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File metadata and controls

112 lines (82 loc) · 5.28 KB

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About this project

  • The project holds all automation tests for multi-project by browser and mobile (android and ios)

Why do I need this project?

This project is for chrome

  • This project will provide tests specific to performing various browser UI actions and verifications.
  • The project will provide the use of the same steps for Web.

When and why would I need to modify this project?

Any QA or Developer can contribute to this project for valid acceptable scenarios as below:

. Add a new test or feature file of clubbing various tests. . There is an error with an existing test and needs to be updated. . There is missing documentation. . Any other case that should be brought up to QA leads.

How do I set up Pychamr?

Review the, which addresses questions such as:

. How do I import the code into Pycharm? . How do I check out and change GIT branches? . What are environment variables and how to configure them for running tests?

How do I get the code, afresh?

. You can download code at . Clone this project to a working folder on your local machine. Follow for cloning a repository.

Test execution

How do I run an automation test?

  • Recommended VM options :
    • Recommended Command for CLI
      • HELP : python run --help
      • RUN :
        • python run -fd 'features/scenarios/web' -tg '{@web}' -fk 3 -sg SIT -pl WEB -ps scenario
        • run -fd 'features/scenarios/web/orange*.feature' -tg '{@test2}' -fk 3 -sg SIT -pl WEB -ps scenario
        • python run -fd features/scenarios/web -tg {@test-2} -fk 3
    • To run parallel with command
      • behavex -t @regression --parallel-processes 2
      • behavex -t @regression --parallel-processes 2 --parallel-scheme scenario
        • paralle-sheme can have values scenario or feature
        • @regression is the tag in feature files
    • To run remote saucelabs with command
      • python run -fd 'features/scenarios/iPhone' -tg '{@scroll_element_ios}' -sg QA -ps scenario -pl IOS -rm true
      • python run -fd 'features/scenarios/android' -tg '{@scroll_element_android}' -sg QA -ps scenario -pl ANDROID -rm true
      • python run -fd 'features/scenarios/android' -tg '{@scroll_element_android}' -sg QA -ps scenario -pl ANDROID
      • default value is false
    • To execute from a Feature file folder * behavex -ip features --parallel-processes 2 --parallel-scheme scenario * where -ip features => to include the folder path named features
    • To generate Allure report (if you have Allure package)
      • behave -f allure_behave.formatter:AllureFormatter -o allure/results ./features
      • behave -f allure_behave.formatter:AllureFormatter -o allure/results ./features/Login.feature
      • Sample code you can use to execute in Debug mode is located at: /Selenium-with-python-behave/launch/

How to compose the Feature files ?

  • Ensure that you keep 1 line space between the major sections (Feature, Background, Scenario, Scenario Outline) of a Feature file

Tags to be used

* @final - is a reserved tag and not be used in any feature files. The bdd-tags-processor will filter out the 
           relevant scenario and add @final tag to them 
*~@norun - can be used to ignore any Feature file or a Scenario
* ~@ANYTAGNAME - For eg. ~@web will ignore any Feature file or Scenario that has @web tag 

Config to run

There is scripts use to test in framework

Given I navigate to ""
And I change the page spec to pageGoogle
And I wait for element search-field to be DISPLAYED
And I click element search-field
And I type "lqthang" into element search-field
And I navigate to ""
And I change the page spec to HomePage
And I wait for element mobile-button to be DISPLAYED
And I wait for element mobile-button to be ENABLED
And I wait for element mobile-button to be EXISTED
And I click element mobile-button
And I type "test" into element search-input

Given I navigate to "url"

=> use to open broswer and navigate to URL

And I change the page spec to pageGoogle

=>use to get element that store in file yaml

And I save text for element pass-field with key "Pass"

=> use to save text of element in web page