This Roadmap was built as the Open Teach R Project was born during Mozilla Open Leadership Training, and helped me to share our main goals and objectives. I’m keeping it both as a kind of historical reference for the project and as a way to keep the project going with new goals.
The project initial idea can be found here at this Open Canvas, also built during the training.
- Get the first colaborators onboard: if you love R and have some experience teaching it, then you can join!
- Outline the project MVP: first courses and resources that should be avaliable, etc.
- Colaborators round 2: people interested in actually using the material to teach.
- Build first set of courseware.
- Get feedback from first pratical tests, then revise and modify.
- Global Sprint, yay!
- Seting up good looking and easy to use website.
- Translate courseware to Portuguese.
- Feedback and planning next steps.
- Get feedback from first pratical tests, then revise and modify.
- Seting up good looking and easy to use website.