The following is a list of major changes to bare
. To avoid making the top of this file increasingly irrelevant as time goes on, the upgrades are listed in reverse chronological order.
- makes one big file
- creates
directory as opposed to.var
, and.etc
- stops sourcing
- You'll no longer be able to run scripts from
directory - The
are no longer sourced - If you set up an alias for in your
(or similar), you'll need to tweak that
(instead ofbare
You can run the following migration script to get those things back into context.
Copy and paste this into your terminal or make it an executable file. Run the script from the root of your
#!/usr/bin/env bash
mkdir -p home
for item in scripts recfiles downloads .cache; do
mkdir -p "home/$item"
mkdir home/.cache/weather
for item in document openai; do
mkdir -p "home/recfiles/$item"
mkdir home/imports
touch home/recfiles/document/list.rec
touch home/recfiles/document/tags.rec
for item in assistants messages threads; do
touch home/recfiles/openai/$item.rec
cp -r .var home/imports/
mv home/imports/.var/.cache/weather/* home/.cache/weather/ && rm -rf home/imports/.var/.cache
mv home/imports/.var/.cache/geo.txt home/.cache/ && rm -rf home/imports/.var/.cache/geo.txt
mv home/imports/.var/sync home/version && rm -rf home/imports/.var/sync
mv home/imports/.var/scripts/* home/scripts/ && rm -rf home/imports/.var/scripts
mv home/imports/.var/documents home/desktop/ && rm -rf home/imports/.var/documents
mv home/imports/.var/downloads home/downloads
mv home/imports/.var/home/.??* home/imports/.var/home/* home/desktop/ && rm -rf home/imports/.var/home
mv home/imports/.var/recfiles/* home/recfiles/ && rm -rf home/imports/.var/recfiles
mkdir home/www && mv home/imports/.var/www home/www
mkdir home/backups
mv .etc home/backups/.etc && mv .var home/backups/.var
} > /dev/null 2>&1
recsel $db -t Document >> $rec_dir/document/list.rec
recsel $db -t Tag >> $rec_dir/document/tags.rec
recsel $db -t Assistant >> $rec_dir/openai/assistants.rec
recsel $db -t Thread >> $rec_dir/openai/threads.rec
recsel $db -t ThreadMessage >> $rec_dir/openai/messages.rec
rm $db
# move everything else that might be there, including dotfiles
mv home/imports/.var/.??* home/desktop/ && rm -rf home/imports
cat .etc/barerc >> home/.barerc
echo "" >> home/.barerc
cat ~/.barerc >> home/.barerc
echo "" >> home/.barerc
} > /dev/null 2>&1
sleep 0.4
echo ""
echo "✅ Migration complete!"
echo ""
sleep 0.3
echo ""
echo "We copied and sorted everything accordingly and put"
echo ".var and .etc in home/backups in case we missed anything."
echo ""
echo "Feel free to remove those if you're confident we got everything."
echo ""
echo "And consider removing any 'exports' in your home/.barerc file as exporting is no"
echo "longer strictly necessecary here; normal variable assignment is okay."
echo ""
echo "Lastly, if you had 'bare' aliased in your shell rc file, you'll need to"
echo "change that to '$(pwd)/'. Don't forget to source your shell rc file."
echo ""