You will need to get a stackexchange key. Use your name, not the so_pip name so StackExchange doesn't think I personally am registering multiple keys for the same product.
To run a build
git clone
poetry install --with dev
# todo list pipx installs, e.g. pylint, isort, etc.
poetry shell
# verify code
python -m navio package
# update version number...
poetry build
# twine upload...
The rest is fork/edit/pull request.
git clone
python -m venv venv
. venv/Scripts/activate
pip install -r .config/requirements.txt
# some tools can't co-exist in the same virtual environment
pipx install pylint
pipx install isort
python -m so_pip --version
cd docker
./ search zip --query="how do I zip" --tags="python" --verbose --output=/data