- Fix bug in Workflow-tab where layer selection was not applied
- Display number of resources to be loaded in workflow tab already selected by layer
- The custom colour pallet for periods (also used in the Map of Miletus) is now used in the plots that can display periods.
- The tables displayed when clicking a bar can be downloaded.
- No more forced titles for plots.
- The settings used to connect can now be saved as defaults directly.
- Search result is highlighted in the Fulltext Search table.
- Restructure the app as a package.
- Generic Bar Chart and Aoristic Density graphs are now included instead of split tabs linked in the sidebar.
- The new Search-tab lets users perform fulltext-searches on any text input field.
- There are now tabs to display Plaster and Mollusk Quantifications.
- Place and Operations are now selected in the Home-Tab, and a Popover in the sidebar informs users of the selection.
- The Home-Tab now contains the Version history and better information / guides on the App, as well as the DB-Overview, which is now a tabpanel here.
- Resources in the workflow-tab have to be manually loaded with Layer and Category selection to reduce loading time.
- Some buttons and options now feature informative tooltips.
- Variables for plots are preselected by inputType.
- If the selected Place only contains one Operation, it is automatically selected.
- Better binning of bars and display of axis in the Activity-tab.
- Added a button that refreshes the index, so that newly added resources can be seen as well.
- Added the 'Activity' tab which shows latest and overall changes to the database by Place and user.
- All buttons are now disabled while shiny is busy to avoid unnecessary queries.
- Moved the database query to each tab. Now only the data that is needed in each tab is queried from Field Desktop, hopefully reducing overall loading time and memory usage.
- Redesigned the overview-plot in Plotly. It now displays the complete project database with the exception of Type- and Image-categories.
- Added many tabs for different Find-categories using generalized barplot-module (Plotly).
- Modularized all other tabs.
- From now on, (almost) all plots are produced in Plotly directly to make better use of Plotlys features.
- Corrected typos, minor text and made some layout changes.
- uses idaifieldR 0.3.2
- change the plot download buttons and handlers to a module: fixes non-reactive plot download
- use idaifieldR 0.3.1
- the connection settings (name/pw) are reusable (with milQuant-dist)
- improved plot legends and added bar plot display options
- fixed period order in pottery & quant B plots
- fixed issue with dates
- use plotly for all graphs
- add a workflow overview
- add object table to pottery plot
- project, operation and trench(es) are saved and restored on exit by button
- first "release" (version number changed to be same as the standalone version)
- no more fluidPage()
- fixed if-condition for trench selection
- use idaifieldR v0.2.2 (fixing a problem where with an if-condition)
- rudimentary form for bricks and brick quantification added
- fix downloading plot in Finds, Loomweights and Bricks
- fix error handling in connection (now actually displays the error)
- proper label in period selector
- custom titles and subtitles for all plots
- add logo/icon and custom spinner
- restructure directories and connect/home/overview pages
- uses idaifieldR v0.2.1
- First executable version
- login screen to change connection details (ip, username, password) to suit different field clients and projects
- contains plot generation and download for: find overview, pottery (single), pottery quantification forms A & B from the milt-configuration, loomweight (milet configuration)
- uses idaifieldR v0.2
- not perfect, but currently working for miletus