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var bigInt = (function (e) {'use strict'; function o(e, t) {this.value = e, this.sign = t, this.isSmall = !1;} function u(e) {this.value = e, this.sign = e < 0, this.isSmall = !0;} function a(e) {return -r < e && e < r;} function f(e) {return e < 1e7 ? [e] : e < 1e14 ? [e % 1e7, Math.floor(e / 1e7)] : [e % 1e7, Math.floor(e / 1e7) % 1e7, Math.floor(e / 1e14)];} function l(e) {c(e); var n = e.length; if (n < 4 && A(e, i) < 0) switch (n) {case 0:return 0; case 1:return e[0]; case 2:return e[0] + e[1] * t; default:return e[0] + (e[1] + e[2] * t) * t;} return e;} function c(e) {var t = e.length; while (e[--t] === 0);e.length = t + 1;} function h(e) {var t = new Array(e), n = -1; while (++n < e)t[n] = 0; return t;} function p(e) {return e > 0 ? Math.floor(e) : Math.ceil(e);} function d(e, n) {var r = e.length, i = n.length, s = new Array(r), o = 0, u = t, a, f; for (f = 0; f < i; f++)a = e[f] + n[f] + o, o = a >= u ? 1 : 0, s[f] = a - o * u; while (f < r)a = e[f] + o, o = a === u ? 1 : 0, s[f++] = a - o * u; return o > 0 && s.push(o), s;} function v(e, t) {return e.length >= t.length ? d(e, t) : d(t, e);} function m(e, n) {var r = e.length, i = new Array(r), s = t, o, u; for (u = 0; u < r; u++)o = e[u] - s + n, n = Math.floor(o / s), i[u] = o - n * s, n += 1; while (n > 0)i[u++] = n % s, n = Math.floor(n / s); return i;} function g(e, n) {var r = e.length, i = n.length, s = new Array(r), o = 0, u = t, a, f; for (a = 0; a < i; a++)f = e[a] - o - n[a], f < 0 ? (f += u, o = 1) : o = 0, s[a] = f; for (a = i; a < r; a++) {f = e[a] - o; if (!(f < 0)) {s[a++] = f; break;}f += u, s[a] = f;} for (;a < r; a++)s[a] = e[a]; return c(s), s;} function y(e, t, n) {var r, i; return A(e, t) >= 0 ? r = g(e, t) : (r = g(t, e), n = !n), r = l(r), typeof r === 'number' ? (n && (r = -r), new u(r)) : new o(r, n);} function b(e, n, r) {var i = e.length, s = new Array(i), a = -n, f = t, c, h; for (c = 0; c < i; c++)h = e[c] + a, a = Math.floor(h / f), s[c] = h < 0 ? h % f + f : h; return s = l(s), typeof s === 'number' ? (r && (s = -s), new u(s)) : new o(s, r);} function w(e, n) {var r = e.length, i = n.length, s = r + i, o = h(s), u = t, a, f, l, p, d; for (l = 0; l < r; ++l) {p = e[l]; for (var v = 0; v < i; ++v)d = n[v], a = p * d + o[l + v], f = Math.floor(a / u), o[l + v] = a - f * u, o[l + v + 1] += f;} return c(o), o;} function E(e, n) {var r = e.length, i = new Array(r), s = t, o = 0, u, a; for (a = 0; a < r; a++)u = e[a] * n + o, o = Math.floor(u / s), i[a] = u - o * s; while (o > 0)i[a++] = o % s, o = Math.floor(o / s); return i;} function S(e, t) {var n = []; while (t-- > 0)n.push(0); return n.concat(e);} function x(e, t) {var n = Math.max(e.length, t.length); if (n <= 400) return w(e, t); n = Math.ceil(n / 2); var r = e.slice(n), i = e.slice(0, n), s = t.slice(n), o = t.slice(0, n), u = x(i, o), a = x(r, s), f = x(v(i, r), v(o, s)); return v(v(u, S(g(g(f, u), a), n)), S(a, 2 * n));} function T(e) {var n = e.length, r = h(n + n), i = t, s, o, u, a, f; for (u = 0; u < n; u++) {a = e[u]; for (var l = 0; l < n; l++)f = e[l], s = a * f + r[u + l], o = Math.floor(s / i), r[u + l] = s - o * i, r[u + l + 1] += o;} return