Martin Escardo. Notes originally written for the module Advanced Functional Programming of the University of Birmingham, UK.
We discuss function types of the form A → B
(called non-dependent function types) and of the form (x : A) → B x
(called dependent function types). The latter are also called products in type theory and this terminology comes from mathematics.
To introduce functions, we use λ
-abstractions. For example, the identity function can be defined as follows:
id : {A : Type} → A → A
id = λ x → x
But of course this function can be equivalently written as follows, which we take as our official definition:
id : {A : Type} → A → A
id x = x
A logical implication A → B
is represented by the function type A → B
, and it is a happy coincidence that both use the same notation.
In terms of logic, the identity function implements the tautology "A
implies A
" when we understand the type A
as a logical proposition. In general, most things we define in Agda have a dual interpretation type/proposition or program/proof, like this example.
The elimination principle for function types is given by function application, which is built-in in Agda, but we can explicitly (re)define it. We do with the arguments swapped here:
modus-ponens : {A B : Type} → A → (A → B) → B
modus-ponens a f = f a
Modus ponens is the rule logic that says that if the proposition A
holds and A
implies B
, then B
also holds. The above definition gives a computational realization of this.
As already discussed, a dependent function type (x : A) → B x
, with A : Type
and B : A → Type
, is that of functions with input x
in the type A
and output in the type B x
. It is called "dependent" because the output type B x
depends on the input element x : A
The logical interpretation of (x : A) → B x
is "for all x : A, B x".
This is because in order to show that this universal quantification holds, we have to show that B x
holds for each given x:A
. The input is the given x : A
, and the output is a justification of B x
. We will see some concrete examples shortly.
Composition can be defined for "non-dependent functions", as in usual mathematics, and, more generally, with dependent functions. With non-dependent functions, it has the following type and definition:
_∘_ : {A B C : Type} → (B → C) → (A → B) → (A → C)
g ∘ f = λ x → g (f x)
In terms of computation, this means "first do f and then do g". For this reason the function composition g ∘ f
is often read "g
after f
". In terms of logic, this implements "If B implies C and also A implies B, then A implies C".
With dependent types, it has the following more general type but the same definition, which is the one we adopt:
_∘_ : {A B : Type} {C : B → Type}
→ ((y : B) → C y)
→ (f : A → B)
→ (x : A) → C (f x)
g ∘ f = λ x → g (f x)
Its computational interpretation is the same, "first do f and then do g", but its logical understanding changes: "If it is the case that for all y : B we have that C y holds, and we have a function f : A → B, then it is also the case that for all x : A, we have that C (f x) holds".
We have mentioned in the propositions as types table that the official notation in MLTT for the dependent function type uses Π
, the Greek letter Pi, for product. We can, if we want, introduce the same notation in Agda, using a syntax
Pi : (A : Type) (B : A → Type) → Type
Pi A B = (x : A) → B x
syntax Pi A (λ x → b) = Π x ꞉ A , b
Important. We are using the alternative symbol ꞉
(typed "\:4
" in the emacs mode for Agda), which is different from the reserved symbol ":
". We will use the same alternative symbol when we define syntax for the sum type Σ
Notice that, for some reason, Agda has this kind of definition backwards. The end result of this is that now (x : A) → B x
can be written as Π x ꞉ A , B x
in Agda as in type theory. (If you happen to know a bit of maths, you may be familiar with the cartesian product of a family of sets, and this is the reason the letter Π
is used.)