Changes for each release are listed in this file.
This project adheres to Semantic Versioning for its releases.
Changes since v0.3.2:
- e06d866 build: update create_github_release dependency
- b8aafa3 docs: add conventional commit badge to README
- 596b217 build: remove semver pr label check
- bed5192 build: enforce conventional commit message formatting
- d036188 Clarify gem installation and configuration via env variables
- 1d89785 Add TargetRubyVersion in .rubocop.yml
- 2017a2f Use shared Rubocop config
Changes since v0.3.1:
- 7da8291 Update links in gemspec
- c050356 Add Slack badge for this project in README
- b9e3dfb Release v0.3.1
Changes since v0.3.0:
- 1fca720 Remove unneeded --exclude options in .yardopts
- e60794d Update yardopts with new standard options
- 31537ec Fix the YARD doc generation to use the correct license file name
- aebb048 Standardize YARD and Markdown Lint configurations
- 474adfb Update CODEOWNERS file
- ca1aca3 Document why the JRuby --debug flag is being set
- 8e0ad31 Set JRuby —debug option when running tests in GitHub Actions workflows
- fa10ba3 Fix example of uncovered lines listing in README
Changes since v0.2.1:
- 55c3812 Output the number of lines missing coverage
- 9356f64 Rename variables from "lines_not_covered" to "uncovered_lines" to be consistent
- ec637c0 Fix error in README
- 9d9cb0c Rearrange workflow definitions to have the name first
- ac8efae Update continuous integration and experimental ruby builds
- ac1da92 Use v1 tag for the semver_pr_label_check workflow
- d701393 Auto-correct new Rubocop offenses
- 0319f68 Update minimal Ruby version to 3.1
- d6b57d1 Update code climate test coverage reporter version to v9
- 02553a1 Change simplecov from a development dependency to a runtime dependency
Changes since v0.2.0:
- d714b58 Simplify how the experimental ruby builds are triggered
- de79d66 Use a reusable workflow for the Semver PR label check
- d29ecac Add Semver PR Label workflow
- 0fed875 Update the version of code climate test coverage reporter
Changes since v0.1.0:
- 2b544ee Allow the CI build to be manually triggered
- 50e1b4a Rename lib/simplecov/rspec to lib/simplecov-rspec (and related files)
- 0884d23 Move CI build using Ruby head to an different workflow
- 93d7004 Add RSpec HTML formatter for CI build
- 94f5a80 Configure RSpec to run turnip tests when run from rake
- b3bf845 Use SimpleCov LCov formatter in the CI build
- 9fe828c Initial revision