c(r), r;} function N(e, n) {var r = e.length, i = n.length, s = t, o = h(n.length), u = n[i - 1], a = Math.ceil(s / (2 * u)), f = E(e, a), c = E(n, a), p, d, v, m, g, y, b; f.length <= r && f.push(0), c.push(0), u = c[i - 1]; for (d = r - i; d >= 0; d--) {p = s - 1, p = Math.floor((f[d + i] * s + f[d + i - 1]) / u), v = 0, m = 0, y = c.length; for (g = 0; g < y; g++)v += p * c[g], b = Math.floor(v / s), m += f[d + g] - (v - b * s), v = b, m < 0 ? (f[d + g] = m + s, m = -1) : (f[d + g] = m, m = 0); while (m !== 0) {p -= 1, v = 0; for (g = 0; g < y; g++)v += f[d + g] - s + c[g], v < 0 ? (f[d + g] = v + s, v = 0) : (f[d + g] = v, v = 1); m += v;}o[d] = p;} return f = k(f, a)[0], [l(o), l(f)];} function C(e, n) {var r = e.length, i = n.length, s = [], o = [], u = t, a, f, c, h, p; while (r) {o.unshift(e[--r]); if (A(o, n) < 0) {s.push(0); continue;}f = o.length, c = o[f - 1] * u + o[f - 2], h = n[i - 1] * u + n[i - 2], f > i && (c = (c + 1) * u), a = Math.ceil(c / h); do {p = E(n, a); if (A(p, o) <= 0) break; a--;} while (a);s.push(a), o = g(o, p);} return s.reverse(), [l(s), l(o)];} function k(e, n) {var r = e.length, i = h(r), s = t, o, u, a, f; a = 0; for (o = r - 1; o >= 0; --o)f = a * s + e[o], u = p(f / n), a = f - u * n, i[o] = u | 0; return [i, a | 0];} function L(e, n) {var r, i = z(n), s = e.value, a = i.value, c; if (a === 0) throw new Error('Cannot divide by zero'); if (e.isSmall) return i.isSmall ? [new u(p(s / a)), new u(s % a)] : [W[0], e]; if (i.isSmall) {if (a === 1) return [e, W[0]]; if (a == -1) return [e.negate(), W[0]]; var h = Math.abs(a); if (h < t) {r = k(s, h), c = l(r[0]); var d = r[1]; return e.sign && (d = -d), typeof c === 'number' ? (e.sign !== i.sign && (c = -c), [new u(c), new u(d)]) : [new o(c, e.sign !== i.sign), new u(d)];}a = f(h);} var v = A(s, a); if (v === -1) return [W[0], e]; if (v === 0) return [W[e.sign === i.sign ? 1 : -1], W[0]]; s.length + a.length <= 200 ? r = N(s, a) : r = C(s, a), c = r[0]; var m = e.sign !== i.sign, g = r[1], y = e.sign; return typeof c === 'number' ? (m && (c = -c), c = new u(c)) : c = new o(c, m), typeof g === 'number' ? (y && (g = -g), g = new u(g)) : g = new o(g, y), [c, g];} function A(e, t) {if (e.length !== t.length) return e.length > t.length ? 1 : -1; for (var n = e.length - 1; n >= 0; n--) if (e[n] !== t[n]) return e[n] > t[n] ? 1 : -1; return 0;} function D(e) {return (typeof e === 'number' || typeof e === 'string') && +Math.abs(e) <= t || e instanceof o && e.value.length <= 1;} function P(e, t, n) {t = z(t); var r = e.isNegative(), i = t.isNegative(), s = r ? e.not() : e, o = i ? t.not() : t, u = [], a = [], f = !1, l = !1; while (!f || !l)s.isZero() ? (f = !0, u.push(r ? 1 : 0)) : r ? u.push(s.isEven() ? 1 : 0) : u.push(s.isEven() ? 0 : 1), o.isZero() ? (l = !0, a.push(i ? 1 : 0)) : i ? a.push(o.isEven() ? 1 : 0) : a.push(o.isEven() ? 