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- This journey was made easier with the help of:
- The resulting bot is usubot
- This article's purpose is to become a tutorial for those who would want to use bot-components
First things first, we need to make sure that we're able to receive messages from GitHub.
- Start by creating a channel on smee.io
- Install the smee client:
npm install global smee-client
- there are other way that you can find when you create your channel
- Start forwarding any webhooks to your channel to your localhost
smee -u https://smee.io/OHVrxtvcvfBMZGFD --path /event_handler --port 3000
- Don't stop the client or close the window, this will be helpful for the rest of this journey
Go on your apps settings page on github and click on create a New Github App
Fill the Homepage URL with the url provided by smee:
Fill the Webhook URL with the url provided by smee:
Create a password to secure your webhook endpoints: