To download the files for ffplay, go to the following link: FFmpeg
- In "Get packages & executable files", select the windows icon, and go to the provided links with the ffmpeg builds.
- Identify either a zip, tar, or 7z file and download the file. Unzip it.
- Within the ffmpeg build folder, open the folder called "bin". You should see three applications listed: ffmpeg, ffplay, ffprobe
- Create a folder in your local Disk (C:) called "Path_Programs". Copy the three applications from above into this folder.
- Next you will want to "Edit the system environment variables". You can open this from the start window.
- Select "Environment variables"
- Within "User variables", highlight "Path" and then click "Edit.."
- In the new window, select "New", and then add the following path: "C:\Path_Programs".
- Select Ok, then Ok. This will link the ffplay to your terminal in Windows.
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