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Main Concepts in DOSE

Maurice HT Ling edited this page Feb 17, 2014 · 10 revisions

There are a couple of concepts in DOSE that are necessary to grasp before writing a simulation.

  • Bases, Chromosomes, and Genome: A genome is the entire set of genes for an organism and it can be in one or more chromosomes. The genetic alphabets that made up a gene are known as bases. In biology, the number of chromosomes in an organism can vary from 1 (most bacteria) to as many as 1260 (a fern known as Adder's-Tongue, with the largest number of chromosomes known to date), and the size of genome can range from 160 thousand bases (Carsonella ruddi, a bacterium) to 149 billion bases (Paris japonica, a rare Japanese flower).

  • Organism, and Population:

  • Ecosystem and World:

  • Mutations:

  • Gene Expression:

  • Multi-populations: