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Sample Signal Sciences Python API Client

This script can be used on the command line to query the Signal Sciences API, or it can be included as a module to query the API in your own Python script.

Command Line Options

usage: [-h] [--from  =<value>] [--until =<value>]
                 [--tags [TAGS [TAGS ...]]] [--ctags [CTAGS [CTAGS ...]]]
                 [--server SERVER] [--ip IP] [--limit LIMIT]
                 [--field {all,totalCount,next,data}] [--file FILE] [--list]
                 [--format {json,csv}] [--pretty] [--sort {desc,asc}]
                 [--agents] [--feed] [--feed2] [--timeseries]
                 [--rollup ROLLUP] [--list-events] [--event-by-id =<value>]
                 [--custom-alerts] [--custom-alerts-add]
                 [--custom-alerts-delete] [--whitelist-parameters]
                 [--whitelist-parameters-add] [--whitelist-parameters-delete]
                 [--whitelist-paths] [--whitelist-paths-add]
                 [--whitelist-paths-delete] [--whitelist] [--whitelist-add]
                 [--whitelist-delete] [--blacklist] [--blacklist-add]
                 [--blacklist-delete] [--request-rules] [--request-rules-add]
                 [--request-rules-delete] [--signal-rules]
                 [--signal-rules-add] [--signal-rules-delete] [--redactions]
                 [--redactions-add] [--redactions-delete] [--integrations]
                 [--headerlinks] [--version]

Signal Sciences API Client.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --from  =<value>      Filter results from a specified time.
  --until =<value>      Filter results until a specified time.
  --tags [TAGS [TAGS ...]]
                        Filter results on one or more tags.
  --ctags [CTAGS [CTAGS ...]]
                        Filter results on one or more custom tags.
  --server SERVER       Filter results by server name.
  --ip IP               Filter results by remote ip.
  --limit LIMIT         Limit the number of results returned from the server
                        (max: 999).
  --field {all,totalCount,next,data}
                        Specify fields to return (default: data).
  --file FILE           Output results to the specified file.
  --list                List all supported tags
  --format {json,csv}   Specify output format (default: json).
  --pretty              Pretty print the JSON ourput.
  --sort {desc,asc}     Specify sort order (default: asc).
  --agents              Retrieve agent metrics.
  --feed                Retrieve data feed.
  --feed2               Retrieve data feed. Version 2
  --timeseries          Retrieve timeseries data.
  --rollup ROLLUP       Rollup interval in seconds for timeseries requests.
  --list-events         List events (flagged IPs).
  --event-by-id =<value>
                        Get an event by event ID.
  --custom-alerts       Retrieve custom alerts.
  --custom-alerts-add   Add custom alerts.
                        Delete custom alerts.
                        Retrieve whitelist parameters.
                        Add whitelist parameters.
                        Delete whitelist parameters.
  --whitelist-paths     Retrieve whitelist paths.
                        Add whitelist paths.
                        Delete whitelist paths.
  --whitelist           Retrieve IP whitelist.
  --whitelist-add       Add to IP whitelist.
  --whitelist-delete    Delete IP whitelist.
  --blacklist           Retrieve IP blacklist.
  --blacklist-add       Add to IP blacklist.
  --blacklist-delete    Delete IP blacklist.
  --request-rules       Retrieve request rules.
  --request-rules-add   Add request rules.
                        Delete request rules.
  --signal-rules        Retrieve signal rules.
  --signal-rules-add    Add signal rules.
                        Delete signal rules.
  --redactions          Retrieve redactions.
  --redactions-add      Add to redactions.
  --redactions-delete   Delete redactions.
  --integrations        Retrieve integrations.
  --headerlinks         Retrieve headerlinks.
  --version             Display version.


There are several options for specifying your credentials for authentication. You can set credentials via environment variables or via a configuration file. In addition, you can use API tokens (preferred) or password.

Note: If you set values for both API token and password, API token will take precedence.

Authenticate Using Environment Variables (with API token)

export SIGSCI_EMAIL=<API User Email>
export SIGSCI_CORP=<Corp Name>
export SIGSCI_SITE=<Site Name>

Authenticate Using Environment Variables (without API token)

export SIGSCI_EMAIL=<API User Email>
export SIGSCI_PASSWORD=<API User Password>
export SIGSCI_CORP=<Corp Name>
export SIGSCI_SITE=<Site Name>

Authenticate Using Configuration File

You can specify a configuration file with the --config option. See example configuration file.

With API token

email=<API User Email>
api-token =<API Token>
corp=<Corp Name>
site=<Site Name>

Without API token

email=<API User Email>
password=<API User Password>
corp=<Corp Name>
site=<Site Name>

Example Command Line Usage

Display help.

./ -h

Return all requests that have been tagged in the last 6 hours.


Return all requests that have been tagged in the last 6 hours in CSV format.

./ --format csv

Return all requests that have been tagged in the last hour in CSV format.

./ --format csv --from=-1h

Return all requests that have been tagged with SQLI, XSS, or TRAVERSAL starting at 4 hours ago until 2 hours ago.

./ --from=-4h --until=-2h --tags SQLI XSS TRAVERSAL

Retrieve agent metrics.

./ --agents

Requests feed (bulk download).

./ --feed

Retrieve list of events.

./ --list-events

Copying configurations from one site to another.

export SIGSCI_EMAIL=<API User Email>
export SIGSCI_PASSWORD=<API User Password>
export SIGSCI_CORP=<Corp Name>

# Site name that has the config you wish to copy:
export SIGSCI_SITE=<Source Site Name>

./ —-custom-alerts —-file source-config.json

# Change site variable to the site you wish to copy config to:
export SIGSCI_SITE=<Target Site Name>

./ —-custom-alerts-add —-file source-config.json

rm source-config.json

Example Module Usage

#!/usr/bin/env python
# Retrieve agent metrics and output to file.

from SigSciApiPy.SigSci import *
import os.path
import json

# setup sigsci api module
sigsci = SigSciAPI()

# required variables = ""
sigsci.pword = ""
sigsci.corp  = ""  = ""
sigsci.file  = "/tmp/sigsci_agent_metrics.json"

# check if temp file already exists, if so then delete it
if os.path.isfile(sigsci.file):

if sigsci.authenticate():

with open(sigsci.file) as json_file:    
    agents = json.load(json_file)

for agent in agents['data']:
    print agent['agent.current_requests']