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The animations are not part of the atlas library, so you need to include the js file directly into your application via a script tag. It can be found on the GitHub repository of the animations.

To create an animation, you can inject an instance of IAnimationService inside your razor views or services. The following animations can be created via this service :

  • DropAsync : Adds an offset array property to point shapes and animates its y value to simulate dropping.
  • DropMarkersAsync : Adds an offset to HtmlMarkers to animate its y value to simulate dropping.
  • GroupAnimationAsync : Group multiple animations
  • FlowingDashedLineAsync : Animates the dash-array of a line layer to make it appear to flow.
  • MoveAlongPath : Animates a Point shape or a marker along a path.
  • MoveAlongRouteAsync : Animates a Point shape along a route path.
  • MorphAsync : Animates the morphing of a shape from one geometry type or set of coordinates to another.
  • SetCoordinatesAsync : Animates the update of coordinates on a shape.
  • SnakelineAsync : Animates the path of a LineString.

Each of those methods gives back an Animation which you can further control using its PlayAsync, PauseAsync, ResetAsync, SeekAsync, StopAsync and DisposeAsync methods. Not all the animations exposes those methods.

Note that if you try to use an animation which has already been disposed, the library will raise an AnimationAlreadyDisposedException.

The following example shows how to create a drop animation.

@page "/Animations/Drop"
@inject Components.Animations.IAnimationService AnimationService

@using AzureMapsControl.Components.Map
<AzureMap Id="map"
          CameraOptions="new CameraOptions { Center = new Components.Atlas.Position(-122.33825, 47.53945), Zoom = 7 }"
                                .Enable(MapEventType.Click, MapEventType.Ready)"
          OnReady="OnMapReady" />

@code  {
    private AzureMapsControl.Components.Data.DataSource _dataSource;
    private AzureMapsControl.Components.Animations.IDropAnimation _animation;

    public StyleOptions StyleOptions = new StyleOptions
        Style = MapStyle.GrayscaleDark

    public async Task OnMapReady(MapEventArgs eventArgs)
        _dataSource = new Components.Data.DataSource();
        await eventArgs.Map.AddSourceAsync(_dataSource);

        await eventArgs.Map.AddLayerAsync(new AzureMapsControl.Components.Layers.SymbolLayer
            Options = new Components.Layers.SymbolLayerOptions
                Source = _dataSource.Id,
                IconOptions = new Components.Layers.IconOptions
                    AllowOverlap = true,
                    IgnorePlacement = true,
                    Offset = new Components.Atlas.Expression(new AzureMapsControl.Components.Atlas.Expression[]
                        new AzureMapsControl.Components.Atlas.ExpressionOrString("get"),
                        new AzureMapsControl.Components.Atlas.ExpressionOrString("offset")

    public async Task OnMapClick(MapMouseEventArgs eventArgs)
        if(_animation != null)
            await _animation.DisposeAsync();
        _animation = await AnimationService.DropAsync(new AzureMapsControl.Components.Atlas.Point(eventArgs.Position), _dataSource, null, new AzureMapsControl.Components.Animations.Options.DropAnimationOptions
            AutoPlay = true,
            Easing = AzureMapsControl.Components.Animations.Options.Easing.EaseOutBounce