- Add custom inflections if needed
- Also add custom rules to the
Application helper and thecollection_name
Characters helper if needed
- Also add custom rules to the
- Create the necessary migrations & models
- Add indexes and validations as necessary
- Fill out the newly created models
- Create the rake task to load the new collection
- Add the new task to update tasks in
- Add the new task to update tasks in
- Create new image directories as needed
- Add
files in the public directories and force check in to Git
- Add
- Update
to create new spritesheets as needed - Update
with any new image directories - Update the list of
in the Characters controller - Add the new collection to the relationship list in the Character model
- Add the new collection to the routes lists (standard, mod, and api if desired)
- Add a link to the new route in the navbar
- Add the new collection to the list on the Mod Dashboard
- Copy an existing controller & views and modify as necessary for the new collection
- Also do this for the API if desired
- Copy an existing mod controller and modify as necessary for the new collection
- Add the new collection to the
model list - Update the API documentation in the repo wiki if new endpoints were added
- Add the new collectable to the appropriate image list in
- Create the new image directories in the application's
directory - Set the one-time task in
to the newly created rake task- This will allow the new collection to be populated during the deployment
- Push the latest code changes to GitHub
- Deploy with Capistrano
- Set the new collectable sources on the production application via the Mod Dashboard