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Setup Release2

GitHub Action that downloads a release and provision for later job usage
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Setup Release

example workflow

Forked from KeisukeYamashita/setup-release.

A GitHub Action that downloads a release and provision for later job usage. You don't need to download assets and extract, add system pathes, this action will do it for you with very easy configurations.


- name: Get conftest CLI
  uses: odanado/setup-release@v0
    repository: open-policy-agent/conftest

Dowload and provision tagged and latest release

This is just an example to show one way in which this action can be used.

on: pull_request
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - uses: actions/checkout@v2
      - uses: odanado/setup-release@v0
          repository: spinnaker/kleat
          tag: v0.3.0
      # Use the "kleat" command in the later steps
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - uses: actions/checkout@v2
      - uses: odanado/setup-release@v0
          repository: spinnaker/kleat
      # Use the "kleat" command in the later steps

Action inputs

Name Description Default
arch The asset arch target. This value is case-insensitive. runner.arch
archive Archive type. Currently, tar.gz, darwin and zip is supported. tar.gz
installPath Path to install the extracted asset UUID
repository The GitHub repository where it is released true
platform Assets target platform. linux, darwin is supported. This value is case-insensitive. runner.os
tag GitHub tag of the release latest
token GITHUB_TOKEN or a repo scoped PAT. GITHUB_TOKEN

Note: You cannot use this action if the asset name is not included in the asset name because the search is based on the three inputs(arch, archive and platform) in the field.

Install Path

The extracted assets will be stores in /tmp/${UUID} by default. It is recommented to use this if you have multiple stages that uses this action. But, if you want to configure it, you can use installPath.

Action outputs

Name Description
asset-id ID of the downloaded, provisioned asset
asset-name Name of the downloaded, provisioned asset
restore-from-cache If restored from cache or not
tag Tag that downloaded

Accessing issues in other repositories

You can close issues in another repository by using a PAT instead of GITHUB_TOKEN. The user associated with the PAT must have write access to the repository.



Setup Release2 is not certified by GitHub. It is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation.


GitHub Action that downloads a release and provision for later job usage

Setup Release2 is not certified by GitHub. It is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation.