- Data type: float
- What is it for: specifying the roughness of a material
- Use when: you want a specific roughness
- Implemented in MakeSkin: yes
- Makes visible difference in blender: yes (but see also roughness)
- Makes visible difference in makehuman: yes
The traditional MHMAT setting closest to roughness is shininess. However, the meaning of this is somewhat different between makehuman and blender.
On import and export in makeskin, shininess will be treated as the inverse of roughness. That is, 0.0 is a very rough material and 1.0 is a very smooth material.
If the roughness key is not available on import, the roughness value on the principled node will be set to 1.0 - shininess. If it is available, it will be used instead of shininess.
When exported by makeskin, both shininess and roughness will be written to the MHMAT file, both based on the principled node's roughness socket.
To specify a rather smooth material:
shininess 0.7