- pk(Y) - 主键
- nn - 不为空
- AI - 自动增加
- datatype(int、varchar、longtext、bigint(20)) - 数据类型
- Default - 默认值
use myblog;
show tables;
# 插入
insert into users(username,`password`,realname) values ('zhangsan','123','张三');
# 查询
-- select * from users; # -- 表示这一行语句被注释
select id,username from users;
select * from users where username='zhangsan' and `password`=123
select * from users where username='zhangsan' or `password`=123
select * from users where username like '%zhang%';
select * from users where `password` like '%1%' order by id desc;
# 更新
SET SQL_SAFE_UPDATES = 0; # 取消安全模式
update users set realname='李四2' where username='lisi';
# 删除
delete from users where username='lisi';
# 软删除,可恢复(<>不等于)
select * from users where state='1';
select * from users where state<>'0';
update users set state='0' where username='李四';
update users set state='1' where username='李四';
const env = process.env.NODE_ENV
if(env === 'dev') {
host: 'localhost',
user: 'root',
password: '123456',
port: '3306',
database: 'myblog'
if(env === 'production') {
host: 'localhost',
user: 'root',
password: '123456',
port: '3306',
database: 'myblog'
module.exports = {
const mysql = require('mysql')
const { MYSQL_CONF } = require('./../conf/db')
// 创建链接对象
const con = mysql.createConnection(MYSQL_CONF)
// 开始连接
// 统一执行 sql 的函数
function exec(sql) {
const promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
con.query(sql, (err, result) => {
if(err) {
return promise
module.exports = {
// post data
getPostData(req).then(postData => {
req.body = postData
// 登录路由
const userResult = handleUserRouter(req, res)
if(userResult) {
userResult.then(userData => {
// �处理博客路由
const blogResult = handleBlogRouter(req, res)
if(blogResult) {
blogResult.then(blogData => {
// 未命中路由
res.writeHead(404, {'Content-type': 'text/plain'})
res.write('404 Not Found!\n')
const { getList, getDetail, newBlog, updateBlog, delBlog } = require('../controller/blog')
const { SuccessModel, ErrorModel } = require('../model/resModel')
const handleBlogRouter = (req, res) => {
const method = req.method // GET POST
const id = req.query.id
// 获取博客列表
if(method === 'GET' && req.path === '/api/blog/list') {
const author = req.query.author || ''
const keyword = req.query.keyword || ''
const result = getList(author, keyword)
return result.then(listData => {
return new SuccessModel(listData)
// 获取博客详情
if(method === 'GET' && req.path === '/api/blog/detail') {
const result = getDetail(id)
return result.then(data => {
return new SuccessModel(data)
// 新建一篇博客
if(method === 'POST' && req.path === '/api/blog/new') {
const author = 'wangwu'
req.body.author = author // 创建假数据
const result = newBlog(req.body)
return result.then(data => {
return new SuccessModel(data)
// 更新一篇博客
if(method === 'POST' && req.path === '/api/blog/update') {
const result = updateBlog(id, req.body)
return result.then(val => {
if(val) {
return new SuccessModel()
} else {
return new ErrorModel('更新失败')
// 删除一篇博客
if(method === 'POST' && req.path === '/api/blog/delete') {
const author = 'wangwu'
req.body.author = author // 创建假数据
const result = delBlog(id, author)
return result.then(val => {
if(val) {
return new SuccessModel()
} else {
return new ErrorModel('删除失败')
module.exports = handleBlogRouter
const { loginCheck } = require('../controller/user')
const { SuccessModel, ErrorModel } = require('../model/resModel')
const handleUserRouter = (req, res) => {
const method = req.method
if(method === 'POST' && req.path === '/api/blog/login') {
const { username, password } = req.body
const result = loginCheck(username, password)
return result.then(data => {
if(data.username) {
return new SuccessModel()
} else {
return new ErrorModel('登录失败')
module.exports = handleUserRouter
然后沿着 require()
找到 controller/blog.js
const { getList, getDetail, newBlog, updateBlog, delBlog } = require('../controller/blog')
const { SuccessModel, ErrorModel } = require('../model/resModel')
const handleBlogRouter = (req, res) => {
const method = req.method // GET POST
const id = req.query.id
// 获取博客列表
if(method === 'GET' && req.path === '/api/blog/list') {
const author = req.query.author || ''
const keyword = req.query.keyword || ''
const result = getList(author, keyword)
return result.then(listData => {
return new SuccessModel(listData)
// 获取博客详情
if(method === 'GET' && req.path === '/api/blog/detail') {
const result = getDetail(id)
return result.then(data => {
return new SuccessModel(data)
// 新建一篇博客
if(method === 'POST' && req.path === '/api/blog/new') {
const author = 'wangwu'
req.body.author = author // 创建假数据
const result = newBlog(req.body)
return result.then(data => {
return new SuccessModel(data)
// 更新一篇博客
if(method === 'POST' && req.path === '/api/blog/update') {
const result = updateBlog(id, req.body)
return result.then(val => {
if(val) {
return new SuccessModel()
} else {
return new ErrorModel('更新失败')
// 删除一篇博客
if(method === 'POST' && req.path === '/api/blog/delete') {
const author = 'wangwu'
req.body.author = author // 创建假数据
const result = delBlog(id, author)
return result.then(val => {
if(val) {
return new SuccessModel()
} else {
return new ErrorModel('删除失败')
module.exports = handleBlogRouter
以及同目录下的 user.js
const { exec } = require('./../db/mysql')
const loginCheck = (username, password) => {
const sql = `
select username, realname from users where username='${username}' and password='${password}';
return exec(sql).then(rows => {
return rows[0] || {}
module.exports = { loginCheck }