The following examples explain how transformations work.
The basic transformation copies all attributes from the input JSON messages to the output JSON ones.
{ "sourcePath": "$", "targetPath": "$" },
In this example, the source system JSON data contains the sn[0] attribute. The read transformation converts this attribute to name.familyName in the intermediate JSON data. Then, the write transformation reads the name.familyName attribute and maps it to name.familyName in the target system.
Source entity data (from Microsoft Active Directory)
"sAMAccountName": ["jsmith"],
"mail": ["[email protected]"],
"givenName": ["John"],
"sn": ["Smith"],
"memberOf": ["group1"],
"memberOf_2": ["group21", "group22"],
"memberOf_3": ["group31", "group32", "group33"]
Read transformation (intermediate JSON Data)
"user": {
"mappings": [
"sourcePath": "$[0]",
"targetVariable": "entityIdSourceSystem",
"correlationAttribute": true
"condition": "('' == '%ldap.attribute.dn%')",
"constant": "",
"targetVariable": "nestedPathRegex",
"functions": [
"function": "concatString",
"prefix": "(?i)cn=.*?,(.*?)",
"suffix": ",%ldap.user.path%"
"condition": "('' == '%ldap.attribute.dn%')",
"sourcePath": "$[0]",
"targetPath": "$['urn:sap:cloud:scim:schemas:extension:ad:2.0:User']['nestedPath']",
"functions": [
"function": "getMatchedRegexGroup",
"regex": "${nestedPathRegex}",
"groupIndex": 1
"defaultValue": ""
"sourcePath": "$.sAMAccountName[0]",
"targetPath": "$.userName",
"correlationAttribute": true
"sourcePath": "$.displayName[0]",
"optional": true,
"targetPath": "$.displayName"
"constant": "urn:ietf:params:scim:schemas:core:2.0:User",
"targetPath": "$.schemas[0]"
"sourcePath": "$.mail[0]",
"optional": true,
"targetPath": "$.emails[0].value",
"correlationAttribute": true
"sourcePath": "$.givenName[0]",
"optional": true,
"targetPath": "$.name.givenName"
"sourcePath": "$.sn[0]",
"optional": true,
"targetPath": "$.name.familyName"
"sourcePath": "$.memberOf",
"preserveArrayWithSingleElement": true,
"optional": true,
"targetPath": "$.groups[?(@.value)]"
Write transformation (intermediate JSON Data)
"user": {
"condition": "($.emails.length() > 0) && ($.name.familyName EMPTY false)",
"mappings": [
"sourcePath": "$.groups",
"preserveArrayWithSingleElement": true,
"optional": true,
"targetPath": "$.corporateGroups"
"sourceVariable": "entityIdTargetSystem",
"targetPath": "$.id"
"constant": "urn:ietf:params:scim:schemas:core:2.0:User",
"targetPath": "$.schemas[0]"
"constant": "urn:ietf:params:scim:schemas:extension:enterprise:2.0:User",
"targetPath": "$.schemas[1]"
"sourcePath": "$.userName",
"optional": true,
"targetPath": "$.userName"
"sourcePath": "$.emails[*].value",
"preserveArrayWithSingleElement": true,
"targetPath": "$.emails[?(@.value)]"
"sourcePath": "$.userType",
"optional": true,
"targetPath": "$.userType"
"sourcePath": "$.name.givenName",
"optional": true,
"targetPath": "$.name.givenName"
"sourcePath": "$.name.middleName",
"optional": true,
"targetPath": "$.name.middleName"
"sourcePath": "$.name.familyName",
"optional": true,
"targetPath": "$.name.familyName"
"sourcePath": "$.displayName",
"optional": true,
"targetPath": "$.displayName"
Target entity data (result in Identity Authentication)
"schemas": [
"id": "P000100",
"userName": "jsmith",
"name": {
"familyName": "Smith",
"givenName": "John"
"emails": [
"value": "[email protected]",
"primary": "true",
"type": "work"
"groups": [
"value": "group1"
"groups_2": [
"value": "group21"
"value": "group22"
"groups_3": [
"value": "group31"
"value": "group32"
"value": "group33"
In this example, you can try to apply a condition on whether an attribute of an entity contains a particular string. The template for such condition is the following:
"condition": "$.<attribute> =~ /.*<text>.*/",
=~ means that a regular expression (regex) will be tested in the condition
/ represents the start and end of the regex
.* represents any symbol
<text> is a placeholder for the string that you want the value to contain
With this example, you can checks if the first email address of a user contains a particular domain:
"condition": "$.emails[0].value =~ /.*",
With this example, you can assign a user to a group, based on their userName containing a particular string:
{ "condition": "$.userName =~ /.*explorer.*/", "constant": "Explorers", "targetPath": "$.groups[0].value" }, { "condition": "$.userName =~ /.*scifi.*/", "constant": "Scientists", "targetPath": "$.groups[1].value" }
Result: This will assign all users, which have "
" in their userName, to the "Explorers" group, and all users, which contain "scifi
" in their userName, to the "Scientists" group.
Related Information