What we bake
++ We can customize our cookies right for your needs. Just imagine it +
++ Oatmeal cookies with golden raisins, orange zest and chocolate + chips +
+ +![arrow-icon](./images/products/arrow.png)
++ Chocolate biscuit coffee cake topped with a buttercream and + powder +
+ +![arrow-icon](./images/products/arrow.png)
++ Light multi-layered croissant strewn with cinammon and almond + “petals” +
+ +![arrow-icon](./images/products/arrow.png)
++ Oatmeal cookies with golden raisins, orange zest and chocolate + chips +
+ +![arrow-icon](./images/products/arrow.png)
+ Few words
+ About us
+ + Like many design teams, Onfido made the transition from Abstract + + Sketch, to Figma in the last couple of years. One of the common + resistance points internally before making that switch, was + Figma’s lack of Git-style branching that Abstract enabled. The + design team had come to rely on branching and had built a lot of + our processes around it. +
+Foundation year