0 : 1), s = s.over(2), o = o.over(2); var c = []; for (var h = 0; h < u.length; h++)c.push(n(u[h], a[h])); var p = bigInt(c.pop()).negate().times(bigInt(2).pow(c.length)); while (c.length)p = p.add(bigInt(c.pop()).times(bigInt(2).pow(c.length))); return p;} function H(e, t) {return e = z(e), t = z(t), e.greater(t) ? e : t;} function B(e, t) {return e = z(e), t = z(t), e.lesser(t) ? e : t;} function j(e, t) {return e = z(e).abs(), t = z(t).abs(), e.equals(t) ? e : e.isZero() ? t : t.isZero() ? e : e.isEven() ? t.isOdd() ? j(e.divide(2), t) : j(e.divide(2), t.divide(2)).multiply(2) : t.isEven() ? j(e, t.divide(2)) : e.greater(t) ? j(e.subtract(t).divide(2), t) : j(t.subtract(e).divide(2), e);} function F(e, t) {return e = z(e).abs(), t = z(t).abs(), e.multiply(t).divide(j(e, t));} function I(e, n) {e = z(e), n = z(n); var r = B(e, n), i = H(e, n), s = i.subtract(r); if (s.isSmall) return r.add(Math.random() * s); var u = s.value.length - 1, a = [], f = !0; for (var c = u; c >= 0; c--) {var h = f ? s.value[c] : t, d = p(Math.random() * h); a.unshift(d), d < h && (f = !1);} return a = l(a), r.add(new o(a, !1, typeof a === 'number'));} function R(e) {var t = e.value; return typeof t === 'number' && (t = [t]), t.length === 1 && t[0] <= 36 ? '0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'.charAt(t[0]) : '<' + t + '>';} function U(e, t) {t = bigInt(t); if (t.isZero()) {if (e.isZero()) return '0'; throw new Error('Cannot convert nonzero numbers to base 0.');} if (t.equals(-1)) return e.isZero() ? '0' : e.isNegative() ? (new Array(1 - e)).join('10') : '1' + (new Array(+e)).join('01'); var n = ''; e.isNegative() && t.isPositive() && (n = '-', e = e.abs()); if (t.equals(1)) return e.isZero() ? '0' : n + (new Array(+e + 1)).join(1); var r = [], i = e, s; while (i.isNegative() || i.compareAbs(t) >= 0) {s = i.divmod(t), i = s.quotient; var o = s.remainder; o.isNegative() && (o = t.minus(o).abs(), i =, r.push(R(o));} return r.push(R(i)), n + r.reverse().join('');} function z(e) {if (e instanceof o || e instanceof u) return e; if (typeof e === 'number') {if (a(e)) return new u(e); e = String(e);} if (typeof e === 'string') {if (a(+e)) {var t = +e; if (t === p(t)) return new u(t); throw 'Invalid integer: ' + e;} var r = e[0] === '-'; r && (e = e.slice(1)); var i = e.split(/e/i); if (i.length > 2) throw new Error('Invalid integer: ' + f.join('e')); if (i.length === 2) {var s = i[1]; s[0] === '+' && (s = s.slice(1)), s = +s; if (s !== p(s) || !a(s)) throw new Error('Invalid integer: ' + s + ' is not a valid exponent.'); var f = i[0], l = f.indexOf('.'); l >= 0 && (s -= f.length - l, f = f.slice(0, l) + f.slice(l + 1)); if (s < 0) throw new Error('Cannot include negative exponent part for integers'); f += (new Array(s + 1)).join('0'), e = f;} var h = /^([0-9][0-9]*)$/.test(e); if (!h) throw new Error('Invalid integer: ' + e); var d = [], v = e.length, m = n, g = v - m; while (v > 0)d.push(+e.slice(g, v)), g -= m, g < 0 && (g = 0), v -= m; return c(d), new o(d, r);}} var t = 1e7, n = 7, r = 9007199254740992, i = f(r), s = Math.log(r); o.prototype.add = function (e) {var t, n = z(e); if (this.sign !== n.sign) return this.subtract(n.negate()); var r = this.value, i = n.value; return n.isSmall ? new o(m(r, Math.abs(i)), this.sign) : new o(v(r, i), this.sign);}, = o.prototype.add, u.prototype.add = function (e) {var t = z(e), n = this.value; if (n < 0 !== t.sign) return this.subtract(t.negate()); var r = t.value; if (t.isSmall) {if (a(n + r)) return new u(n + r); r = f(Math.abs(r));} return new o(m(r, Math.abs(n)), n < 0);}, = u.prototype.add, o.prototype.subtract = function (e) {var t = z(e); if (this.sign !