Split Software: Feature Flags Evaluator
ActionsThis GitHub Action lets you control your GitHub Workflow steps using Split feature flags. A free Split account is all that is needed to use this GitHub Action to control your CI/CD pipelines.
The input parameters of this GitHub Action:
Your server-side Split SDK API key.
The account/user key. For each feature flag, Split will associate this user key with a feature flag evaluation. This association will not change once assigned (unless the feature flag targeting rule is changed).
For randomized continuous integration testing:
To achieve variable feature flag results, you can use randomly-generated user keys. This allows you to randomize continuous integration testing, and control your allocation percentages using your feature flag definitions in the Split UI.
For controlled CI workflow execution paths:
To split your execution path in your CI workflow in a controlled (and repeatable) way, you can consistently use the same user keys, and then specify your user keys in the feature flag's attribute-based targeting rules, by using the
Is in list
condition. This allows you to control your CI workflow using feature flags in the Split UI.
The names of the feature flags to be evaluated. These are the names you defined when creating the feature flags.
This is a multiline parameter. For example:
feature-flags: |
Executing this GitHub Action produces the following output:
A JSON string representation with all evaluated results for the specified user key. For example:
An env
variable will be set for each feature flag. The variable identifier is the given feature flag name and the value is the evaluated treatment result. For example:
Given the input
on: [push]
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
name: A job to test the Split Feature Flag Evaluator github action
- name: Evaluate action step
id: evaluator
uses: splitio/[email protected]
api-key: ${{ secrets.SPLIT_API_KEY }}
key: ${{ secrets.SPLIT_EVAL_KEY }}
feature-flags: |
The env.feature_flag_a
and env.feature_flag_b
variables will be instantiated. These variables can be used in subsequent workflow steps. For example:
Running a workflow step when the evaluation returned on
- name: Run only when treatment ON
if: ${{ env.feature_flag_a == 'on' }}
run: echo "Do something great here"
Running a workflow step when the evaluation returned off
- name: Run only when treatment OFF
if: ${{ env.feature_flag_b == 'off' }}
run: echo "Run something when feature_flag_b is off"
Running a workflow step when there was an error in evaluating a feature flag and the evaluation returned control
- name: Run only when treatment control
if: ${{ env.feature_flag_b == 'control' }}
run: echo "Run something when feature_flag_b was not evaluated successfully"
You may find it useful to have access to the feature flag evaluation results in a different job. To achieve this, the job must set its outputs
and the GitHub Actions jobs dependency keyword needs
is required in a subsequent job that will reference the outputs.
For example:
on: [push]
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
name: A job to run the Split Feature Flags Evaluator github action
- name: Evaluate action step
id: evaluator
uses: splitio/[email protected]
api-key: ${{ secrets.SPLIT_API_KEY }}
key: ${{ secrets.SPLIT_EVAL_KEY }}
feature-flags: |
# The job outputs must be set in order to share the evaluation results
treatments: ${{ steps.evaluator.outputs.result }}
# Set the job dependency, to ensure that the split_evaluator job
# is executed and sets its outputs values before another_job starts.
needs: split_evaluator
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: Run when paywall is enabled
if: ${{ fromJson(needs.split_evaluator.outputs.treatments).enable_paywall == 'on' }}
run: echo 'Paywall has been enabled'
Note that the fromJson
function is required to access the output values as an object:
You can control your workflow by setting job outputs and dependencies and then enabling or disabling a dependent job based on the Split Feature Flags Evaluator action's outputs.
For example:
on: [push]
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
name: A job to run the Split Feature Flags Evaluator github action
- name: Evaluate action step
id: evaluator
uses: splitio/[email protected]
api-key: ${{ secrets.SPLIT_API_KEY }}
key: ${{ secrets.SPLIT_EVAL_KEY }}
feature-flags: |
# Set the job outputs to share the feature flag evaluation results with other jobs
treatments: ${{ steps.evaluator.outputs.result }}
needs: split_evaluator
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: Unit tests
run: echo 'running unit tests...'
- name: Integration tests
run: echo 'running integration tests...'
- name: Integration tests v2
if: ${{ fromJson(needs.split_evaluator.outputs.treatments).integration_tests_v2 == 'on' }}
run: echo 'running integration tests v2...'
needs: [split_evaluator, testing]
if: ${{ fromJson(needs.split_evaluator.outputs.treatments).canary_deploy == 'on' }}
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: Deploy to CANARY env
run: echo 'deploying to CANARY...'
needs: [split_evaluator, testing]
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: Deploy to PROD env
run: echo 'deploying to PROD...'
You can choose to evaluate feature flags from a file rather than from Split servers. To achieve this, the Split Feature Flags Evaluator action can be executed in localhost mode (a.k.a. off-the-grid mode). In this mode, the Split Feature Flags Evaluator neither polls nor updates Split servers. The feature flag evaluations are instead read from a local file.
To use the Split Evaluator action in localhost mode, replace the API Key with "localhost", as shown below:
api-key: 'localhost'
In localhost mode, the Split Feature Flags Evaluator action loads a mapping of feature flag names to treatments (evaluation results) from the .github/splitio/.split
file, without regard to the key
input parameter.
You need to create the .split
file and its contents in your repository's .github/splitio/
folder. The format of this file is two columns separated by a whitespace. The left column is the feature flag name, and the right column is the treatment value. For example:
# this is a comment
reporting_v2 on # env.reporting_v2 will evaluate to 'on'
double_writes_to_cassandra off
new-navigation v3
Important: To access the .split
file, you must run the checkout
action (which checks out all your repo files including the .github/splitio/.split
file) before the Split Feature Flags Evaluator action. The workflow script syntax for this is shown below:
- name: Checkout code
uses: actions/checkout@v2
- name: Evaluate action step
id: evaluator
uses: splitio/[email protected]
api-key: 'localhost'
key: ${{ secrets.SPLIT_EVAL_KEY }}
feature-flags: |
The Split Feature Flags Evaluator GitHub Action is built using the Split SDK for JavaScript.
Split Software: Feature Flags Evaluator is not certified by GitHub. It is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation.