- Name: Yasuharu Goto (後藤 泰陽)
- Date of birth: October 29th, 1984
- Education: Hosei University (Tokyo, Japan) 2004-2007
- Bachelor of Computer Science
- Social media:
- Twitter: ono_matope
- GitHub: matope
- Blog: 小野マトペの納豆ペペロンチーノ日記
- Blog (old): 小野マトペの業務日誌(アニメ制作してない篇)
- Qiita: ono_matope
- Designed and developped a distributed Object Storage System at Yahoo! JAPAN using Go and Cassandra.
- 5 years of experience in Golang programming.
- Technical leadership experience (up to 6 members)
- Experience in developing / managing a web service personally.
- TOEIC score 780.
- Language: Fluent in Go and working knowledge of C++, Java and PHP.
- Database: Fluent in Cassandra and working knowledge of MySQL.
- OS: Linux (Red Hat based)
- Extremely creative with problem solving skills.
- Joined a project to develop a Object Storage as a jounior engineer. (2009-)
- Joined a project to introduce NoSQL distributed database to the company. I had some performance surveys for some Open Source database software. After the introduction of Cassandra, I supported trouble shootings to solve problems happen in the operation. (2012-)
- Designed and developped "Dragon" a new object storage as a tech lead of a small team (2014-).
- After the launch in Jan 2016, continued to improve the product.
- Dragon was storing over 11PB and 20Billion objects as at Nov 2017.
- Joined to Merpay as an ID platform developer.
- Released mercari/go-circuitbreaker as an OSS(detail)
- Started working as an freelance engineer since 2021.
- slide: Introduction to context package (in Japanese / talk as a indivisual) (2016/08/08)
- Introduced new package "context" that was introduced in Go1.7 at "Go1.7 Release Party in Tokyo".
- mercari.go #12 go-circuitbreakerのご紹介 - Speaker Deck
- at mercari.go #12 (December/06/2019)
- slide: Cassandra Summit 2016 注目セッション報告 (in Japanese) (2016/10/12)
- A participation report of Cassandra Summit 2016 at "Cassandra meetup in Tokyo, Fall 2016". I summarized and introduced a presentation on the improvements of storage engine in Cassandra 3.0.
slide: Developping Yahoo! JAPAN's distributed object storage in Go - Go Conference 2017 Spring (3/25/2017)
- Introduced our case in developing Distributed Object Storage called "Dragon" in Golang at Go Conference 2017 Spring.
slide: Dragon: A Distributed Object Storage at Yahoo! JAPAN (WebDB Forum … (English version. 9/19/2017)
- Introduced Dragon's architecture at WebDB Forum 2017 in Ochanomizu-Univ.
blog: ヤフーの分散オブジェクトストレージ Dragon について - Yahoo! JAPAN Tech Blog (10/12/2017)
- Published a blog post that share details of Dragon's architecture and considerations on Yahoo! JAPAN's tech-blog.
- Add support for Expect:100-continue to Go's net/http client.
- Merged to Go1.6 (5/15/2016)
- Ticket: net/http: Client support for Expect: 100-continue · Issue #3665 · golang/go
- Reported Github Enterprise support issue in go get. (11/12/2016)
- Reported an issue that go get can not work with sub-directories in GHE. This issue has been solved by GHE team.
- Ticket: cmd/go: add support for GitHub Enterprise import path · Issue #17898 · golang/go
- Improved SELECT latency for large partitions by 40% (2016/10/04)
- Ticket: [CASSANDRA-12731]
- Merged in Cassandra 3.10.
- Just small amount of code, but the removal of in-memory cache gained efficiency.
- Also fixed a bug in compaction process which I found in the work.
- Add Prepared CQL statement to query trace records to improve traceability of query execution performance. (2016/05/06)
- Ticket: [CASSANDRA-11425]
- Merged in Cassandra 3.8。
- Investigated and reported a serious data-collapsing bug produced during upgrading to Cassandra 3.0. (3/17/2017)
- Our team members including me patiently found a way to reproduce the issue which was accidentally found in our cluster.
- The issue was fixed in priority "Urgent" by the Cassandra committers.
- Ticket: CASSANDRA-13125, CASSANDRA-13320
- gocql
- I made 9 ontributions which includes bug-fix and improvements to gocql an Cassandra driver for Go.
- Tickets:Pull Requests · gocql/gocql
- I made 9 ontributions which includes bug-fix and improvements to gocql an Cassandra driver for Go.
- circuitbreaker
- Had 2 contributions to circuitbreaker which is an Circuit Breaker library for Go including context support.
- In 2007, Launched a web service called "favotter" which is personally created.
- Which crawls and ranks "favorites" from Twitter.
- Recorded 10M Page Views per month at the peek.
- Blog posts
- Qiita articles
- zenn.dev articles