This repo contains scripts to calculate Linkage Disequilibirum (LD) measures. Info on LD:
- csv
- pandas
- matplotlib.pyplot
- numpy
- itertools
- - contains functions to read a VCF, obtain genotype, obtain haplotype, calculate LD measures, outputs a dictionary of LD measures for each rs ID pair, and can create a CSV file of the output.
- - contains functions to create a heatmap each of the LD measures.
- example.ipynb - An example of how to run the code.
- toy_data.vcf - Example data. This is actually a subset of the British population VCF from 1000 Genomes Project
- toy_data_output.csv - Example output from the script.
- r2.png, dprime.png - Example outputs from the script.
- - set up code to set up as a PyPi packed - stil to do.
- structure of repo
- setting up a PyPi package
- any code advice - e.g my use of functions and classes?
- tests?
- poetry?
- anything else :)