The first visualization tutorial goes through the basic concepts of ComplexVisual.jl
. The goal of the visualization is to see how a 'test set' gets transformed by the analytic continuation of Arctan
Source: Arctan.jl
This is a barebones version of the first tutorial, which can be quickly changed to fit whatever set function you wish to visualize.
Source: zsquare_lr.jl
The second tutorial goes through how to build a slider. We use this to compare the Arctan
function to its truncated Taylor series at z=0. The size of the sum can be changed with the slider.
Source: ArctanSeries.jl
We can now add the slider and 'test set' together to build a more complicated model. The goal is to see how exp(z)
can be approximated through (1 + z/n) ^ n
. To do this, we build our own custom slider that has a 'snap to infinity' option.
Source: Exp01.jl
Our goal is to generate an image of the mandelbrot set, as well as interactive images of Julia sets. To do this, we need to build custom painter functions and colorschemes.
Source: Winding01.jl
Source: Exp02.jl
Visualizing exp(z*n)
vs. truncated series of exp(z*n)
with n terms.
Source: ExpSeriesRescaled.jl
Visualization of (z^(1/n) - 1)*n
Source: Log01.jl
Source: Log02.jl
Truncated Taylor series at z=0 of Log(1+z)
Source: Log1pSeries.jl
Image of vertical lines transformed by ( z - i ) / ( z + i )
How to style ticks and axis.
Source: Axis01.jl