The python module aBuild is meant to automate the process of building an MTP model for a paticular system. The documents presented in this folder/book are meant to be a reference guide to aBuild, bash, git, etc.
In the main file, refGuide is a description of what to do to build a model of a particular system. refGuide.pdf has various appendices to help the student develop the necessary skills to use aBuild, i.e. bash, git, emacs, etc. Also included in refGuide are several sections describing the theory.
In addition to the refGuide and appendices there are cheat sheets for quick reference to various helpful commands, including an aBuild cheat sheet and a bash cheat sheet.
LancesReport.pdf is the report that Brother Nelson wrote on the internship we completed at Idaho National Laboratory. It has a really helpful example to help understand the MTP basis.
example.yml has a yaml file with a lot of comments to help explain what each of the parts is.
Disclaimer: we wrote this to help ourselves remember these things, and as a favor to Brother Nelson. We reserve the right for some of it to be incomplete or confusing at times. If you have questions, don't be afraid to ask us or Brother Nelson.