Person(object):
def __init__(self, first_name, last_name, nick_name):
self.first_name = first_name
self.last_name = last_name
#this is a conditional expression:
self.full_name = "{} {}".format(first_name, last_name) if first_name and last_name else ""
self.nick_name = nick_name
def get_name(self):
#this expression relies on short-circuiting logic:
return self.full_name or self.first_name or self.nick_name or '???'
First we use a conditional expression to build the full_name
attribute, but only if both first_name
and last_name
are available. Then in get_name
, we use short circuiting to fall back to the first truthy value (defaulting to '???'
>>> Person("Steven", "Kryskalla", "stevek").get_name()
'Steven Kryskalla'
>>> Person("Steven", "", "stevek").get_name()
>>> Person("", "Kryskalla", "stevek").get_name()
>>> Person("", "", "stevek").get_name()
>>> Person("", "", "").get_name()
So far, when we have been writing and using strings, or reading and writing to a file, we have used only simple characters a..z, A..Z, 0..9, a few punctuation marks, and a few control characters like \n
. These are called the "ASCII" characters.
If you want to read and write non-English languages, you need to use the unicode
type, which is Python's string datatype for implementing the Unicode standard. Unicode is a database of thousands of characters which can represent almost every language on Earth (as well as mathematical symbols and things like emoji). Unicode strings start with the character u
and behave just like the byte strings we have been using:
>>> #byte string:
>>> "hello world"
'hello world'
>>> type("hello world")
<type 'str'>
>>> #unicode string:
>>> u"hello world"
'hello world'
>>> type(u"hello world")
<type 'unicode'>
When we read or write to a file or when we talk to other computers on the internet, we need to convert our unicode strings into raw bytes. One of the most common encoding formats is called "UTF-8". To convert unicode
to a UTF-8 bytestring (str
), you use the unicode.encode
>>> u"Greek: κόσμε"
u'Greek: \u03ba\u1f79\u03c3\u03bc\u03b5'
>>> u"Greek: κόσμε".encode('utf8')
'Greek: \xce\xba\xe1\xbd\xb9\xcf\x83\xce\xbc\xce\xb5'
To go in the opposite direction, from a UTF-8 bytestring (str
) to unicode, you use str.decode
>>> 'Greek: \xce\xba\xe1\xbd\xb9\xcf\x83\xce\xbc\xce\xb5'.decode('utf8')
u'Greek: \u03ba\u1f79\u03c3\u03bc\u03b5'
For more information on encoding and decoding unicode strings vs. byte strings, see the following resources:
def g(*args, **kwargs):
return [args, kwargs]
def f(x=1):
return x*2
def f():
i = 0
while True:
yield i
i += 1
More info:
>>> [x*2 for x in range(10)]
[0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18]
>>> [x*2 for x in range(10) if x % 2 == 0]
[0, 4, 8, 12, 16]
Generator expressions:
>>> (x*2 for x in range(10) if x % 2 == 0)
<generator object <genexpr> at 0x6ffffe79190>
>>> g = _
>>> g.next()
>>> g.next()
>>> list(g)
[8, 12, 16]
Dict comprehensions:
>>> {i: chr(i) for i in range(65, 65+6)}
{65: 'A', 66: 'B', 67: 'C', 68: 'D', 69: 'E', 70: 'F'}
Set comprehensions:
>>> [i % 3 for i in range(10)] #just for comparison
[0, 1, 2, 0, 1, 2, 0, 1, 2, 0]
>>> {i % 3 for i in range(10)}
set([0, 1, 2])
allows you to write an "anonymous" function as part of an expression.map
are common constructs in FP.- Higher-order functions: These are functions that either take a function as an argument or return a function (or both).
Decorators are functions which are applied to other functions to alter their behavior. The benefit of using a decorator is that this alteration happens without changing the source code of the underlying function. You can use decorators to do things such as intercepting the underlying function's arguments or return value.
The first step to understanding decorators is to understand that functions can be nested in Python, i.e. a function can define and return a function:
def adder(x):
def inner(y):
return x + y
return inner
>>> adder(5)
<function inner at 0x10c502578>
>>> adder(5)(1)
>>> add5 = adder(5)
>>> add5(1)
A function can also accept a function as an argument and return a function:
def decorator(func):
return func
def double(x):
return x*2
>>> double(3)
>>> decorator(double)
<function double at 0x10c502c80>
>>> decorator(double)(3)
>>> double = decorator(double)
>>> double(3)
Note above how we did double = decorator(double)
and the function ran exactly the same as it did before. The decorator syntax is just a shortcut for writing this kind of assignment where you wrap a function with another function:
def double(x):
return x*2
### the above syntax is equivalent to: ###
def double(x):
return x*2
double = decorator(double)
Now, if we nest a function inside our new decorator
function, as we did with adder
and inner
, we start to open the door to some interesting possibilities. First, let's create the equivalent of our current do-nothing decorator using a nested function:
def decorator(func):
def inner(*args, **kwargs):
return func(*args, **kwargs)
return inner
Now that we have this inner
function, we have access to 1. the underlying function's arguments, 2. its return value, and 3. the function object itself, func
. Let's add a print statement before and after we call func
, as well as inside the double
function, just to make it clear when each line is executed:
def decorator(func):
def inner(*args, **kwargs):
print "Before:", args, kwargs
result = func(*args, **kwargs)
print "After:", result
return result
return inner
def double(x):
print "Inside:", x
return x*2
>>> double(10)
Before: (10,) {}
Inside: 10
After: 20
From here we can control the execution of the wrapped function: we can inspect and alter its arguments or return value, we can choose whether to call the underlying function or not, we could swap it out for a completely different function, we can raise/handle/wrap exceptions, we can add logging or collect timing information, etc.
One reason for using decorators is that since the decorator is independent of the underlying function, it can be re-used across many different functions. Decorators are independent "concerns" that can apply in many places (logging is a classic example).
Another thing that falls out of decorators being independent of the underlying function is that we can stack multiple decorators on top of a single function, to add multiple bits of new behavior. For example, we could add two decorators to a single function, one for validating its arguments, and another for emitting logging information.
One advanced usage of decorators is allowing the decorator to take in its own arguments. They are implemented similarly to the above doubly nested functions, except in order to take in an argument there must be three levels of nesting. That third level of nesting is what allows the outermost function to accept an argument and return a new decorator. The route
method in Flask is a practical example of a decorator which takes arguments.
One final tip: use functools.wraps
to preserve the metadata of the decorated function (e.g. its docstring).
Python's -i
flag and the code.interact
function allow you to easily drop into an interpreter for experimenting.
$ python -i foo.py
import code; code.interact(local=locals())
This could be a whole class by itself! Python's debugger is a very powerful tool for troubleshooting errors and closely tracing the execution of your code.
$ python -mpdb foo.py
import pdb; pdb.set_trace()