Course materials for Health Econometrics I, University of Toronto IHPME -- Fall 2022
Alex Hoagland, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Health Economics, IHPME
155 College Street, Suite 440
[email protected]
- The most recent syllabus is in the main folder.
- Lectures are each contained in their own folder with:
- Slides
- Example code (in both .R and .Rmd formats; note that .Rmd formats will be used for class)
- Published papers that provide either additional theoretical details or example applications of the methods used.
- Assignments, including problems and data sets, are collected into a single folder. Solutions available upon request.
- Note: it is a violation of both university policy and intellectual property laws to post solutions to these problem sets anywhere on the internet.
These materials borrow heavily from previous iterations of this course and other versions of it taught around the globe. In particular, I am grateful to the following individuals for sharing their course materials with me for the current iteration:
- Eric Nauenberg
- Audrey Laporte
- Andrew Heiss
- Clément de Chaisemartin