📜 Amazing grid view in your tvOS/iOS app
You can download this repository and see this example app.
In Podfile
pod 'GridView'
and use pod install
- Create a Container View
- Change the View Controller for Collection View Controller
- Set
as a custom class
To display a cell in grid, the cell need be a UICollectionViewCell
and subscriber the protocol SlotableCell
And, you need create a xib file with Collection View Cell. The xib, and cell's indentifier in xib file, need have the same name of the class.
Minimal example:
import UIKit
import GridView
class CellLogs: UICollectionViewCell, SlotableCell {
static let slotWidth = 1 // size of cell in grid 📏
static let slotHeight = 1 // size of cell in grid 📐
var slotParams: [String : Any] = [:]
func load() {
// this method if called when a cell is created in grid 🔨
When the grid will show the CellLogs
, will get the CellLogs.xib
and run the load(params)
Your controller that will manager a grid need subscriber the protocol GridViewDelegate
Minimal example:
extension ViewController: GridViewDelegate {
func getCellToRegister() -> [SlotableCell.Type] {
// we need register cell's class, then, send it's where 🖋
return [CellLogs.self, CellMap.self]
// if do you want list all classes that subscreber the SlotableCell protocol, you can read use this gist: https://gist.github.com/brunomacabeusbr/eea343bb9119b96eed3393e41dcda0c9 💜
func setup(cell: SlotableCell) {
// this delegate is called in "collectionView(_:cellForItemAt)" from GridViewController
// it's useful when we need to setup many cells with same code 🍡
// for example, connect to server, if a cell need
if let cellRealTime = cell as? CellRealTimeProtocol {
// layout
(cell as? UICollectionViewCell)?.layer.cornerRadius = 10
Then, we need set a variable to manager a grid and set ViewController
as a delegate.
Minimal example:
class ViewController: UIViewController {
@IBOutlet weak var container: UIView!
var containerGrid: GridViewController?
override func viewDidLoad() {
// set the cells to show in grid 📌
containerGrid!.gridConfiguration = GridConfiguration.create(slots: Slots(slots: [
[Slot(cell: CellMap.self, params: [:]), Slot(cell: CellChart.self, params: [:])],
[Slot(cell: CellLogs.self, params: [:])],
[Slot(cell: CellCharacter.self, params: ["race": "troll"]), Slot(cell: CellCharacter.self, params: ["race": "elves"]), Slot(cell: CellCharacter.self, params: ["race": "undead"]), Slot(cell: CellCharacter.self, params: ["race": "merfolk"])]
override func prepare(for segue: UIStoryboardSegue, sender: Any?) {
if segue.identifier == "segueGrid" {
self.containerGrid = (segue.destination as! GridViewController)
self.containerGrid!.delegate = self
To understand how to set layout with gridConfiguration
correctly, read the section "How GridView work?".
When you create a Slot
, you set a cell of this slot, and also params of this slot. For example:
Slot(cell: CellCharacter.self, params: ["race": "undead"])
The value of params
is set in attribute slotParams
of SlotableCell
Example of use:
class CellCharacter: UICollectionViewCell, SlotableCell {
var slotParams: [String : Any] = [:]
func load() {
let paramRace = slotParams["race"] as? String
switch paramRace {
case "undead"?:
image.image = UIImage(named: "undead")!
case "elves"?:
image.image = UIImage(named: "elves")!
case "troll"?:
image.image = UIImage(named: "troll")!
print("invalid race: \(paramRace ?? "nil")")
If you already a set a value to gridConfiguration
, and want set a new value, to reload a grid use the method reloadGrid()
containerGrid!.gridConfiguration = [ ... ] // new values for my awesome grid
containerGrid!.reloadGrid() // reload it
The GridView always show all cells, and set in each cell a proportional size with the slotWidth
and slotHeight
When GridView will draw a cell, check if have a enough space in first slot. If have, draw. If haven't, check in the second slot, and so on.
The total of columns is calculated at runtime.