So far the examples have only concerned a single component, however this will only take us so far before the state and query algebra becomes unmanageable. The answer is to break our app into components that can be composed.
Let's take a look at a component that uses our button component as a child:
import Prelude
import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..), maybe)
import Halogen as H
import Halogen.HTML as HH
import Halogen.HTML.Events as HE
import Button as Button
data Query a
= HandleButton Button.Message a
| CheckButtonState a
type State =
{ toggleCount :: Int
, buttonState :: Maybe Boolean
data Slot = ButtonSlot
derive instance eqButtonSlot :: Eq Slot
derive instance ordButtonSlot :: Ord Slot
component :: forall m. H.Component HH.HTML Query Unit Void m
component =
{ initialState: const initialState
, render
, eval
, receiver: const Nothing
initialState :: State
initialState =
{ toggleCount: 0
, buttonState: Nothing }
render :: State -> H.ParentHTML Query Button.Query Slot m
render state =
[ HH.slot ButtonSlot Button.myButton unit (HE.input HandleButton)
, HH.p_
[ HH.text ("Button has been toggled " <> show state.toggleCount <> " time(s)") ]
, HH.p_
[ HH.text
$ "Last time I checked, the button was: "
<> (maybe "(not checked yet)" (if _ then "on" else "off") state.buttonState)
<> ". "
, HH.button
[ HE.onClick (HE.input_ CheckButtonState) ]
[ HH.text "Check now" ]
eval :: Query ~> H.ParentDSL State Query Button.Query Slot Void m
eval = case _ of
HandleButton (Button.Toggled _) next -> do
H.modify (\st -> st { toggleCount = st.toggleCount + 1 })
pure next
CheckButtonState next -> do
buttonState <- H.query ButtonSlot $ H.request Button.IsOn
H.modify (_ { buttonState = buttonState })
pure next
A runnable version of this is available in the components
This is a somewhat silly example of a container wrapping a button. It counts how many times the button has been toggled, and when asked it can check whether the button is on or off. In reality the "ask" part of this would be unnecessary as the container could use the message from the button to track the state changes, but doing this gives us an excuse to illustrate a request query.
As you can see, things are much the same as with a standalone component, only we're using the parentComponent
constructor now and there are some new types involved.
The first new element we see defined for this component is the Slot
type. We use values of this type as the IDs for child components in the rendered HTML. "Slot", "slot address", "slot id" are all used interchangeably to refer to these values.
We're only using one button in the container in this example, so the type only admits one value. Given that, Unit
would have been an equally suitable option to use here.
When a parent component is being used for displaying a list of items then this slot type could be an Int
index for the items, or perhaps some String
key value that each item has.
The type we use must implement instances for the Ord
and Eq
classes, but we can make the compiler derive these instances for us:
derive instance eqTickSlot :: Eq Slot
derive instance ordTickSlot :: Ord Slot
The render
for parent components uses a ParentHTML
synonym rather than the ComponentHTML
we used before. It has some extra parameters:
-- Render for a standalone component
render :: s -> H.ComponentHTML f
-- Render for a parent component
render :: s -> H.ParentHTML f g p m
is the query algebra for the parent componentg
is the query algebra for child componentsp
is the slot address typem
is the effect monad
It may seem a little odd that we have to include m
here when rendering, since no side effects can occur here. We do need evidence that both parent and child components share the same effect monad type for things to work out though.
When we want to render a child component in the HTML we use the slot
:: forall f m p i o g
. p
-> Component HTML g i o m
-> i
-> (o -> Maybe (f Unit))
-> ParentHTML f g p m
We pass it:
- a slot address value
- the child component we want to populate the slot with
- an input value
- a handler for output messages
So for our example, that was:
HH.slot ButtonSlot Button.myButton unit (HE.input HandleButton)
We're using:
- the
value we created - the button component
for the input value (that's all the button component expects)- a mapping to the
query for our parent component as the message handler.
