- Set the range for amazon-braket-schemas to >= 1.10.0 for the latest device schemas needed.
- remove s3 references from README
- change failureReason string check to let test pass
- Add method for updating the user agent for braket client
- Add support for photonic computations
- pin coverage dependency only for test extra
- removing validation for disable_qubit_rewiring
- allow job role to be set via env variable
- allow user to set region+endpoint through env variables
- Noise models
- broken links for examples
- Gate and Circuit inversion
- support local simulators for jobs
- use to_unitary rather than as_unitary.
- align ECR gate definition with OQC
- add device arn error handling for badly formed ARNs
- stringify hyperparameters automatically
- add exception handling to local job test
- Run github workflows on feature branches
- Specify DEVICE_REGIONS docs.
- Add support for running OpenQASM programs
- Add parameterized circuits
- Add the OQC ARN to the integ tests
- LHR region configuration
- Oqc release
- Update region switching for regional device arns (#169)
- fix documentation on environment variable to match the code.
- adding TwoQubitPauliChannel
- added controlled-sqrt-not gate
- Added is_available property to AwsDevice
- optimize IAM role retrieval
- Enable jobs integration tests
- remove extraneous reference from local job container setup
- Adding integration tests for DM1
- Add support for jobs
- Skip jobs integration tests
- Pin docutils<0.18 in doc requirements
- Pin Coverage 5.5
- fixed a spelling nit
- rigetti typo
- Have tasks that are failed output the failure reason from tas…
- Verbatim boxes
- Calculate arbitrary observables when
- Remove immutable default args
- Add test for local simulator device names
- Add documentation for support
- Update copyright notice
- Flatten Tensor Products
- Modify README.md to include update instructions
- Add json schema validation for dwave device schemas.
- add json validation for device schema in unit tests
- Result Type syntax in IR
- Update test_circuit.py
- code Circuit.as_unitary()
- allow integral number types that aren't type int
- Get qubit count without instantiating op
- Require qubit indices to be integers
- fallback on empty dict for device level parameters
- use device data to create device level parameter data when creating a…
- exclude null values from device parameters for annealing tasks
- copy the boto3 session using the default botocore session
- Add reference to the noise simulation example notebook
- Noise operators
- Use GitHub source for tox tests
- Added /taskArn to id field in AwsQuantumTask repr
- Fix link, typos, order
- stop manually managing waiting treads in quantum task batch requests
- roll back dwave change
- Dwave roll back
- use device data to create device level parameter data when creating a quantum annealing task
- check for task completion before entering async event loop
- remove unneeded get_quantum_task calls
- Update user_agent for AwsSession
- Fix broken repository links
- Run unit tests for dependent packages
- Remove STS calls from examples
- Add Python 3.9
- Don't return NotImplemented for boolean
- Use np.eye for identity
- AngledGate equality checks angles
- Unitary equality checks matrix
- Remove hardcoded device ARNs
- Wording changes
- Add note about AWS region in README
- Use main instead of PyPi for build dependencies
- very minor test changes
- remove unneeded calls to sts from the README
- adjust s3_folder naming in README to clarify which bucket to use
- Search for unknown QPUs
- Remove redundant statement, boost coverage
- convert measurements to indices without allocating a high-dimens…
- Raise coverage to 100%
- More scalable eigenvalue calculation
- ensure AngledGate casts its angle argument to float so it can be…
- get correct event loop for task results after running a batch over multiple threads
- remove window check for polling-- revert to polling at all times
- update result_types to use hashing
- Enable Codecov
- Update range of random qubit in test_qft_iqft_h
- Add build badge
- Use GitHub Actions for CI
- Get regions for QPUs instead of providers
- Do not search for simulators in wrong region
- Use current region for simulators in get_devices
- Always accept identity observable factors
- backticks for batching tasks
- add punctuation to aws_session.py
- fix backticks, missing periods in quantum task docs
- fix backticks, grammar for aws_device.py
- Correct integ test bucket
- Point README to developer guide
- Enable retries when retrieving results from AwsQuantumTaskBatch.
- Enable explicit qubit allocation
- Add support for batch execution
- Correctly cache status
- support tags parameter for create method in AwsQuantumTask
- update codeowners
- Enable simultaneous measurement of observables with shared factors
- Add optimization to only poll during execution window
- add observable targets not in instructions to circuit qubit count and qubits
- add sample notebooks link
- change check for s3 bucket exists
- change bucket creation setup for integ tests
- Add error for target qubit set size not equal to operator qubit size in instruction
- Add error message for running a circuit without instructions
- Update docstring for measurement_counts
- Add D-Wave Advantage_system1 arn
- fix black formatting
- Add handling for solution_counts=[] for annealing result
- Add get_devices to search devices based on criteria
- Call async_result() before calling result()
- Convert amplitude result to a complex number
- add readthedocs link to README
This is the public release of the Amazon Braket Python SDK!
The Amazon Braket Python SDK is an open source library that provides a framework that you can use to interact with quantum computing devices through Amazon Braket.