== t.sign) return this.add(t.negate()); var n = this.value, r = t.value; return t.isSmall ? b(n, Math.abs(r), this.sign) : y(n, r, this.sign);}, o.prototype.minus = o.prototype.subtract, u.prototype.subtract = function (e) {var t = z(e), n = this.value; if (n < 0 !== t.sign) return this.add(t.negate()); var r = t.value; return t.isSmall ? new u(n - r) : b(r, Math.abs(n), n >= 0);}, u.prototype.minus = u.prototype.subtract, o.prototype.negate = function () {return new o(this.value, !this.sign);}, u.prototype.negate = function () {var e = this.sign, t = new u(-this.value); return t.sign = !e, t;}, o.prototype.abs = function () {return new o(this.value, !1);}, u.prototype.abs = function () {return new u(Math.abs(this.value));}, o.prototype.multiply = function (e) {var n, r = z(e), i = this.value, s = r.value, u = this.sign !== r.sign, a; if (r.isSmall) {if (s === 0) return W[0]; if (s === 1) return this; if (s === -1) return this.negate(); a = Math.abs(s); if (a < t) return new o(E(i, a), u); s = f(a);} return i.length + s.length > 4e3 ? new o(x(i, s), u) : new o(w(i, s), u);}, o.prototype.times = o.prototype.multiply, u.prototype.multiply = function (e) {var n = z(e), r = this.value, i = n.value; if (r === 0) return W[0]; if (r === 1) return n; if (r === -1) return n.negate(); if (n.isSmall) {if (a(r * i)) return new u(r * i); i = f(Math.abs(i));} var s = Math.abs(r); return s < t ? new o(E(i, s), this.sign !== n.sign) : new o(w(i, f(s)), this.sign !== n.sign);}, u.prototype.times = u.prototype.multiply, o.prototype.square = function () {return new o(T(this.value), !1);}, u.prototype.square = function () {var e = this.value * this.value; return a(e) ? new u(e) : new o(T(f(Math.abs(this.value))), !1);}, o.prototype.divmod = function (e) {var t = L(this, e); return {quotient: t[0], remainder: t[1]};}, u.prototype.divmod = o.prototype.divmod, o.prototype.divide = function (e) {return L(this, e)[0];}, u.prototype.over = u.prototype.divide = o.prototype.over = o.prototype.divide, o.prototype.mod = function (e) {return L(this, e)[1];}, u.prototype.remainder = u.prototype.mod = o.prototype.remainder = o.prototype.mod, o.prototype.pow = function (e) {var t = z(e), n = this.value, r = t.value, i, s, o; if (r === 0) return W[1]; if (n === 0) return W[0]; if (n === 1) return W[1]; if (n === -1) return t.isEven() ? W[1] : W[-1]; if (t.sign) return W[0]; if (!t.isSmall) throw new Error('The exponent ' + t.toString() + ' is too large.'); if (this.isSmall && a(i = Math.pow(n, r))) return new u(p(i)); s = this, o = W[1]; for (;;) {r & !0 && (o = o.times(s), --r); if (r === 0) break; r /= 2, s = s.square();} return o;}, u.prototype.pow = o.prototype.pow, o.prototype.modPow = function (e, t) {e = z(e), t = z(t); if (t.isZero()) throw new Error('Cannot take modPow with modulus 0'); var n = W[1], r = this.mod(t); if (r.isZero()) return W[0]; while (e.isPositive())e.isOdd() && (n = n.multiply(r).mod(t)), e = e.divide(2), r = r.square().mod(t); return n;}, u.prototype.modPow = o.prototype.modPow, o.prototype.compareAbs = function (e) {var t = z(e), n = this.value, r = t.value; return t.isSmall ? 