The handler function takes a message value from the child component's and translates it into a query on the parent component. We can filter the messages by using the Maybe
return type, so if we're not interested in what the child has to say we can just use const Nothing
. If the child outputs no messages, using Void
as its message type, we can use absurd
Care should be taken to avoid using the same slot address for multiple child components. The resulting behaviour is undefined... but almost certainly won't be good. If duplicate slot values are detected a warning message will be logged in the browser console.
After a component is initialized in a slot, providing a different value for any parameter other than the input value or slot address will have no effect on the child component. Say we were to render the parent using:
HH.slot ButtonSlot Button.myButton unit (HE.input HandleButton)
And then on the next render:
HH.slot ButtonSlot AltButton.myAltButton unit (HE.input HandleAltButton)
The change in component and handler would have no effect. The child component that was initialized in that slot will be preserved, and the original handler setup will be used when it emits messages.
Changing the slot address value will cause the original component to be destroyed and a new one will be initialized in its place with a fresh state.
Changing input values will be covered later in this chapter.
As with rendering we need to use a different synonym for the result of query evaluation, as compared with a standalone component:
-- Query evaluation for a standalone component
eval :: f ~> H.ComponentDSL s f o m
-- Query evaluation for a parent component
eval :: f ~> H.ParentDSL s f g p o m
is just a name synonym for HalogenM
, but provided for symmetry with ComponentHTML
becoming ParentHTML
As with the render
function we looked at earlier, the additional g
and p
parameters are the query algebra for child components and the slot address type.
Now we have a child component we can query it during eval
, using the aptly named query
:: forall s f g p o m a
. Eq p
=> p
-> g a
-> HalogenM s f g p o m (Maybe a)
We pass it the slot address value for the component we want to query, and the query to send to it. The result here uses a Maybe
as we have no guarantee that the child component we're querying is present in the current rendered HTML.
In our example we use query
to check what the current button state is when evaluating CheckButtonState
for the parent:
CheckButtonState next -> do
buttonState <- H.query ButtonSlot $ H.request Button.IsOn
H.modify (_ { buttonState = buttonState })
pure next
As it happens the buttonState
we're storing in the container component is Maybe Boolean
, so we didn't have to do anything before storing it here. Often we'll need to handle the Maybe
first however. A common pattern is to use the Foldable
instance of Maybe
, allowing us to write handlers like:
CheckButtonState next -> do
H.query ButtonSlot (H.request Button.IsOn) >>= traverse_ \isOn ->
-- do something with `isOn :: Boolean`
pure unit
pure next
As well as being able to query children one at a time, we can send a query to all the children of a component at once, using the queryAll
:: forall s f g p o m a
. Ord p
=> g a
-> HalogenM s f g p o m (Map p a)
This sends the same query to every child, and then gives us the result back as a map where the keys are slot addresses and the values are the query result for that child.
That covers it for basic parent/child setups: the only differences between standalone and parent components are the need to define a slot type, some type synonyms with extra parameters, and the ability to query children.
A component that can contain other components is constructed with the parentComponent
type ParentComponentSpec h s f g p i o m =
{ initialState :: i -> s
, render :: s -> h (ComponentSlot h g m p (f Unit)) (f Unit)
, eval :: f ~> HalogenM s f g p o m
, receiver :: i -> Maybe (f Unit)
:: forall h s f g p i o m
. Ord p
=> ParentComponentSpec h s f g p i o m
-> Component h f i o m
The type signature is a little horrifying with all those type variables, but we've already encountered all of them at this point. It's rare to actually use the ParentComponentSpec
type too - it's just there as a way of bundling up the arguments we want to pass to parentComponent
, usually we'd pass the record in immediately.
Nevertheless, here's one more reminder of what they all mean:
is the type of value that will be rendered by the parent component (HH.HTML
for "normal" use).s
is the parent component's state type.f
is the parent component's query algebra.g
is the query algebra for child components.p
is the slot address type for child components.i
is the type for the parent component's input values.o
is the type for the parent component's output messages.m
is a monad used for non-component-state effects.
