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File metadata and controls

148 lines (100 loc) · 7.38 KB


Project Structure

All directory references are local to the fedramp-automation/src/validations

  • bin has the validation script.
  • docs/adr has a list of Architectural Decision Records in which the product team documented technical decisions for the project.
  • report/test for XSpec and SCH test outputs
  • report/schematron for the final validations in Schematron SVRL reporting format.
  • rules has the Schematron files for the SSP.
  • sch for the XSpec and Schematron files.
  • target for intermediary and complied artifacs, e.g. XSLT stylesheets, etc.
  • test for any XSpec or other testing artifacts.
  • test/demo has the demo XML file.

Validate XML Files using Schematron

Prerequesite: To ensure that you have all required dependencies (see .gitmodules), run the following command:

git submodule update --init --recursive

Validation Command

The command is:


It has many optional parameters. If the command is run without any parameters, it will download the Saxon HE JAR file in the vendor directory.


The validation command has many parameters; all parameters are optional.

-f fileName is the input file to be tested, ex: -f test/demo/FedRAMP-SSP-OSCAL-Template.xml. If omitted, the XSLT transform will be compiled, but it will not be applied to a document. -s directoryName Schematron directory used to validate the file, ex: -o ~/mySchematronDirecotry. Each sch found within the specified directory will be compliled and generate a separate report. If omitted, defaults to the src relative to the parent of the bin directory where this script is located. -o outputRootDirectory is the root directory of the report output, ex: -o ~/dev/report. -v saxonVersionNumber is used to override the default version (currently 10.5) of SAXON HE, that is downloaded and used if SAXON_CP is not specified, ex: -v 10.2. Note that if SAXON_CP is set as an environment variable and this parameter is specified, then the script will terminate due to inability to determine priority. -b baseDirectory specifies the base directory of the location of this project (for relative references to target, bin and dependencies like OSCAL definiitions), ex: -b /dev/fedramp-automation/resources/validations. If omitted, defaults to the current directory. -t is used to skip the Schematron compilation and used for tranform-only. -h outputs the help/usage for the script.


A typical usage of the validation command:

./bin/ -f ./test/demo/FedRAMP-SSP-OSCAL-Template.xml -o ~/dev/report

Using the command with a different version of Saxon HE. Note that you must download the different version first.

./bin/ -v 10.2
./bin/ -f test/demo/FedRAMP-SSP-OSCAL-Template.xml -o ~/dev/report -v 10.2

Alternatively, you can also use docker-compose to execute the validation script, like so:

docker-compose run \
  -w /root/src/validations \
  validator \
  ./bin/ -f ./test/demo/FedRAMP-SSP-OSCAL-Template.xml

Unit Test

Unit tests consist of:

  • src/validations/test/*.xspec
  • src/validations/styleguides/sch.sch

A make target is provided to run all unit tests:

# If you haven't done so previously: initialize your workspace.
make init
# Run xspec and Schematron tests
make test-validations

Alternately, you may follow the instructions below to run the tests manually.

Running Unit Test

Run the unit tests from with ./fedramp-automation/src/validations directory. The SAXON_CP and TEST_DIR environment variables must be set to the Saxon HE and test report directories, respectively. Note that you may choose to run your preferred version of the Saxon HE JAR file.

The following code assumes that the user is in the ./fedramp-automation/src/validations directory.

export SAXON_CP=$(pwd)/../../vendor/Saxon-HE-10.5.jar
export TEST_DIR=$(pwd)/report/test
../../vendor/xspec/bin/ -s -j test/test_all.xspec

The JUnit XML report will be stored in the path set in the TEST_DIR environment variable.

Alternatively, you can also use docker-compose to execute the test harness, like so:

docker-compose run \
  -w /root/src/validations \
  validator \
  /root/vendor/xspec/bin/ -s -j ./test/test_all.xspec

Adding tests to the harness

To add new tests, add an import to the ./test/test_all.xpec file. For example:

<x:description schematron="../rules/ssp.sch"
    <x:import href="ssp.xspec" />
    <x:import href="new_test.xspec" />

Analyzing Changes to OSCAL Data Models to Update Rules

OSCAL has abstract information models that are converted into concrete data models into XML and JSON.

As a developer, you can look at individual OSCAL files that must conform to schemas for these data models, including SSPs, Components, SAPs, SARs, and POA&Ms. However, looking at individual examples for each respective model will be exhaustive and time-consuming.

The schemas for the models themselves are designed and programmatically designed, cross-referenced between JSON and XML, and generated with appropriate schema validation tools by way of the NIST Metaschema project. Therefore, it is most prudent to focus analysis on the changes in the version-controlled Metaschema declarations, as they define the abstract information model. This information model is used to generate concrete data models in JSON and XML, to be validated by JSON Schema and XSD, respectively.

Developers ought to review the following relevant information sources, in order of least to most effort.

Per 18F/fedramp-automation#61, programmatic diff utilities to semantically analyze the differences between OSCAL versions requires resources not available at this time.

Formatting XML

When contributing, please use the provided XML formatter (htmltidy >= 5.6.0). Formatting options are chosen for readability, and for clean git diffs.

Generating a sample OSCAL System Security Plan XML document

An XSL transform sample-ssp.xsl can be used to produce a (rather rudimentary) OSCAL SSP document in XML form. The transform uses one of the resolved catalogs as input.

Saxon-PE or Saxon-EE is required (such as within oXygen XML Editor). Saxon-HE is not supported, due to extension usage.