1 : A(n, r);}, u.prototype.compareAbs = function (e) {var t = z(e), n = Math.abs(this.value), r = t.value; return t.isSmall ? (r = Math.abs(r), n === r ? 0 : n > r ? 1 : -1) : -1;}, = function (e) {var t = z(e), n = this.value, r = t.value; return this.sign !== t.sign ? t.sign ? 1 : -1 : t.isSmall ? this.sign ? -1 : 1 : A(n, r) * (this.sign ? -1 : 1);}, o.prototype.compareTo =, = function (e) {var t = z(e), n = this.value, r = t.value; return t.isSmall ? n == r ? 0 : n > r ? 1 : -1 : n < 0 !== t.sign ? n < 0 ? -1 : 1 : n < 0 ? 1 : -1;}, u.prototype.compareTo =, o.prototype.equals = function (e) {return === 0;}, u.prototype.eq = u.prototype.equals = o.prototype.eq = o.prototype.equals, o.prototype.notEquals = function (e) {return !== 0;}, u.prototype.neq = u.prototype.notEquals = o.prototype.neq = o.prototype.notEquals, o.prototype.greater = function (e) {return > 0;}, = u.prototype.greater = = o.prototype.greater, o.prototype.lesser = function (e) {return < 0;}, = u.prototype.lesser = = o.prototype.lesser, o.prototype.greaterOrEquals = function (e) {return >= 0;}, u.prototype.geq = u.prototype.greaterOrEquals = o.prototype.geq = o.prototype.greaterOrEquals, o.prototype.lesserOrEquals = function (e) {return <= 0;}, u.prototype.leq = u.prototype.lesserOrEquals = o.prototype.leq = o.prototype.lesserOrEquals, o.prototype.isEven = function () {return (this.value[0] & 1) === 0;}, u.prototype.isEven = function () {return (this.value & 1) === 0;}, o.prototype.isOdd = function () {return (this.value[0] & 1) === 1;}, u.prototype.isOdd = function () {return (this.value & 1) === 1;}, o.prototype.isPositive = function () {return !this.sign;}, u.prototype.isPositive = function () {return this.value > 0;}, o.prototype.isNegative = function () {return this.sign;}, u.prototype.isNegative = function () {return this.value < 0;}, o.prototype.isUnit = function () {return !1;}, u.prototype.isUnit = function () {return Math.abs(this.value) === 1;}, o.prototype.isZero = function () {return !1;}, u.prototype.isZero = function () {return this.value === 0;}, o.prototype.isDivisibleBy = function (e) {var t = z(e), n = t.value; return n === 0 ? !1 : n === 1 ? !0 : n === 2 ? this.isEven() : this.mod(t).equals(W[0]);}, u.prototype.isDivisibleBy = o.prototype.isDivisibleBy, o.prototype.isPrime = function () {var e = this.abs(), t = e.prev(); if (e.isUnit()) return !1; if (e.equals(2) || e.equals(3) || e.equals(5)) return !0; if (e.isEven() || e.isDivisibleBy(3) || e.isDivisibleBy(5)) return !1; if (e.lesser(25)) return !0; var n = [2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19], r = t, i, s, o, u; while (r.isEven())r = r.divide(2); for (o = 0; o < n.length; o++) {u = bigInt(n[o]).modPow(r, e); if (u.equals(W[1]) || u.equals(t)) continue; for (s = !0, i = r; s && i.lesser(t); i = i.multiply(2))u = u.square().mod(e), u.equals(t) && (s = !1); if (s) return !1;} return !0;}, u.prototype.isPrime = o.prototype.isPrime, = function () {var e = this.value; return this.sign ? b(e, 1, this.sign) : new o(m(e, 1), this.sign);}, = function () {var e = this.value; return e + 1 < r ? new u(e + 1) : new o(i, !1);}, o.prototype.prev = function () {var e = this.value; return