So far whenever input values have been mentioned they've been glossed over. Now we know how to embed a child component within a parent we can get into it.
Input values are a means of passing values into a child component every time a parent re-renders. It is also possible to do this by querying the children whenever a parent modifies its state, but as this mechanism is declarative it's less error prone and often more convenient.
First we'll need to set up a component that expects an input:
import Prelude
import Halogen as H
import Halogen.HTML as HH
import Halogen.HTML.Events as HE
type Input = Int
type State = Int
data Query a = HandleInput Int a
component :: forall m. H.Component HH.HTML Query Input Void m
component =
{ initialState: const initialState
, render
, eval
, receiver: HE.input HandleInput
initialState :: State
initialState = 0
render :: State -> H.ComponentHTML Query
render state =
[ HH.text "My input value is:"
, HH.strong_ [ HH.text (show state) ]
eval :: Query ~> H.ComponentDSL State Query Void m
eval = case _ of
HandleInput n next -> do
oldN <- H.get
when (oldN /= n) $ H.put n
pure next
This is a super simple component that just displays whatever value it has received as its input. As you can see, both the Input
and State
type synonyms we have here are Int
. Usually the component would have some additional private state of its own.
The next part that needs providing is the receiver
in the component spec. This function determines what to do when provided with an input value. As with output message handlers, it maps the value to a query to raise on the component. Likewise, it is a i -> Maybe (f Unit)
mapping, so we can choose to do nothing with some input values if we prefer.
Finally, we just need to handle the query in eval
just as we would with any other query. Input values are triggered every time the parent component renders. This means we might want to perform some check in here to determine whether anything actually needs to happen with the child. In the example above we check to see whether the input value differs from what we have stored in the existing state before doing anything. Calling put
or modify
in eval
will always cause a component to re-render, so by checking whether the state changes first we can prevent unnecessary rendering being done for this component.
When we use this component in a slot now we can pass through an Int
value based on the parent component's state and see it reflected in the child.
In the components-inputs
example that the above code was taken from, the "display component" we defined above is used like this:
[ HH.slot (Slot 1) Display.component state absurd
, HH.slot (Slot 2) Display.component (state * 2) absurd
, HH.slot (Slot 3) Display.component (state * 3) absurd
, HH.slot (Slot 4) Display.component (state * 10) absurd
, HH.slot (Slot 5) Display.component (state * state) absurd
This gives us a variety of displays, each with a different permutations of the parent component's state, and all of which update in tandem with changes in the parent component's state.
The need for multiple types of child component under a parent arises quite often, so Halogen has some tools to help with that.
By "multiple types", an example would be where we have a component for the top level of an app, and inside that view we'd want a menu bar component, a current page view component, a dialog box component, etc. It's unlikely that all these elements would share the same query algebra, so we need a way of dealing with that.
Our parent component only has one type variable for the child component query algebra and one for the slot types, so how do we do this? By introducing sum types for the various child query algebra and slot types.
It is possible to write your own sum types here, but Halogen offers some convenience functions that should suffice for most cases. We'll be using values from Data.Either.Nested
for the slot types and Data.Functor.Coproduct.Nested
for the query types:
type ChildQuery = Coproduct3 CA.Query CB.Query CC.Query
type ChildSlot = Either3 Unit Unit Unit
This and most of the following code snippets are based on the components-multitype
If you haven't encountered Coproduct
before, it can be thought of as "either for type constructors" - it expects types of kind Type -> Type
rather than Type
for its parameters.
