This task consists in estimating a phenomenon illustrated on an image is a Tropical cyclone or an Extratropical cyclone.
Our model achieved nearly 94.65% accuracy on the validation set and 94.9% accuracy on the test set. For more details refer to the examples in notebooks.
- Images should be in range of [0, 255], where 0 and 255 correspond to 160 Kelvin and 255 Kelvin, correspondingly.
- The model accepts 256x256 images with resolution 1 pixel ≈ 10 Km.
- Images are assumed to have the typhoon eye in the image centre (i.e . at position [127, 127]).
You can also use the model in your code.
from pyphoon.models.tcxtc import tcxtcNet
model = tcxtcNet('weights.hdf5')
from pyphoon.models.tcxtc import tcxtcPreprocessor
X = ... # Load (1, 256, 256) image or (N, 256, 256) array of images
preprocessor = tcxtcPreprocessor()
X = preprocessor.apply(X)
y_pred = model.predict(X)