this.sign ? new o(m(e, 1), !0) : b(e, 1, this.sign);}, u.prototype.prev = function () {var e = this.value; return e - 1 > -r ? new u(e - 1) : new o(i, !0);}; var O = [1]; while (O[O.length - 1] <= t)O.push(2 * O[O.length - 1]); var M = O.length, _ = O[M - 1]; o.prototype.shiftLeft = function (e) {if (!D(e)) return e.isNegative() ? this.shiftRight(e.abs()) : this.times(W[2].pow(e)); e = +e; if (e < 0) return this.shiftRight(-e); var t = this; while (e >= M)t = t.multiply(_), e -= M - 1; return t.multiply(O[e]);}, u.prototype.shiftLeft = o.prototype.shiftLeft, o.prototype.shiftRight = function (e) {var t; if (!D(e)) return e.isNegative() ? this.shiftLeft(e.abs()) : (t = this.divmod(W[2].pow(e)), t.remainder.isNegative() ? t.quotient.prev() : t.quotient); e = +e; if (e < 0) return this.shiftLeft(-e); var n = this; while (e >= M) {if (n.isZero()) return n; t = L(n, _), n = t[1].isNegative() ? t[0].prev() : t[0], e -= M - 1;} return t = L(n, O[e]), t[1].isNegative() ? t[0].prev() : t[0];}, u.prototype.shiftRight = o.prototype.shiftRight, o.prototype.not = function () {return this.negate().prev();}, u.prototype.not = o.prototype.not, o.prototype.and = function (e) {return P(this, e, function (e, t) {return e & t;});}, u.prototype.and = o.prototype.and, o.prototype.or = function (e) {return P(this, e, function (e, t) {return e | t;});}, u.prototype.or = o.prototype.or, o.prototype.xor = function (e) {return P(this, e, function (e, t) {return e ^ t;});}, u.prototype.xor = o.prototype.xor; var q = function (e, t) {var n = W[0], r = W[1], i = e.length; if (t >= 2 && t <= 36 && i <= s / Math.log(t)) return new u(parseInt(e, t)); t = z(t); var o = [], a, f = e[0] === '-'; for (a = f ? 1 : 0; a < e.length; a++) {var l = e[a].toLowerCase(), c = l.charCodeAt(0); if (c >= 48 && c <= 57)o.push(z(l)); else if (c >= 97 && c <= 122)o.push(z(l.charCodeAt(0) - 87)); else {if (l !== '<') throw new Error(l + ' is not a valid character'); var h = a; do a++; while (e[a] !== '>');o.push(z(e.slice(h + 1, a)));}}o.reverse(); for (a = 0; a < o.length; a++)n = n.add(o[a].times(r)), r = r.times(t); return f ? n.negate() : n;}; o.prototype.toString = function (t) {t === e && (t = 10); if (t !== 10) return U(this, t); var n = this.value, r = n.length, i = String(n[--r]), s = '0000000', o; while (--r >= 0)o = String(n[r]), i += s.slice(o.length) + o; var u = this.sign ? '-' : ''; return u + i;}, u.prototype.toString = function (t) {return t === e && (t = 10), t != 10 ? U(this, t) : String(this.value);}, o.prototype.valueOf = function () {return +this.toString();}, o.prototype.toJSNumber = o.prototype.valueOf, u.prototype.valueOf = function () {return this.value;}, u.prototype.toJSNumber = u.prototype.valueOf; var W = function (e, t) {return typeof e === 'undefined' ? W[0] : typeof t !== 'undefined' ? +t === 10 ? z(e) : q(e, t) : z(e);}; for (var X = 0; X < 1e3; X++)W[X] = new u(X), X > 0 && (W[-X] = new u(-X)); return = W[1], = W[0], W.minusOne = W[-1], W.max = H, W.min = B, W.gcd = j, W.lcm = F, W.isInstance = function (e) {return e instanceof o || e instanceof u;}, W.randBetween = I, W;}()); typeof module !== 'undefined' && module.hasOwnProperty('exports') && (module.exports = bigInt);