Each position in the nested Either
should correspond to a position in the nested Coproduct
. Here we are just using Unit
for each of the slots since the example only uses one instance of each child component, but in other cases it might look something like:
type ChildSlot = Either3 SlotA SlotB SlotC
Rendering is much the same as before, although now we use a variation on the slot
function when embedding child components:
render :: State -> H.ParentHTML Query ChildQuery ChildSlot m
render state = HH.div_
[ HH.slot' CP.cp1 unit CA.component unit absurd
, HH.slot' CP.cp2 unit CB.component unit absurd
, HH.slot' CP.cp3 unit CC.component unit absurd
, HH.p_
[ HH.text "Last observed states:"]
, HH.ul_
[ HH.li_ [ HH.text ("Component A: " <> show state.a) ]
, HH.li_ [ HH.text ("Component B: " <> show state.b) ]
, HH.li_ [ HH.text ("Component C: " <> show state.c) ]
, HH.button
[ HE.onClick (HE.input_ ReadStates) ]
[ HH.text "Check states now" ]
Now we're using the slot'
function we also pass a cpN
value through. The N
corresponds to the position of the query/slot in the sum for that type of child component.
These cpN
functions are provided in Halogen.Component.ChildPath
and range from cp1
to cp10
It's important to note that we want to use Either2
and Coproduct2
rather than Either
and Coproduct
when there are only two types of child component. Even though they have the same arity, their structure is a little different. There is an alternative notation for these nested types that makes the differences more apparent:
type ChildQuery = CA.Query <\/> CB.Query <\/> CC.Query <\/> Const Void
type ChildSlot = Unit \/ Unit \/ Unit \/ Void
These definitions are identical to those we saw earlier, but taking advantage of the type-level operators for Coproduct
and Either
. Note how in both cases there is a terminal element based on Void
- this is like the Nil
in a list, but done at the type level. The types need this terminal element for the cpN
combinators to be able to reference each of the other positions.
As with slot
being replaced with slot'
in the rendering, we use query'
with a cpN
value instead of query
in eval
eval :: Query ~> H.ParentDSL State Query ChildQuery ChildSlot Void m
eval (ReadStates next) = do
a <- H.query' CP.cp1 unit (H.request CA.GetState)
b <- H.query' CP.cp2 unit (H.request CB.GetCount)
c <- H.query' CP.cp3 unit (H.request CC.GetValue)
H.put { a, b, c }
pure next
There is also a queryAll'
function that acts like queryAll
, but takes a ChildPath
to filter by child component type:
:: forall s f g g' p p' o m a
. (Ord p, Eq p')
=> ChildPath g g' p p'
-> g a
-> HalogenM s f g' p' o m (M.Map p a)
One final suggestion that may be helpful - instead of using the cpN
functions directly, aliasing them with more memorable names can be beneficial. A hypothetical example:
cpMenu :: ChildPath MenuQuery ChildQuery MenuSlot ChildSlot
cpMenu = cp1
cpView :: ChildPath ViewQuery ChildQuery ViewSlot ChildSlot
cpView = cp2
cpDialog :: ChildPath DialogQuery ChildQuery DialogSlot ChildSlot
cpDialog = cp3
cpNotification :: ChildPath NoteQuery ChildQuery NoteSlot ChildSlot
cpNotification = cp4
-- etc...
This way you don't need to remember the index of each child when writing the rendering/eval code for a component, and can use the names instead.
If for some reason 10 variations in child component isn't enough, it is possible to write your own sum types and corresponding ChildPath
values. If you have a Coproduct
/ Either
based setup then it is possible to construct your own paths with the cpL
and cpR
functions and the :>
operator that composes ChildPath
s. For example:
myPath :: forall f g h i p q r s. ChildPath f (Coproduct (Coproduct (Coproduct g f) h) i) p (Either (Either (Either q p) r) s)
myPath = cpL :> cpL :> cpR
These functions are also useful if your sum doesn't follow the default nesting order for some reason, as the above path illustrates.
When using cpL
and cpR
, cp2
is equivalent to cpR :> cpL
, cp3
is equivalent to cpR :> cpR :> cpL
, and so on.
If you want to define your own sum types entirely, then this is also possible, as a ChildPath
is just a container of two Prism'
values from purescript-profunctor-lenses
. The first prism is for the query algebra, the second for the slot address. Lenses are a bit beyond the scope of this guide, but essentially you can build these prisms using the prism'
You've made it to the end of the guide, as it stands... happy Halogen-ing!